Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 432 Forgot to mention that the Pei family is at the ranch

Chapter 432 Forgot to mention that the Pei family is at the ranch
Bai Qianqian's embroidery business was negotiated when Shen Ru was assassinated by a killer and was recuperating from illness.

Shen Ru also knew that when Bai Qianqian asked her for money, she asked clearly.

"It's hard to come to the shop a few days ago. It seems that this double-sided embroidery is really popular among people. There are people buying ten taels of silver for a handkerchief!"

Shen Ru said with emotion that the veil from his second aunt Qian was only worth two taels of silver.

"The art of double-sided embroidery was taught by famous masters in my family in the past." Bai Qianqian said, "I think about it, even if I don't be the shopkeeper, I can open an embroidery shop and teach double-sided embroidery!"

"Then do you regret it?" Shen Ru looked at Bai Qianqian and asked.

Bai Qianqian shook her head, "I don't have the capital. Besides, it's actually easier to be a shopkeeper. Embroidery is a focused and labor-intensive thing, and it also takes a lot of effort."

"As long as you don't regret it, as I promised you before, I will give you your portion of the money earned from this embroidery." Shen Ru said, "Is the street peaceful recently?"

"I haven't seen anything unfair. Our shop is only for women. I didn't encounter anything in the shop. What's wrong? Did something happen again?"

"The northwest is not peaceful. We encountered a few desperadoes yesterday."

Shen Ru said: "Please be careful."

Bai Qianqian nodded and told Shen Ru about the current situation of the shop.

Shen Ru stayed in the shop until the afternoon and then went to the workshop. Mrs. Mo showed Shen Ru some of the styles she had first produced. Even her aunt also checked the current output and inventory with Shen Ru.

"Aru, you haven't returned to the Shen family in recent days. Xuanxuan and Nian'er are both thinking about you." Aunt Lian asked tentatively, "But what happened?"

"Something happened, but it has been resolved now. I will go home to see my parents or younger siblings another day." Shen Ru did not hide it from Aunt Lian, and said in a cryptic and somewhat straightforward way that Cui Ti came to Liangzhou to cause trouble for her.

"Is Cui Ti out of her mind?" Aunt Lian said rudely: "What grudge do I have with you to deal with you like this?"

"Well, she just has a bad brain!" Shen Ru said with a smile: "Aunt Lian, Cui Ti is still in Liangzhou. If we meet in the future, just pretend that we don't know her. She is mentally ill."

Aunt Lian nodded, and then said with some confusion: "How can a good girl have a bad brain? No, maybe she was not normal when we saw her. Prince Jing is already gone, and she is an idiot. A girl who can't beat her will send the Pei family to Liangzhou just because of her hotheadedness. This is not something a normal girl can do!"

Shen Ru smiled, isn't this the craziest thing? The craziest thing about Cui Ti is that he wants to kill her?

After complaining about Cui Ti with Aunt Lian, Shen Ru saw that the sky was almost dark and left first.

In the next few days, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin sometimes went out together to do their own things, without deliberately keeping track of the time.

"It's broken, Pei Chongguang, have you gone home?" Suddenly Shen Ru remembered that today seemed to be Pei Chongguang's day to rest.

Xiao Wujin was also stunned, and then he and Shen Ru stood up immediately.

"Luneng sent Pei Chongguang back, and he left only a stick of incense."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Shen Ru said immediately.

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin went out together, and Yang drove the carriage straight to Pei's house.

Luneng, who was riding with Pei Chongguang on horseback, had arrived at the door of Pei's house.

After pushing the door open and entering, Pei Zhongguang saw Cheng Yan and was stunned.

"Who are you and why are you at my house?" Cheng Yan didn't know how to respond for a moment, but someone who had worked in the Pei family before stood up.

"The young master is back. Unfortunately, the old lady and the second lady are staying at the ranch where your mother works. Didn't anyone tell you about this?"

Pei Chongguang was confused and looked back at Luneng.

"Guard Lu, why!"

Luneng knew that the Pei family was at the ranch, but after so many days, he didn't ask, thinking that the Pei family had returned.

"I forgot, your grandmother and the others are indeed in the ranch where your mother works." Luneng scratched his head, "I thought they had come back!"

Pei Chongguang still looked confused, "Then who is he?"

"Chongguang!" Cui Ti walked out of the house. She could already get out of bed and walk around, but the wound still hurt when it was pulled. Every time it hurt, it made her hate Shen Ru even more.

"It's you!" Pei Chongguang recognized Cui Ti. Although he was shocked, he bowed to Cui Ti and said, "Pei Chongguang, a young man, has met Miss Cui."

Cui Ti was kind to the Pei family, and Pei Chongguang remembered this kindness.

"Chongguang, you and I are a family, so there is no need to be polite." Cui Ti said: "The old lady was tired, so she went to the ranch to stay for a few days. I came to Liangzhou and had no place to stay, so I stayed at your house. "

"Okay, I understand." Pei Zhongguang nodded, then turned to Luneng and said, "Guard Lu, can we get to the ranch before dark?"

"Chongguang, since you are back, why not live at home!" Cui Tiyou wanted to make friends with Pei Chongguang. The child seemed to have grown taller, and he would grow up in a few years!

"No, since Miss Cui is staying here, Chongguang should avoid suspicion!" Pei Chongguang simply refused.

"You..." Just in time, Feicui heard Pei Chongguang's words from inside the room and walked out. As soon as she spoke, Pei Chongguang's eyes widened and he lowered his head.

"Miss, he... left as soon as he wanted... This house... was also bought by the lady..." Jade's words were not very coherent. She was bitten by a snake, and the remaining poison was not cleared smoothly, causing her eyes to squint and her mouth to twist. My mouth watered when I talked.

"Jade, go back to the house!" Cui Ti shouted. Seeing Cui Ti like this made her heartache and made her hate Shen Ru even more!

"Chongguang, let's go then!" Luneng said immediately: "Don't worry, I will definitely take you to the pasture."

"Then... Miss Cui, say goodbye!" Pei Chongguang said to Cui Ti, turning around very neatly.

"Chongguang!" Cui Ti wanted to get closer to Pei Chongguang, but when she shouted, Pei Chongguang walked faster!

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin met Luneng and Pei Chongguang on the road.

"Chongguang, I forgot to tell you that you have guests at home and your mother and the others are at the ranch." Shen Ru apologized.

"Master, I understand. I asked Guard Lu to take me to the pasture now." Pei Chongguang said, "Master, please run with me!"

This child is so well-behaved!Shen Ru nodded and watched Luneng and Pei Chongguang leave.

"Xiao Lang, then let's... go back!" Shen said like Xiao Wujin, "It seems like our trip was in vain."

"Chongguang actually has his own ideas, doesn't he?" Xiao Wujin said with a smile, "Do you think this time, should he believe that his elder brother... is still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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