Chapter 448 About returning to Beijing

As for the Shen family, the family did start to ask their younger sister, Shen Xuan, to restrain their temper and hired a teacher at home to teach Shen Xuan the six arts.

My younger brother Shen Nian still went to school as usual, but when he had free time, he was pulled by Wu Ya to practice martial arts.

Shen Ru took the time to go back several times and saw her mother busy educating her younger sister. The memory of the original owner at this age came back again. Her mother had always been like this!Seeing that her sister Shen Xuan didn't feel any discomfort, Shen Ru didn't say anything.

"Xiao Lang, I want to open a girls' school." After returning to the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru said to Xiao Wujin.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?" Xiao Wujin asked curiously: "Did the Lu Yucian incident give you any inspiration?"

"You're right, it was Lu Yuchan's incident that suddenly gave me a flash of inspiration." Shen Ru nodded and said: "There are many benefits for women to study more! The basic one is to be able to read, and to go further, it is to have ideological awareness. !”

"Well, Lu Yuchan is a deviant. Do you think Aru wants the Liangzhou women to imitate her behavior?" Xiao Wujin said with interest, of course he was joking on purpose.

"What about me?" Shen Ru looked straight at Xiao Wujin, "Then do you think I am even more unruly?"

"Just kidding, Aru, I will definitely support what you want to do." Xiao Wujin stopped joking, "But the situation in Liangzhou is such that even those with sons at home may not be able to go. School, let alone my daughter.”

"People have to take care of their livelihood first before they think about studying." Xiao Wujin said: "That is to say, there are schools in Liangzhou City. Look at which village has one! Aru, What you are doing will be very difficult. If it is some simple literacy, there is no need to open a school; if it is all six arts, then... most people will not spend this money on girls."

"But... I still really want to do this!" Shen Ru felt a little discouraged after hearing Xiao Wujin's words. What he said was indeed the truth.

"Aru, my husband has a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?" Xiao Wujin said with a smile.

"Huh? I would like to hear more about it."

"Isn't your brother also in the school? Why don't you go to the school and talk to the gentlemen. Several places will be given as rewards for cultivating men and women. If you can do the homework of the first few..."

"I understand. This is a way to motivate students. It is much easier than opening a girls' school alone. Xiao Lang, I will go to the school tomorrow."

Seeing Shen Ru's suddenly energetic appearance, Xiao Wujin couldn't help but feel moved. His Aru was always so positive!

The next morning, before Shen Ru went out, she heard the guards coming to report that the old lady of the Pei family was here.

Shen Ru couldn't help but be surprised, but immediately asked someone to invite the old lady over.

Mrs. Yang of the Pei family supported the old lady and came to Shen Ru's yard, accompanied by Pei Chongguang.

"Master's wife, my grandmother and my second aunt have something to ask you about. They said it's... my eldest brother's matter, so I came with them!"

"Why, there is a letter from the Prince Regent?" Shen Ru was not surprised and looked at the old lady and said.

"Aru, we came to thank you personally for coming today." Yang said, "Now that I have received the letter from home, I truly feel that what you said that day is true." "Wen Jing and Cui Ti meet again. In the letter, Wen Jing also asked about Cui Ti being trapped. I thought that Cui Tiding also deceived her about what she had done. Shen Ru, don’t worry, one day Cui Ti will come to Liangzhou to hold accountable, and Lao Shen and his family will , will also stand by your side." The old lady made it clear.

Shen Ru was a little frightened. The old lady had reservations before. Cui Ti would also be the wife of the Pei family in the future, and she was an outsider after all!
"Old madam, I dare to ask, why is it suddenly like this?" Shen Ru asked curiously.

"Wen Jing also talked about the unspeakable sufferings of the past in his letter. It is only because the Pei family is safe in Liangzhou that he can pursue revenge without hesitation." The old lady said sincerely: "Shen Ru, the Pei family can be stable in Liangzhou. I live my life because of you, isn’t it because of Mr. Xiao?”

After the old lady really felt that Pei Wenjing was still alive, her expectations came true and she was in a good mood.To be more clear, she hoped that the Shen family could return to Beijing.

"Master Xiao is busy, Shen Ru, has Master Xiao ever thought about returning to the cabinet?" The old lady talked about Xiao Wujin.

Shen Ru looked at the old lady quietly, the smile on her face not diminishing.

"Old madam, I don't know about this!"

"Grandma, Master wants to cure Liangzhou first." Pei Chongguang on the side interjected, "Master hopes that the people of Liangzhou can live and work in peace and contentment, and that the children of Liangzhou can go to school. I hope that in the future Liangzhou will have fewer white men and more scholars. "

It was such a good talent that Wen Jing wanted Xiao Wujin to be transferred to the cabinet!The old lady saw Pei Wenjing's wish in her heart and thought of Shen Ru's kindness, so she came to take this trip.

If the Pei family wants to stand firm and restore its former glory, it naturally needs its close ministers to gain a foothold in the court. A good official like Xiao Wujin who has no background but is dedicated to the people is really a pity in Liangzhou!

"Old madam, my husband and I want to complete the things we agreed with the regent first." Shen Ru said quietly, "I don't know what will happen in the future, but Liangzhou must first open and close, establish diplomatic relations and trade with the Western Regions, if all these can be done , maybe you will think about whether you can go to the capital to seek an official position!"

When will that happen?The old lady sighed in her heart. When she saw Shen Ru's frank eyes, she was a little flustered, but then she smiled.

"I'm stunned!"

The letter was received yesterday afternoon. The old lady read it for a long time in the house, confirming that the handwriting was that of her grandson Pei Wenjing. She looked at it word by word, and saw the glory of the Pei family in the past, the swords and swords that night, the bloody pain, and the There is no sadness greater than heartbreak... One night, all the past came to mind, and the old lady thought about what she should do, what she should do to show that she was still useful and not old anymore. Nothing can be done!

As Shen Ru watched quietly, the old lady was shocked, and finally laughed at herself: "Shen Ru, you and Mr. Xiao, you are so lucky to Liangzhou!"

Shen Ru smiled and said indifferently: "Has the Regent said when he will come to Liangzhou?"

"I'm still busy with things right now, and I'm afraid it will be more than a month before I arrive in Liangzhou." Yang said, "I think that when the time comes, we will return to Beijing with the regent. Aru, you and Mr. Xiao should be prepared. .”

"With this rehabilitation, the status of the criminal will be removed. The Shen family has merit and should be able to regain their position as marquis. Aru, do your parents know about this?" Yang asked aside.

"Well, my parents only found out about the regent when Cui Ti made trouble at my house last time. It's just that there is no one in the capital, and they love me. They probably won't go to the capital in the next few years."

Shen Ru also guessed that Pei Wenjing wanted them to return to Beijing, but was it necessary?
(End of this chapter)

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