Chapter 440 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
Wu Ya said that it would take at least ten days to prepare the medicine. Shen Ru was not in a hurry and went about his business as usual.

The people Xiao Wujin sent out also reported back that the Northwest King was returning to Ganzhou!Therefore, the news just happened to spread that Cui Ti, the sweetheart of the regent Pei Wenjing...

Shen Ru didn't talk to Xiao Wujin about this matter before she got the medicine; Xiao Wujin naturally wouldn't tell Shen Ru that he wanted to borrow a knife to kill people. As days passed, in the courtyard where Cui Ti and the other three were detained, It's getting quieter day by day.

In the past, Cui Ti would always say a few words to "convince people with reason" and talk to the guards, as if she wanted to instigate rebellion; Shen Ru always felt ridiculous when her affectionate words reached her ears.

He talks so much about great principles, but what do he do?
On this day, Wu Ya came to the Governor's Mansion and gave Shen Ru a porcelain vase.

"The antidote is right there. If you take it once every six months, you won't be poisoned."

"What about the poison?" Shen Ru asked.

"In my hands, I will help you administer the medicine." Wu Ya said, "What if you do it, and someone discovers it?"

"This..." Shen Ru really didn't know that Wu Ya thought so much. "Then...are you going to live here these days?"

"Well, I'll help you keep an eye on it!" Wu Ya nodded, "If you find it troublesome, I can help you kill her!"

Shen Ru shook his head and refused, so let's do this for now.

"I think they will run away in the next two days. It's up to you then. Remember, don't reveal your identity!"

Wu Ya nodded. She was already familiar with the yard and went back to the house.

At night, Xiao Wujin and Shen Ruye talked about Cui Ti.

"I heard from the guards that things have been quiet there recently. Cheng Yan sneaks out of the Governor's Mansion from time to time. Do you think he was discovered on purpose?"

"It's hard to say. I really don't understand Cheng Yan. When he killed me before, he did it with all his heart. Then when he saw that he couldn't kill me, he just left. He was also doing his best to protect Cui Ti, but he cut off his hand tendon. Then To say that he wanted to harm Cui Ti, but he analyzed the strength behind Cui Ti with me; in short, I don’t understand!"

Shen Ru shook his head and said, "You think if Cheng Yan ran away with Cui Ti, should we chase him?"

"Aru, although she can no longer be the queen, the regent princess will still have great power." Xiao Wujin said to Shen Ru. The implication of his words was that he did not want to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"If Cui Ti died in Liangzhou, I think that even if Pei Wenjing wants to suppress this matter, the Cui family and the Fang family will come to Liangzhou to hold them accountable; a casual investigation will definitely find out about you and me, Xiao Lang, we still It won't be until the time when we can compete with the two major families." Shen Ru said earnestly, so she secretly gave Cui Ti a chance to kill him!
Xiao Wujin naturally understood Shen Ru's concerns, so he didn't say anything.It’s a long night, aren’t there more important things?

Cui Ti ran away, and Shen Ru went to the workshop and shop to check as usual that day. Xiao Wujin also took Luneng Yu Yang to the military camp to discuss matters with General Zhao.When Shen Ru returned to the Governor's Mansion, he heard the housekeeper saying that people from other courtyards had escaped, but neither Shen Ru nor Xiao Wujin could be found.

"Just run away, we didn't think anything of it." Shen Ru said without paying much attention. When he returned to the yard, he asked Cui Xi if Wu Ya was there.

"Miss Wuya is not here. She was not in the house when we found her." Cuixi said, "The escort agency in the east of the city is having an escort today."

"Okay, let's wait for Wu Ya!" Shen Ru said without paying much attention.Even if Wu Ya failed to administer the medicine, there was nothing she could do. Cui Ti had some heroine aura.

That night, Xiao Wujin came back from the military camp. After learning that Cui Ti had run away, he immediately came to find Shen Ru.

Seeing that Shen Ru was still looking normal, he comforted him: "Aru, don't be afraid. If she attacks you in the future, as long as I am here and as long as I can, I will protect you!"

"Xiao Lang, I'm actually not too afraid of this matter. To this day, I take it one step at a time." Wu Ya hasn't come back yet, and she doesn't know the result yet. "Well, Aru, you didn't do anything wrong. I believe that you and I will make it to the end." If he ran away just in time, he might just fall into the hands of the Northwest King!
The two of them concealed the plot against Cui Ti from each other, and both had a happy-go-lucky attitude.

Wu Ya came back two days later and went straight to Shen Ru. "It's done."

"The medicine was not administered in Liangzhou. They met with the escort agency. I administered the poison while they were staying at night."

Shen Ru was not surprised at all. Aren't the escorts from the escort agency transporting Cui Ti to the capital?
"Did Cui Ti recognize you?" Shen Ru was concerned about whether Wu Ya would be targeted by Cui Ti.

"No, I put the medicine in her dinner. The medicine is colorless and odorless, and she didn't notice it."

"In half a year, I guess she will come to Liangzhou by then. Will there be any external manifestations of this poisoned person?" Shen Ru asked curiously.

"There will be a red mole on the wrist." Wu Ya said. "I consider myself to be infallible."

"Thank you Wu Ya." Shen Ru smiled and said, "I'm not doubting your ability. Well, it's Cheng Yan who is next to Cui Ti. You are secretly watching, do you think he will find out?"

Wu Ya didn't dare to trust him. She had seen Cheng Yan's skill that day.

"No one stopped me."

Just treat it like medicine!Shen Ru has put the antidote in his own space, and no one can take it away!

"Wu Ya, thank you for your hard work, then... do you want to go back to the Yan family?"

Wu Ya's expression was slightly strange, so subtle that it was almost imperceptible.She shook her head and then said: "I'm a little tired after staring for two days. Let's rest here for a few days."

Is this another quarrel with Yan Shaoqing?

Shen Ru was curious, but didn't ask any more questions.

Cui Ti seemed to have temporarily disappeared from her life, but Shen Ru never heard from Cui Ti again.

The fields began to get busy. She was very concerned about the quality of this batch of cotton, so she ran to Zhuangzi more frequently.

Meeting Yan Shuhui was really a coincidence, but it was obvious that Yan Shuhui was not prepared to be kind when she saw that she was alone!
"Shen Ru, I didn't expect that I met you outside the city!" Yan Shuhui said with ill intentions, "You are asking me to finish you off before going to Suzhou!"

"I know why you are going to Suzhou, and you are bringing a lot of people with you. It is not easy for the Yan family to train these people. Yan Shuhui, are you sure you want to join me?" Shen Ru advised kindly.

"I don't believe how capable you are as a woman." Yan Shuhui sneered, "Everyone, come here and kill Shen Ru. I'll give you a hundred taels of gold!"

Shen Ru gave Yan Shuhui a look of sympathy. It was really... I had suffered several losses, so why couldn't I learn well?
The most elite group of guards of the Yan family were around Yan Shaoqing, and Shen Ru all knew them.

Yan Shuhui's skills were not bad, but the important thing was that there were many people. For Yan Shaoqing's sake, Shen Ru didn't kill him.

Suddenly, a broken arrow flew past her ear. Shen Ru saw the crossbow in Yan Shuhui's hand, and her eyes lit up. This mechanism is good!
"Shen Ru, go to hell!" Yan Shuhui fired several arrows at Shen Ru.

(End of this chapter)

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