Chapter 447 A very independent woman

On the same day, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin stayed at an inn in the town. Regarding what the teahouse owner said, just ask anyone at random.

"Aru, now that we've found out everything, why are you still looking confused?" Xiao Wujin asked inside the inn.

"Master Xiao has encountered a lot of things, right? What do you think is the biggest problem in this matter?" Shen Ruqiao looked at Xiao Wujin with a smile and asked.

"Everyone knows something that seems a bit deliberate." Xiao Wujin said bluntly, "Is there any difference between the person in your shop and the person in Yashan Town?"

"It's just too deliberate. Moreover, the store said that Chen Xiang has a round face and almond eyes, but the Chen Xiang in my shop has a long face. Of course, it may be that she has a long face. I can't say what's wrong. Let's wait until we get back!" Shen Ru said, it is a pity that there are no cameras in ancient times!

The next day, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin hired a carriage in the town to go to Liangzhou. She also asked the name of the Miss Lu family.

On the second day after returning to the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru went to the cotton mat shop again.

When she saw Chen Xiang, Shen Ru shouted like a flash of inspiration: "Lu Yuchan!"

Chen Xiang immediately turned around, and when he saw it was Shen Ru, his eyes were a little panicked. "My boss, how do you know my lady's name?"

Shen Ru smiled, made a gesture of invitation, and took Chen Xiang to the back.

"Tell me, why did the Miss Lu family bear the name of the maid Chen Xiang? Shouldn't you have married to Suzhou? Or is it the real Chen Xiang who married you?" Shen Ru also lied. , but "Chen Xiang's" reaction made her figure it out immediately!

"Did you come to my shop really asking for a job, or were you instigated by someone?"

"Don't lie. One lie requires countless lies to make up for it." After Shen Ru said this, she looked at "Chen Xiang" quietly.

"I am Lu Yucian." Fake Chen Xiang took a deep breath, "Madam of the Governor, but I came to the embroidery workshop really just looking for a job that can support my family."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Shen Ru couldn't help but asked curiously, "They all say that your Lu family is a family of good deeds. Could it be that the husband the family chose for you is not a good man? He actually asked you to marry a maid instead. , eloped with a scholar?"

"Why does the governor's wife know everything?" Lu Yuchan smiled bitterly, "You are right. I just don't want the wealthy businessman's home in Suzhou that my family has found for me. I just want to live an ordinary life with Wei Lang."

"Do you regret it?" Shen Ru asked directly. If she was asked to come out to find a job, her life would naturally be unsatisfactory.

Lu Yuchan shook her head, with a slightly sweet look on her face.

"Wei Lang once worked as a teacher in my family for a period of time, serving as an enlightenment teacher for my younger brothers. The family does not value girls studying, but Wei Lang asked me to learn calligraphy with my younger brothers."

"It was he who let me know that apart from nühong, women also have a way to study. After I could read, I saw so many things from books that I couldn't see in the boudoir. The Wang family in Suzhou had a marriage contract with my family for a long time. , but I don’t even know what the Wang family’s young master looks like, how can I marry him?”

"Chen Xiang is good-looking and has about the same amount of food and clothing as me. After learning about my thoughts, he offered to marry me on my behalf."

Shen Ru was happy and looked at Lu Yucian curiously.

"She lived the life of a young lady instead of you, but you have to be trapped in this wealth. Do you really not regret it?"

"Chen Xiang gave me all the money in the dowry. In fact, I am not short of money." Lu Yuchan smiled slightly, "But I didn't let Wei Lang know."

Shen Ru was stunned. Why was this? Wasn't she willing to give up her wealthy life and run away with a scholar?Then why not use money to support men? "Of course I want to let Wei Lang know how much I have paid for him, so that he can treat me twice as well." Lu Yuchan said, "I have hidden all the money well. If I have to use it in the future, I will naturally I won’t be stingy. But now… it’s not the time yet.”

Shen Ru admired Lu Yucian very much, so it was okay to accompany a man through hardships, but spending his own money to support a man... wasn't allowed, right?

"Besides, Wei Lang won't ask for my money. He hopes that one day he can pass the provincial examination, go to Beijing to take the examination, and after gaining fame, he can marry me openly!" Lu Yuchan said with some pride.

"You...are not married?" Shen Ru was surprised. Looking at Lu Yuchan's hair style, it was already a married lady's bun.

Lu Yucian shook his head and said: "In name only, he wants to let me restore Lu Yucian's name one day instead of marrying him under Chen Xiang's name."

I can't understand the brain circuits of these two people.

Since you chose Li Daitao to elope, but you didn't really become a couple, what can you say?

"Lu Yuchan, I hope what you said is true. If he is harmful to my shop, I can only let your identity be exposed!" Shen Ru said: "I think even if the Lu family can forgive you, But I’m afraid I have to give an explanation to your husband’s family!”

"Boss, I really just want to be an embroiderer. The embroiderer's wages here are twelve taels a month, which is higher than other places." Lu Yuchan said eagerly, with a somewhat sincere expression.

Shen Ru smiled, Lu Yuchan was obviously a very thoughtful person, and he didn't have any reason to let people go at the moment.

"Well, it's good that you know that I will never treat people badly when they do things seriously."

"My boss is a kind person." Lu Yuchan said with a smile.

"Then you should do your best first, Chen Xiang!"

Lu Yuchan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, madam."

This matter was put aside for the time being, and Shen Ru decided to just think that Lu Yuchan was Chen Xiang, but if she had a chance another day, she would like to see what the scholar surnamed Wei who asked her to elope was like.

At night, Shen and Xiao Wujin also talked about this matter.

"So, it's really the maid who got married and the young lady who eloped?" Xiao Wujin was surprised, "It's just a good life, but he is a master who knows how to deal with troubles."

"I just think that Lu Yuchan is a very independent person. I don't know what will happen in the future!" Shen Ru said: "You said that others are marrying blindly, why is she not willing to do it? , so it is necessary to be literate and study, right..."

"Aru, it's a long night, are you sure you want to tell me about other people's affairs here?" Xiao Wujin interrupted Shen Ru, "Aru, I don't know about others, but there is love between you and me. We didn’t get together until later, right?”

"Aru, have I ever told you that I love you very much?"

Shen Ru's heart tightened, and when she looked into Xiao Wujin's deep eyes, she couldn't help but turn red.

"Why are you talking about love all of a sudden? Xiao Wujin, of course I married you because I loved you."

Xiao Wujin smiled softly. On the bed at night, love is not said with words...

(End of this chapter)

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