Chapter 40: Loot the bandits’ den

"Shen Ru, are you so sure that the official mission will come?"

Shen Ping said worriedly, her mind thinking elsewhere.

Maybe, take this opportunity to run away?
It’s not like they left on their own, the bandits kidnapped them!

"Shen Ru, you said..."

Shen Ping asked tentatively.

"Let's run. It's better to run away than to be captured and sent to Liangzhou to do hard labor!"

"That's right, I can hardly hold on on this road of exile. Let's run!"

Shen Ping is not the only one who has this idea, others are also starting to consider it.

Shen Ru remained motionless, sitting on the steps chewing radishes that came out of the kitchen of the bandit's den.

She didn’t know whether she grew it herself or bought it, but the radishes were very juicy and there was a basket next to her.

She had put all the other things into the space. There wasn't a lot of food in the bandit's nest, just some rice, a few eggs, and some vegetables.

However, the bandit leader, One-Eyed Dragon, hid more than a dozen taels of silver and some looted things, and now they are all in her space.

"Shen Ru, please tell me, should we go?"

Shen Ping became anxious and stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

"I want to walk, I want to stay. If the official doesn't come again, I'm going to ride down on my own."

Shen Ru said, "Didn't you hear what these bandits said? We are all hiding from the light. After we run away, we can go wherever we can. If the whole family has been exiled, well, the imperial criminals are hiding from the light." It’s up to you to change your identity for the rest of your life!”

The official arrived so slowly. Didn't he light a fire in the yard? The official should have seen the smoke floating up.

Shen Ru said calmly and seemed to let them make their own decisions.

But as soon as she said this, the official arrived, and the others didn't know if their thoughts had rested.

Shen Ru is going to Liangzhou, and then waits for Prince Jing to really rebel. In the end, everyone who was implicated and exiled by Prince Jing's palace this time will be pardoned.

So, why should she spend a few years hiding her head and hiding her tail?

"Is this what you did?"

The officer saw the tied bandit and looked at Shen Ru in shock.

Shen Ru nodded and said proudly: "I am Shen Ru of the Anguo Marquis Mansion. My grandfather was once a frontier general. Although he is now a prisoner, he can still capture a few bandits!"

The official looked at Shen Ru strangely, and finally took the bandit and the women back without saying anything.

"Aru!" Seeing Shen Ru's return, Shen Yan and others immediately hugged him, and Shen's mother even hugged Shen Ru!
"Mom, no, no, I'm still holding something!"

Shen Ru immediately whispered and took out the basket of radishes.

"The big radish is juicy and juicy, and very crunchy!"

"You child!"

Mother Shen couldn't laugh or cry. How could anyone go to a bandit's den and come back with a basket of white radishes?

"You're not wronged."

"Of course I won't be wronged. Everyone is back and we're on the road again. Let's all get on the carriage first!"

Knowing that all the bandits had been beaten and captured by Shen Ru, and that the other prisoners had returned safely, Chen Qing didn't say anything more and ordered all the officials to get on the road immediately.

"Sister, this white radish is so delicious!"

When Shen Xuan and Shen Nian saw Shen Ru returning safely and bringing back such delicious radish, they immediately chased her and asked her what happened!

"Those bandits are not very good at kung fu. They are a bit fierce. But who am I? My grandfather taught me a lot of kung fu."

Shen Ru said with a smile, "I used a little trick to restrain the bandit leader, then threatened him and took down the others, and then the officers and soldiers came!"

"Anyway, you brought me a basket of radishes." Shen Ru said it very lightly, and his younger brother and sister's eyes lit up.

"Sister, I also want to learn kung fu, I want to be like you!"

Shen Xuan looked at Shen Ru with bright eyes.

"I want me too!"

Shen Nian immediately echoed, "Sister is so awesome, I want to be as awesome as her!"


Shen Ru smiled and said, "When we get to Liangzhou, my sister will teach me!"

In the carriage here, there is laughter and laughter, and it is very leisurely.

Over there at Shen Ping, except for Qian who cared about her, everyone else was a little suspicious of whether Shen Ping had been taken advantage of.

"You're useless, Shen Ru can get back a basket of radishes, but you, why don't you have anything?"

Feng Shi even pointed at Shen Ping and cursed, "I was arrested for nothing. It's been several hours, and you haven't done anything."

"Sister Ping, those are bandits!"

Yang said with a hint of meaning in his words.

Even his cousin Shen Ming looked at Shen Ping up and down, his eyes a little dark.

"I know what you are thinking. Shen Ru saved everyone. Before the bandits touched us, Shen Ru beat the bandits to pieces."

Shen Ping said angrily: "Yes, I'm useless. Shen Ru was taught martial arts by her grandfather since she was a child; I was taught to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and be good at female celebrities since I was a child. If something really happened, who caused it that I was useless? "

"If grandma, you weren't prejudiced at first, wouldn't grandpa teach me?"

"Blame me, do you blame me?"

Mrs. Feng yelled: "It's your grandfather who was biased. It was in vain that I gave him an innocent daughter's family and gave him a widower as his second wife. It's unfair for him!"

"Hum hum!"

Shen Ping sneered, they have the same grandfather, but they are both inferior to Shen Ru, whose fault is this!
When they arrived at the inn in the evening, Cui Ti came to invite Shen Ru again.

"Miss Shen, you were caught by bandits and taken to the mountain. Did you do it on purpose?"

Cui Ti asked curiously, "Since you are so capable, why don't you leave?"

"If it were anyone else, they might not be able to survive if they leave, but I believe that if you escape, you will definitely live a good life."

Shen Ru smiled and answered honestly.

"Because... I can't let go of my family!"

"If I run away, the officials will anger my family. How will my frail parents, aunts, and younger brothers and sisters survive!"

Cui Ti still said regretfully: "But as long as you escape, you will have a chance to save your family."

"But this road of exile is not very difficult for us!"

Shen Ru smiled, she suspected that Cui Ti wanted to use her hand to rescue the people in Prince Jing's Mansion.

But according to her understanding, the old lady will not leave. She would rather die as the old lady of Prince Jing's Mansion than waste her life in anonymity!
Cui Ti was speechless for a moment.

Shen Ru's family is indeed living a leisurely life.

Riding in a big carriage, having food, no wind or rain, and having a good relationship with the officials.

This is not an exile, this is probably not a tourist trip!

"If Miss Cui has nothing else to do, I'll go back. My parents are very worried about me!"

Shen Ru said, what Cui Ti wants to do, she really doesn't want to go with her.

If this girl is really in love and runs away with the people from Prince Jing's Mansion, isn't her Cui family afraid of being implicated?
(End of this chapter)

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