Chapter 431 The Yan sisters are robbing men
The addition of Shen Ru made Luneng even more powerful, and the desperadoes were quickly captured.

If he dared to rob and kill the governor, Shen Ru was naturally rude and directly beat him seriously.

"Xiao Lang, what should I say? These people..." Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin who was walking over, "They are just wasting food while they are still alive."

"Luneng, go inform the people at the county government. Aru and I are waiting." Xiao Wujin frowned as he looked at the people lying on the ground wailing. "Is the world outside already in such chaos?"

"We have nothing to say if we fall into your hands. However, if the imperial court is gone, what kind of governor are you?" A reckless man spat out a mouthful of blood, still looking arrogant.

"Where did you come from and how many imperial officials you murdered?" Xiao Wujin asked in a deep voice.

"I can't remember. Some of the county magistrate's offices have already run away. Our brothers came all the way to fight, but no one cared about it." The man was not afraid of death, "Just kill him, we won't lose anyway!"

"That's right, kill us, kill us!"

Shen Ru also looked speechless and disgusted. These people are all lawless!

"Xiao Lang, why don't you kill him? If you keep him alive, it will be a disaster. You will deserve to die!"

Xiao Wujin shook his head and said: "Let the Yamen take him into custody first, then he will be used to scare the monkeys!"

"Liangzhou Governor, what are you doing, mother-in-law? Kill us, kill us!"

Shen Ru heard the noise and stepped forward with a knife, knocking the person unconscious.

"Why is the country that Pei Wenjing conquered so chaotic?"

"Aru, it is said that heroes emerge from troubled times, but many people want to fish in troubled waters!" Xiao Wujin looked very heavy. Liangzhou was still stable, but Shazhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou were in chaos. Isn't it because of his handiwork? Woolen cloth?

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin guarded the fallen people, blowing the evening breeze, looking at the night, and chatting.

I don’t know how long it took, but Luneng arrived late with his servants.

Back at the Governor's Mansion, the night was already deep and the Governor's Mansion was a little dark. Shen Ru suddenly slapped her forehead. She was only belatedly aware of this!

"Aru, what are you doing?" Xiao Wujin asked in confusion.

"Xiao Lang, you said that I am a maker of stone candles and oil lamps. Why didn't I replace all the ones in the Governor's Mansion?"

"There's no need for this. If you think the candles are not bright enough, just replace them all in the courtyard!"

"If you want to change, let's change together. Don't you have to have some light when you are doing business at night?" Shen Ru thought, and asked An Qiao to go to the Shizhu Workshop to transfer a batch of goods tomorrow.

It was a quiet night, and after a good night's sleep, Shen Ru felt refreshed when she woke up the next day.Seeing that Xiao Wujin was no longer on the pillow, I felt a little disappointed.During the past few days of recuperating from her injuries, she was used to seeing Xiao Wujin by her side every day.

"An Qiao, go to the stone candle workshop and get some stone candles immediately, give them to the housekeeper, and ask him to arrange them where they are needed." Shen Ru said to An Qiao while dressing up.

"Okay, ma'am."

"Cui Xi, I have to go to the shop and the workshop today. I won't be at home at noon. I'll talk to the kitchenette then." Shen Ru then ordered. Previously, because he was afraid that the killer would anger others, She and Wu Ya didn't even go to the shop when they were hanging out.

After breakfast, Shen Ru went to Xiao Wujin and told him about going out.

Anyone with a clear eye could see that Xiao Wujin had a lot on his mind, so Shen Ru didn't bother him.In the cotton mat shop, there is also a cabinet display of double-sided embroidery.

Bai Qianqian finally cooperated with Qian, but the technique of double-sided embroidery was used, which also attracted the favor of Liangzhou ladies.

When Shen Ru arrived, she saw Huang Yun as if Huang's mother was there!
"Shen Ru, what a coincidence that you just came here today!" Huang Yunru saw Shen Ru and asked curiously, "Bai Qianqian said you haven't been to this shop for several days!"

"Well, some things have been resolved before. Are you here to buy embroidery?" Shen Ru said with a smile.

"These are just samples. After all, double-sided embroidery takes longer. We still have to wait until the final decision is made before letting the embroiderer embroider." Bai Qianqian said.

"Not bad, really good!" Mother Huang looked at the superb double-sided embroidery and couldn't put it down.

"Hey, Shen Ru, there is something exciting recently. Do you want to know about it?" Huang Yunru was not interested in this and just accompanied her mother out.Seeing her mother and Bai Qianqian holding the silk handkerchiefs admiringly, she pulled Shen Ru aside to gossip.

"What's so exciting? Even though I've been busy for a few days, I'm not blind to what's going on outside the window. I never heard that you, Huang Yunru, would be interested in Liangzhou City!"

Huang Yunru chuckled and said: "I have nothing to do, so I will tell you interesting stories. A few days ago, there was a snake disaster in a yard on West Street. It is strange to say that the snake came out of nowhere, but it disappeared without a trace. The watchman said so."

Shen Ru was stunned, wasn't this referring to the Pei family's house?

"I'll tell you about this later, I know."

"What, you know?" Huang Yunru was stunned, "Is there really a snake disaster?"

"Well, I'm here to teach people a lesson. Wu Ya brought the snake." Shen Ru said directly, "What about other interesting things?"

"What's going on, Shen Ru, have you encountered any trouble?" Huang Yunru said in shock, "Also, snakes can also be attracted? What kind of magical person is Wu Ya?"

"How can you imagine the strange people in the Western Regions?" Shen Ru laughed in a low voice, "Don't ask about this matter. Someone wants to kill me. I don't want to be killed, so I just took Wu Ya to teach him a lesson." It’s just a meal for her!”

"Oh, it must be dangerous and exciting!" Huang Yunru, as a young lady of the Huang family, always felt that her life was too dull.

"The Yan family... is involved in another scandal." Huang Yunru whispered, "The eldest lady of the Yan family reached out to her sister's house, and she stole Yan Zhenshan's man."

Shen Ru was shocked. Since Yan Shuhui suffered the consequences on her wedding day, she has completely let herself go!
"The Yan family didn't cover up this matter. It's not a glorious thing for sisters to be jealous among themselves, right?" Shen Ruqian laughed a few times, feeling a little gloating about his misfortune.

"Anyway, I think something is wrong with the Yan family. My father said this is a sign of the collapse of rituals and happiness!"

"You and your mother should be more careful when going out these days, and take more guards with you, because there is a war outside and some desperadoes have come to Liangzhou." Shen Ruye reminded.

"Well, my father also said that, look, my bodyguard is waiting at the door." Huang Yunru said.

Huang Mu over there ordered two styles of silk handkerchiefs at Bai Qianqian's place. The construction period was seven days, and she paid a deposit of two taels of silver.

Shen Ru watched Huang Yunru and her daughter leave. Bai Qianqian also stood beside Shen Ru and said, "Has everything been resolved?"

Bai Qianqian, who lives in the Governor's Mansion, naturally knows about Shen Ru and Cui Ti's feud.

"It's solved for the time being. She was injured and couldn't move." Shen Ruxiao kept it secret. She became happy when she mentioned Cui Ti's bad condition.

(End of this chapter)

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