Chapter 42 Delicious but Dumplings
Shen Xuan and Shen Nian were still children. Seeing the ankle-deep snow, they both felt joy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Sister, can we build a snowman?"

Shen Xuan's eyes were shining brightly. She had never been so happy along the way.

"Okay, you can roll around in the snow if you want!"

Shen Ru said with a smile, and grabbed a handful of snow and threw it on her sister.

"Ah, sister, you are so bad!"

Shen Xuan refused to suffer any loss and immediately reciprocated with Shen Ru.

"Nian'er, hurry up, the eldest sister is older than us, we have to beat her together!"

Shen Xuan didn't forget to enlist her younger brother as a helper.

Shen Yan and his wife and concubines stood under the eaves, hands folded in their cloaks, watching their children playing carefree.

"If it weren't for the clothes I was wearing, I would have almost forgotten that we were in exile."

Shen Yan said with emotion.

"It's like I'm in a dream. I was planning a happy event, but I immediately became a prisoner."

Shen's mother sighed and said, "I thought we were going to suffer a lot, but who knew that Aru would allow us to have enough food and clothing, and ride in a carriage. This is really like a dream."

"It's just like a dream!" Lian Shi also said, "Aru is our lucky star!"

In the guest room of the inn, there were two faceless masters and servants watching Shen Ru and the others playing in the snow from upstairs.

"Didn't Yi Cheng say that there are many prisoners imprisoned downstairs? Are these prisoners?"

The young and stalwart man looked puzzled and said in a questioning tone.

"Sir, maybe they are unusual prisoners!"

"Are there still grades of prisoners? When we get to Liangzhou, I want to see what other qualities this person has."

The man's words were full of dissatisfaction.

The laughter and laughter of the three siblings, Shen Ru, attracted many prisoners.

How can a child not be playful? Soon, some other children ran into the snow to play.

Shen Ru was playing and went outside the courtyard of the inn. Along the roadside, some turquoise fell into her eyes against the snow.

This is... shepherd's purse!

Peeling away the snow, Shen Ru's eyes shined.

Shepherd’s purse and fresh meat dumplings are delicious!
"Xuanxuan, Nian'er, go get a basket, I found wild vegetables!"

Shen Ru shouted loudly, shepherd's purse is an excellent thing!
Shen Xuan and Shen Nian were stunned. Did their sister pick up something again?

The two siblings immediately ran to get the basket. The others couldn't help but be moved after hearing this. Shen Ru was very lucky. She said she could eat whatever she could.

After getting the news, Shen Yan and others were the first to come over with baskets.

"Aru, which one is edible?"

"This one is buried under the snow. There should be a lot of it. This one is called shepherd's purse."

Shen Ru dug up a few shepherd's purse plants and showed them to his family.

"Aru, mother, this is the weeds on the roadside!"

Shen's mother said distressedly, "What if mother picks the wrong one?"

"It's okay, just pick them out when the time comes. Yes, just turn over the snow. Many people don't know the wild vegetables on the roadside here."

Shen Ru said to do it, and she also had flour. When the time came, she would make wontons and dumplings. If she couldn't finish it, she would pack it and bury it in the snow and freeze it. Maybe she could have a few more meals on the way!
After Yi Cheng made peace with Cui Ti, he was surprised to see many prisoners picking up things in the snow on the side of the road next to the post station.

"Master Chen, what are they doing?"

"Oh, dig wild vegetables."

Chen Qing is no longer surprised after seeing so many things. Shen Ru can always find strange things. "Did you not even have anything to eat on the way to exile?"

Yi Cheng couldn't help but asked in shock: "Has it become so low that the prisoners dig wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger?"

“The white steamed buns with wild vegetables taste very good.”

Chen Qing didn't know whether what he said was true or sarcastic, which sounded a little strange to Yi Cheng's ears.

"It's strange. I have been here for many years, but I didn't know there were edible wild vegetables on the roadside."

Shen Ru noticed that the appearance of wild vegetables also fell in the eyes of the man upstairs.

Seeing a group of prisoners scraping the snow, he looked at Shen Ru a few more times.

Previously, he had preconceived the idea that the prisoner must have bribed officials in his family to appear to have suffered little. However, he was actually able to dig wild vegetables and had the effect of being able to respond to a hundred people, which made the man particularly shocked.

"Lu Yi, go back and see what kind of wild vegetables they are and see if they are edible. If so, I would like to see if there is another kind of crop in Liangzhou."

"Your Excellency has foresight, and my subordinates will definitely go find out."

Shen Ru was not greedy for more. He picked a basket full of shepherd's purses and called his family back.

"Master Yi Cheng, can I borrow the kitchen?"

Shen Ru smiled and greeted Yi Cheng who was standing with Chen Qing.

"If Mr. Chen agrees, I will also agree."

Chen Qing nodded. As long as Shen Ru didn't cause trouble, he would turn a blind eye.

Shen Ru excused herself by saying that in the space, she had taken in all the food from the kitchen that day, including pork.

Therefore, she is determined to eat these shepherd’s purse and pork dumplings!

The kitchen is very empty, and the cook at the inn is idle before meal time.

When Shen Ru saw that there was meat in the kitchen, she deliberately discussed with the cook to buy some. She only wanted a little, but gave her a tael of silver.

Soon, the sound of chopping meat could be heard in the kitchen.

On the pretext of asking his parents to get flour from the carriage and his younger brothers and sisters to pick up shepherd's purse, Shen Ru stomped on a piece of pork in his own space and some meat bought from the cook.

By the time Shen Yan and the others came over with a small bag of flour, Shen Rudu had already cooked the minced meat!

"Dad, Mom, if you don't know how to talk to each other, go out first!"

Shen Ru sent Shen's father and the three of them away, and then took his younger brothers and sisters to start kneading the dough and rolling out the dumpling wrappers!

Near noon, the cook at the inn also started making lunch, but he was shocked to see the Shen Ru sister and brother making a large plate full of dumplings.

"Just one tael of pork, how can you pack so much?"

"Brother, cook, just put some meaty meat on it, mainly the wild vegetables."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "I'll borrow your kitchen and cook a few bowls of dumplings first, so I won't disturb my brother!"

The cook still felt that he had taken advantage of him, so he didn't care about Shen Ru and the others!

Shen Ru called his family to sit in the corner of the kitchen and ate dumplings.

"'s so fragrant. The texture of these wild vegetables is quite strange, but these dumplings taste so delicious!"

"Aru, how come you are so skillful with your hands? You can even make dumplings."

"It's made at will. I asked the cook at home for advice before."

Shen Ru made an excuse and said, "Mom, dad, eat it while it's hot. I'd better try to freeze the rest and eat it later."

The aroma of the dumplings hit his nostrils. The cook sniffed and swallowed, but he was too embarrassed to ask for them.

Lu Yi, who was ordered to find out what happened, was suffering in secret.

This dumpling... smells so good!
Shen Ru felt peeping, looked around, locked Lu Yi's hiding place, and couldn't help but said: "Who is secretly hiding to watch us eating dumplings? If you want to see it, just watch it openly!"

(End of this chapter)

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