Chapter 439 Asking Wu Ya to prepare poison
"What are you doing so much trouble for? Wouldn't it be settled once and for all?" Wu Ya said with some disapproval after hearing what Shen Ru meant. "If you are hesitant, I will go."

"A good girl, don't fight and kill people all day long." Shen Ru said with a smile: "I am a good person, so... Wuya, is there such a medicine?"

"Yes." Wu Ya said, "I can match it for you, but is she worthy?"

Shen Ru sighed and said, "Wu Ya, I never learned martial arts to deal with people who can't do it. Cui Ti is hateful, but even if she ends up seeking death, it shouldn't be done by us martial arts practitioners."

"My sword is facing people who are also practicing martial arts!"

Wu Ya couldn't understand Shen Ru's persistence. "She's going to kill you!"

"She asked killers to kill me. I killed all the killers and injured her. Now I'm looking for a way to balance her. Cui Ti, if I don't kill her, she can't kill me. If she is controlled by me in the end, she will She is seeking death." Shen Ru said, "Yeah, but she has to walk her own path, she can't think about it!"

Wu Ya looked at Shen Ru thoughtfully, and finally said: "Trouble!"

Shen Ru chuckled and deliberately softened his voice and said: "Wu Ya, you are the most powerful, aren't you? Help me!"

"I know!" After Wu Ya finished speaking, she pursed her lips, with the corners of her mouth still slightly raised.

It was noisy outside, so Shen Ru and Wu Ya simply walked out of the room, only to see the two Yan sisters.

Yan Shaoqing was arguing with Yan Shuhui and Yan Zhenshan, and it was almost noisy!

"Shaoqing, how can you ask your parents to move out of the mansion? After you kicked us two out of the house, you also kicked out your parents? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Yan family?" Yan Zhenshan was heartbroken. said.

"Eldest sister, second sister, the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Yan family are placed in the ancestral hall. How about you go over to pay homage and ask?"

Yan Shaoqing said sarcastically: "Isn't the life you two sisters are enjoying enough? Are you insisting on getting involved here? Sister, didn't you already agree to go to Suzhou?"

"I have to go, but brother, you handled this matter too unsafely. I thought you were just talking about it before, but I didn't expect you to actually kick your parents out!"

Yan Shuhui said: "If the Yan family is like this, someone will poke their backs."

"Oh, sisters, there is no need to worry about the face of the Yan family. This is the main residence of the Yan family, and the head of the Yan family can inherit this mansion." Yan Shaoqing said sarcastically, "Besides, the new home that my parents moved to is not smaller than this one. .”

Yan Zhenshan's expression darkened when he saw Wu Ya and Shen Ru.

"Shaoqing, do you really want to be with this foreign woman of unknown origin?" Yan Zhenshan pointed at Wu Ya.

Yan Shuhui looked over and became jealous when she saw Shen Ru.

"Shaoqing, are these two women blowing your pillow..."

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about!" Yan Shaoqing stopped Yan Shuhui, "Since you are not here to catch up with your brother, let's go!"

Wu Ya and Shen Ru also came over. Shen Ru was really angry after hearing Yan Shuhui's words.

"Shen Ru, you bitch, you are married to Xiao Wujin, but you still have close contact with Shaoqing. Are you eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?" Yan Shuhui looked at Shen Ru and scolded her. road.

"Those with dirty minds see everything as dirty. I think it's time for Miss Yan to wash her eyes!" Shen Ru replied, "I'm here to see Wu Ya, not Yan Shaoqing."

"Stop talking about this woman." Yan Shuhui said angrily: "You know your purpose of placing her next to Shaoqing."

These words became more and more outrageous. Yan Shaoqing said irritably: "There are still some things in my parents' yard that I haven't taken away. Why don't you two go pick them out for yourself? What do you want?"

"Shaoqing, do you think we are here to pick up some bargains?" Yan Zhenshan was unhappy, "The Yan family's century-old house is all in your hands. They are all from the Yan family. You are really..."

"Second sister, I will give birth to the child with peace of mind. I will not miss you!"

Oh, this matter of the Yan family cannot be discussed in front of outsiders!
Shen Ru glanced at Yan Zhenshan's belly, interrupted Yan Shaoqing and said, "You guys are busy, go on, I'll ask Wu Ya to go out!" Yan Shaoqing waved her hand, indicating to Shen Ru to help herself, but Yan Shuhui really didn't intend to let Shen Ru go. .

"Shen Ru, stop!" Yan Shuhui stepped forward and stopped in front of Shen Ru.

"I won't let you, the governor's wife, sit in the position for too long." Yan Shuhui threatened in a low voice, "I am determined to win Xiao Wujin!"

Shen Ru's eyes widened, and she shouted at Yan Shaoqing: "Yan Shaoqing, your eldest sister wants to steal my man!"

Yan Shaoqing's forehead bulged. Did Shen Ru shout out like that?
"Sister, why are you so crazy?"

Yan Shuhui snorted coldly but said nothing more.

Shen Ru pulled Wu Ya away because she was afraid that she would want to hit someone.

"Can this be tolerated?" Wu Ya asked.

"I don't want to bear it, but bear with it first. It's not good to hit his sister in front of Yan Shaoqing." Shen Ru whispered, "Wait outside and I will do it."

Wu Ya looked back at Yan Shaoqing, slightly confused.

Yan Shaoqing seemed to feel Wu Ya's murderous intention, and was startled. He looked at his two sisters again, sweating a little.

"Second sister, you go home to raise your baby. Eldest sister, you go to Suzhou and open your brothel. Isn't that good?"

Yan Shaoqing was confused: "Father, mother, and all the aunts can play whatever they want behind closed doors, that's fine!"

Shen Ru naturally didn't know what Yan Shaoqing and the others were talking about, so he pulled Wu Ya out and urged Wu Ya to buy the materials needed for the medicine.

"Aru!" Shen's mother just went out and was a little surprised to see Shen Ru and Wu Ya coming out of Yan's house.

"Mom! Are you going shopping?" Shen Ru was very happy to see Shen's mother.

"Well, let's buy your father some four treasures of the study." Mother Shen said, "If you're not busy, why don't you accompany your mother?"

Shen Ru looked at Shen's mother, then at Wu Ya, and smiled.

"Mom, Wuya and I are going to do something big, so I won't accompany you!"

After saying that, Shen Ru took Wu Ya and ran away.

Mother Shen, who was dumbfounded, smiled and couldn't help but sigh, her daughter is still as free as a child even after she gets married!

"Why is the Yan family so lively now?" Mother Shen then asked again.

"The Yan family is moving big today. Everyone of Mr. Yan's generation has moved to a new house. This house is for the head of the Yan family, Young Master Yan." Mul Qin, who was driving the car, replied, "I saw a lot of people coming in and out in the morning. We haven’t finished moving yet!”

Mother Shen lifted the curtains to see that the Yan family was still busy at the door. She thought of her grand-in-law Yang. It’s better to move away. After she moves away, she won’t have to see her again!

Shen Ru and Wu Ya walked around various drug stores in Liangzhou and finally prepared the so-called poison that Wu Ya said!

"Wu Ya, if you can prepare this medicine, then you can also prepare the antidote. Ha, I'm a little curious about your previous status in the organization!"

Wuya paused for a moment, but she answered very directly: "As No. 1, I have the final say in everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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