Chapter 41 Heavy snow blocks roads
After walking for several days, they had finished eating the white radish. Shen Ru lamented that it was getting colder after only walking for a few days.

The sky was gray and the clouds were so low that they seemed to be suppressing them.

"Is it going to snow today...?"

Shen Ru was a little worried and said, "It's snowing at this time, isn't it normal?"

"Are there not many abnormal things?"

Shen Yan replied, "Though along the way, there have been droughts, refugees, earth dragons turning over, wind and sand rolling away rocks, and strange phenomena happening all over the place. I'm afraid... the court will be unstable!"

As the former Marquis, Shen Yan still noticed something was wrong in the court.

It’s always been unstable!
Shen Ru thought in her heart, apart from the true and false claims of rebellion in Prince Jing's Mansion, this exile has implicated many court officials, and it is a purge of hundreds of officials!

"I have a hunch that after we arrive at the inn, we may have to be detained for several days. It feels like it's going to snow soon!"

Shen Ru murmured, "Hey, I always feel like something is going to happen."

The dark sky made Shen Ru feel a little irritable.

In the afternoon, snow started to fall, and it got heavier and heavier.

The official could only drive people away and ask everyone to speed up, so that they would reach the inn before dark.

"It's so weird that it's snowing this time. This is not the time for snow in previous years!"

At the inn, Shen Rucai got off the carriage and heard the officials talking.

"Yes, it's so heavy since it first arrived. With this situation, the road will be closed due to heavy snow in less than half a night. How can we get to the road below?"

"Have you heard that the current emperor has killed some more people to honor the power of God?"

"I also heard that the south is gaining momentum. I always feel that our emperor will be easy to do in a few days. So what do you think of us..."

"You don't want your life. Is this what you can say?"

The whispers of the officials reached Shen Ru's ears, causing Shen Ru to frown.

In the original book, there is no description of this period of exile, so she doesn't know what will happen.

The carriages were all in the backyard of the inn, and the prisoners went to a special detention place.

Shen Ru and her family kept a low profile and spent the night peacefully.

The next day, everyone was woken up by the noise.

It's completely white and the roads are blocked by heavy snow!
The Cheng of Chen Qingtong Station is discussing the resettlement of this large wave of prisoners.

The road is impassable, but this large number of people, even if they have two steamed buns a day, can make the station poor!

"Mr. Chen, I have more than a dozen horses in this station. Just raising these horses costs money. I can't control the food of your large group of people."

Yi Cheng said directly, "Besides, shouldn't the food for these prisoners be distributed by the state government?"

“We’ve eaten all the food we had before, and we can’t get back to us. The roads are blocked by heavy snow, and we can’t go to the next city. We don’t know how many days we’ll have to stay here!”

Chen Qing was troubled. He didn't know that there wasn't that much food here.

"Master Chen, our little inn really can't do anything about this matter."

"This heavy snow has also cut off the food and fodder of the inn. If the closure lasts for ten days and a half, my horses... will also be without food!"

Chen Qing knew that what Yi Cheng said was true, but he was troubled because there were so many people that he had to eat.

Prisoners can't move around at will, but Shen Ru is so excited!

She has never seen such thick snow!

"Father, mother, please wait here while I go out to see Uncle Fu." Shen Ru made an excuse, said a few words to the jailer, and walked out smoothly.

Wow, in this vast white field, it would be so much fun to build a snowman in the snow and have a snowball fight with my brothers and sisters!

"Who is this……"

Yi Cheng was a little puzzled when he saw Shen Ru walking out in prison clothes.

Chen Qing snorted and then said: "In the previous suppression of bandits, it was Miss Shen who penetrated the hostility and killed all the bandits in one fell swoop."

"Oh, what a hero among women!"

Yi Cheng immediately understood that many of the people exiled this time were the family members of important officials in the imperial court, and indeed they were not treated uniformly.

Cui Ti also walked out, and Yi Cheng's eyes lit up.

"This is again..."

"This girl Cui took it upon herself to take care of the prisoners. Well, she is rich."

Shen Ru took the lead and said, "Mr. Chen, we can't walk this way, so everyone should stay at the inn for a few more days!"

"You say it lightly, but who can bear the responsibility for delaying the journey!"

Chen Qing scolded, "These hundreds of prisoners have to eat every day, and the post station can satisfy them."

"How much do you need?"

Cui Ti spoke. She had brought a lot of food. If she could help survive a few days this time, she would be able to take more care of the people in Prince Jing's Mansion and the official officials in the future.

"This girl looks kind-hearted, and I think she also has a kind-hearted heart."

Yi Cheng immediately burst into laughter. "Miss Cui, why don't you go to the kitchen with me? I'm sorry, I really can't afford to feed so many prisoners!"

Cui Ti nodded, followed by the maid, and walked away with Yi Cheng.

"Are you sure she will take action?"

Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru curiously. Wasn't Shen Ru the one who was taken advantage of before?
Shen Ru chuckled and said bluntly:
"Master Chen, haven't you gathered enough wool for my family?"

"Miss Cui is kind-hearted and doesn't want people to go hungry, so she will think of ways to do it."

Cui Ti's mother was the daughter of a wealthy businessman, leaving her many connections. She was also able to do business, and secretly monopolized the rice and cloth merchants in the Qinling area. She didn't know the details. The person described in the original book The heroine has endless wealth, but she only loves Pei Wenjing.It was all because of Pei Wenjing's life-saving grace when she was young that Pei Wenjing was the only one she would marry in her life!
It's a pity that Pei Wenjing was her sister-in-law's fiancé when she was alive, so she could only fulfill her filial piety for him after his death!
Chen Qing couldn't understand why these women were so weird.

Shen Ru's kung fu is unbelievably high, unlike a noble daughter.

And Miss Cui seems to be too kind and generous!
"Mr. Chen, no one can leave anyway, so let them all out."

Shen Ru suggested with a smile, "You can't help but take a look at such beautiful northern scenery!"

Chen Qing glanced at Shen Ru and said bluntly: "Do you think everyone is recharging their energy like your family members?"

"Let them go for a walk on this snowy day. Believe it or not, they will get sores on their feet."

"Hehe, let those who want to come out for a walk. That Datong shop doesn't taste very good."

Shen Ru said casually, "That's it, I'll go call my parents."

Who says there is nothing in the snow? If you don’t go out for a walk, no one will know, right?

Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru's comfortable appearance and was sure that there was someone behind Shen Ru's back.

So now, Shen Ru and Cui Ti are the rich men on their way to exile.

Thinking that his wallet would be full again, Chen Qing nodded with satisfaction. Appropriate indulgence would be good for himself and other officials.

(End of this chapter)

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