Yan Zhenshan was in Liangzhou, Yan Shuhui was in Suzhou, and the whole Yingying was treated and sent to Liangzhou?

Shen Ru was shocked. When he returned to the Governor's Mansion, he met Yan Shaoqing. Apparently, the news about Xiao Wujin's affair had reached his ears.

"Shen Ru, you came back just in time. Xiao Wujin isn't at home, so it's just a good time to meet you." Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru up and down first, and finally said: "This is like a sow climbing a tree. Xiao Wujin doesn't even think about it. There may be an outside room, but don’t listen to those rumors.”

"Why do you care so much?" Shen Ru asked curiously: "Yan Shaoqing, how is your eldest sister doing in Suzhou?"

Yan Shaoqing was also stunned, and then said: "Very good, what's wrong?"

"Oh, this girl Yingying is from Suzhou. She was also in the brothel business in Suzhou. No matter what, I don't think she has anything to do with your eldest sister." Shen Ru said bluntly, looking at Yan Shaoqing's frown. She frowned but did not move her eyes away.

"My eldest sister...heh, she doesn't have that brain!" Yan Shaoqing sneered and denied, "My eldest sister is the most straightforward in doing things. She is not that patient."

"Oh, what about your second sister?" Shen Ru asked casually.

Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru with confusion in his eyes, but then said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! My second sister has that kind of brain, but now she is pregnant and taking care of the child; besides, the two of them had a relationship with each other before. man……"

Yan Shaoqing himself couldn't speak anymore, he just looked at Shen Rudao as if he had seen a ghost: "It couldn't really be the two of them who did it, right?"

"I don't know, but today I saw a man going to see Yingying. After leaving, the man entered your second sister's house." Shen Ru said, "Yan Shaoqing, you said your two sisters , can you just not see me like this?"

Yan Shaoqing frowned, it seemed like this was something his second sister could think of.

"Is there anything unique about that woman?"

"They look very similar to me." Shen Ru said: "Yan Shaoqing, this time, what they want is not that I will break up with Xiao Wujin, what they want is to replace me!"

Shen Ru's tone was noncommittal, with a hint of sarcasm: "People are similar, but I just thought, how can a weak woman like me replace my martial arts skills?"

Yan Shaoqing was a little stunned. Where did this happen?
"That man... really looks the same as you?"

Xiao Wujin happened to walk in, and when he heard Yan Shaoqing's words, he stopped in his tracks.

"Yan Shaoqing, is this why you came to Aru?"

"Why do these words sound like an accusation? Why, there are a lot of rumors outside. As a good friend of yours, I came here to take a look. Xiao Wujin, you don't seem to have that kind of intention!"

"Close the door." Shen Ruchong said to Xiao Wujin, and there were only four of them left in the room.

"Xiao Lang, I went to Yingying's place today and discovered something incredible." Shen Ru said and told Xiao Wujin what she saw today.

"I don't want to wait any longer. I don't want her to be in my face and jump around in disgust in front of my parents."

"Then...just lock the person up?" Xiao Wujin frowned.Then he asked Yan Shaoqing: "How come you Yan family members know how to cause trouble for us?"

This is anger!Yan Shaoqing glared at Xiao Wujin, saying he would not take the blame.

"I'm going to kill her!" Wuya said from the side, "Where is she?"

"Yes, you two are deliberately trying to make people feel uncomfortable, right? Why? You can definitely get rid of her directly, but it's just a woman... Or, with Shen Ru's face, you can't do anything to Xiao Wujin?" Yan Shaoqing also raised a question: "There are rumors outside that there are noses and eyes. Are you trying to lure out the person behind it?"

"According to me, take precautions before they happen. No matter who sets up the trap, just break it one by one."

Xiao Wujin looked at Yan Shaoqing and smiled: "Yan Shaoqing, I leave this matter to you!"

"Huh?" Yan Shaoqing frowned. He just said a few words, why did it become his business?

"It's just like A Ru's face, I hate it!" Xiao Wujin said confidently.

"I don't want to do anything, it feels like fighting each other." Shen Ru looked at Yan Shaoqing: "Besides, your Yan family is also involved in this matter."

Yan Shaoqing pointed at himself, chuckled, and laughed at himself: "I came here in the wrong way. I don't care about you two. Wuya, ignore them."

"No, I'll kill her!" Wu Ya said seriously: "It would be nice to have you, Shen Ru, in this world."

Shen Ru looked at Wu Ya and was a little moved.

"Wu Ya, you are so kind! There is someone in this world who is just for me regardless of the reason...it is you!"

Shen Ru was joking, "But that Yingying hasn't done anything except being so cute and alienated from Xiao Lang and me. If she were to kill her just because she has a face like mine..."

Yan Shaoqing rolled his eyes at Shen Ru, then looked at Xiao Wujin and complained: "We are not a family, we are not a family, but you two have a Bodhisattva heart!"

"Leave this matter to me. Liangzhou needs an upright governor."

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin looked at each other and both smiled.

"But no matter what, if it weren't for her, Xiao Lang would probably have suffered a lot. The carriage crashing into him was no joke." Shen Ru said, "But this incident probably also let me know that this The backyard of the Governor's Mansion does not belong to the Xiao family after all. When I look back, I will move out!"

"It's us!" Xiao Wujin said, "There are many people in the Governor's Mansion, so it is normal for spies to be infiltrated."

Yan Shaoqing glanced at Xiao Wujin with some contempt and said with disdain: "Xiao Wujin, you... are not good at running a household! You took over the backyard of the governor's mansion from the previous governor, but you are raising them. , but they may not be of the same mind as you!"

"People's hearts are fickle." Xiao Wujin faced it calmly, "I really don't have the ability to make everyone loyal to me."

"To put it bluntly, we just don't have enough money." Yan Shaoqing said concisely and to the point, "However, people's hearts are like this. There are very few people in this world who will never betray!"

"Yan Shaoqing, when we move, we will treat you to a housewarming party." Shen Ru didn't want to talk about human nature. "Please do some research on Yingying. Your eldest and second sisters are both members of your own family."

"Okay, make it sound like I owe you!" Yan Shaoqing muttered, "In two months, Xiao Wujin, are you going to Beijing?"

"Yes, I will go back to Beijing to report on my work." Xiao Wujin nodded and said, "Speaking of which, after I arrived in Liangzhou, I never returned to Beijing to report on my work. After the year... Liangzhou will usher in big changes!"

Yan Shaoqing calmed down, yes, Liangzhou Switch is bound to win! (End of chapter)

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