Chapter 441 Is this a breach of contract?
Shen Ru was aware that the Yan family's guards were not trying their best, but Yan Shuhui's crossbow fired arrows from time to time, which made Shen Ru somewhat unprepared.

With Xu Huan's move, Shen Ru pulled over a guard, and Yan Shuhui's dagger shot directly into the guard's arm.While Yan Shuhui was distracted, Shen Ru flew up, stepped on the guard's shoulders, landed next to Yan Shuhui with lightning speed, and grabbed Yan Shuhui's neck.

"Miss Yan, why can't you learn well?" Shen Ru blew into Yan Shuhui's ear, "How many times have you failed to kill me?"

"Shen Ru, you dare to hurt me?" Yan Shuhui's voice was trembling. She didn't want to die. She still had many good days ahead of her!
Shen Ru clasped Yan Shuhui's neck with one hand and took the crossbow from Yan Shuhui's hand with the other hand.

"You said what would happen if I aimed an arrow at you?" Shen Ru said, and the hand on Yan Shuhui's neck tightened again!
"Don't you dare, Shen Ru, you are just a fake good person who thinks you are righteous and talks about morality. How can people like you kill people!" Goosebumps already appeared on Yan Shuhui's neck.

Listening to Yan Shuhui's harsh words, Shen Ru shot an arrow at Yan Shuhui's arm.

"Ah!" Yan Shuhui shouted and her eyes became wet as the arrow penetrated her flesh.

"Miss Yan, I won't kill you, but I can still cause you pain!" Shen Ru let go of Yan Shuhui and pointed the crossbow at everyone. "If you are not satisfied with this arrow, I can give you a few more arrows."

Covering her bleeding arm, Yan Shuhui's face turned even paler.

"You dare to do it, you really dare to do it!"

Seeing Yan Shuhui shaking into a sieve, Shen Ru didn't know whether she was angry or scared, but she didn't care!He jumped on his horse and rode away.

As for whether Yan Shuhui continues to go to Suzhou or returns to Liangzhou for medical treatment, she doesn't care. If Yan Shuhui dares to come to ask for help, she will shoot him again!
Playing with the newly acquired crossbow, Shen Ru returned to the Governor's Mansion.

"Where did you get this?" Xiao Wujin saw Shen Ru's crossbow and immediately asked nervously, "What happened?"

"Yan Shuhui, she brought a lot of people and things with her. She should have gone to Suzhou, but she met me alone. Do you think she can let me go?"

Xiao Wujin immediately stepped forward and pulled Shen Ru to look up and down. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine. Yan Shuhui grabbed this thing and shot an arrow at her." Shen Ru said with some pride and gestured with the crossbow. "This thing is quite good."

"Yan Shuhui is too bold. Aru, just be okay." Xiao Wujin said solemnly. Yan Shaoqing would stop Yan Shuhui openly, so what about doing it secretly?

Yan Shuhui repeatedly attacked Aru, and he didn't want to tolerate it anymore.If you go to Suzhou, don’t come back again!Xiao Wujin thought Yan Shuhui was dead!
Shen Ruzai specially asked Cui Xi to go out to investigate the next day. It seems that Yan Shuhui did not return to Liangzhou. Did she... endure the injury and go to Suzhou?

"Xiao Lang, it seems that Yan Shuhui really hasn't returned to Liangzhou. Is she afraid that Yan Shaoqing will find out?" Shen Ru said to Xiao Wujin curiously.

"I guess she is not afraid of being found out by Yan Shaoqing, but is planning the next step." Xiao Wujin was not optimistic about Yan Shuhui, "Aru, don't you hate her?"

"I can't say I hate her. I don't care about her that much." Shen Ru said, "Besides, which time has she ever won against me?"

"But she hurt you many times, so you must be upset too!" Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and said.

This... After hearing this, Shen Ru couldn't help but stare at Xiao Wujin and said, "Are you planning something? She is Yan Shaoqing's sister!"

"Of course I won't hurt people for no reason." Xiao Wujin smiled, "Aru, you are so kind!" Shen Ru always felt that Xiao Wujin didn't mean what he said, but she couldn't tell anything else from his look. Come.

"Don't say I'm kind, in fact... forget it, anyway, Yan Shuhui plotted against me twice, and ended up sacrificing herself twice. This time she killed me, and I stabbed me with an arrow again. She has some backs!" Shen Ru thought about it! , said somewhat helplessly: "I'm going to argue with her!"

"Yeah." Let him do all the scheming!

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin a few more times, and it was Xiao Wujin who said: "Aru, the houses in the resettlement area are almost ready. After some finishing touches are completed, people will move in one after another. You still have to move in?" Any suggestions?"

"Aren't the shops facing the street all under the government households?" Shen Ru asked, "They can be sold!"

"This matter has been discussed before. I won't come forward when the time comes. Someone below will handle it." Xiao Wujin said, "Speaking of it, I don't know much about this, but I can see that the people have their own houses. , I feel very happy."

"Xiao Lang, you have done a lot for Liangzhou!" Shen Ru said sincerely, Xiao Wujin is doing his best for Liangzhou!

While the two were talking, Luneng came to call for someone, saying that the agricultural officer had discovered something.

"Aru, I can't accompany you anymore!" Xiao Wujin apologized.

"Madam, Bai Qianqian sent someone to bring a message, saying that there is something going on in the shop and you need to go there." Cui Xi just happened to say outside the door.

"Then... let's go and do our own business first!" Shen Ru stood up, looked at Xiao Wujin, and smiled helplessly.

In the cotton mat shop, Qian was hesitant but also a bit unforgiving, talking to Bai Qianqian about embroidery.

"You charge 20 taels for embroidery and give our embroidery workshop only [-] taels. This is inappropriate! Since these embroidery items are all embroidered by our embroidery workshop, but the customers want to buy them from you, our business has also dropped a lot. . I think we won’t cooperate in the future!”

Bai Qianqian had already talked a lot with Qian, but when she saw that Qian still said this, she couldn't help but become cold.

"But, Shopkeeper Qian, it's clearly written in black and white. As for the pricing of the goods supplied by your embroidery shop, it is our shop's business. If you want to breach the contract, you will need to pay 200 taels of liquidated damages." Bai Qianqian said seriously, this is still Shen Qianqian. As reminded.

"How can this be called a breach of contract?" Mrs. Qian frowned: "Shopkeeper Bai, our embroidery lady embroiders double-sided embroidery for you, but she can't sell it in the embroidery workshop. This is unfair in itself!"

"Shopkeeper Qian, I taught you this double-sided embroidery." Bai Qianqian said patiently, "I never asked for your embroidery! It is clearly stated in the contract. If the two parties end the cooperation, this will Even double-sided embroidery cannot be sold by your embroidery shop."

"This is unreasonable. It's obviously a technique that our embroiderers learned, why can't we embroider for our own embroidery workshop?" Qian spoke softly, but still said firmly, "Shopkeeper Bai, you are bullying people!"

Bai Qianqian didn't say anything for Shen Ru's sake, but she didn't believe Qian didn't understand this.

"Shopkeeper Qian, the contract also says that if the embroidery cannot be completed within the agreed construction period, you will have to pay for this money. Instead of being here and telling me that I don't have these things, you should go back and complete the order that has been given to you. Well, I gave you all the money!"

"Then what if I am adamant? It is you, the shopkeeper Bai, who made the promise to the guests!" Qian said softly and softly, words that made Bai Qianqian's liver hurt!

(End of this chapter)

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