Shen Ru put aside Yingying's affairs for the time being. The cotton was waiting to be harvested. She was busy with matters at Zhuangzi, and the moving was left to Cuixi and the others.

This year's cotton will be used in the cotton mat workshop soon, and Shen Ru needs to speed up picking and drying.

"Did you hear that there was a fire in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion? The Governor's wife is breaking up with the Governor and leaving with her dowry!"

"Real or false, have you all seen it?"

Shen Ru was walking on the street and overheard several women chatting in front of her.

"No, boxes after boxes of things are being shipped out. This governor's wife is a noblewoman from the capital. Aren't all those who were previously exiled to Liangzhou rehabilitated? This governor's wife must be going back to the capital!"

"What do you think, Mr. Xiao? There is such a noble lady from the capital as his wife, and he actually has an outside wife. No wonder the wife wants to leave."

Who is spreading this rumor?
Shen Ru followed silently for a while, and then walked into his cotton mat shop.Coincidentally, there were still some customers in the shop. Shen Ru saw that Bai Qianqian and the others were busy, so she took a look for herself.

"My boss, are you really going to break up with me?" It was Sister Liu who asked Shen Ru, also with a curious look in her eyes.

"No, why do you want to separate?" Shen Ru pretended to be confused and asked, "Who said that?"

"It has been spread in the market that Mr. Xiao has an extramarital affair and that you want to separate from him. In fact, we don't believe it. Mr. Xiao is an honest official. Everyone in Liangzhou knows it for so many years. But it has been spread It’s so hard to believe that it has a nose and eyes!”

Shen Ru pursed his lips and snickered. This rumor must have come from that party or from the backyard of the Governor's Mansion.But despite the rumors, her life went on as normal.

The customers buying cotton pads in the shop were also curious when they saw Shen Ru, but they didn't feel comfortable asking anything in front of Shen Ru.

"Shen Ru, is it time for Nanny Yang and I to move out?" Bai Qianqian saw off the guests and teased Shen Rulai. "For those who don't know, you really think you and Brother Xiao are going to part ways. I've been asked several times in the shop."

"Just move if you want. There are so many people in the backyard. It's hard to tell who is a human and who is a ghost." The problem of those people in the backyard has existed since she married Xiao Wujin. Even her daily meals have become a burden. It’s a topic that people criticize, isn’t it?

"Well, I'll move it later." Bai Qianqian nodded and said, "There are almost no cotton pads in the shop, and we need to replenish them from the workshop."

"Let me take a look!" Shen Ru asked Bai Qianqian to take a look at the account book. "The progress of the cotton pad workshop has been slowing down recently. The previous cotton inventory is gone. We have to wait for the new cotton to be dried and picked out."

Shen Ru looked at it and said, "According to this shipment volume, we should be able to continue. I will ask the workshop to deliver the things later."

Returning to the Governor's Mansion from the shop, Shen Ru found that the servants in the Governor's Mansion looked at her and hesitated to speak.

Returning to the yard, Shen Ru smiled a little when she saw the much empty yard.

Cuixi and the others even dug up the tree!

"Madam, here are the things in the new house." Cui Xi asked seriously when she saw Shen Ru coming back.

"I'll go over there and take a look tomorrow." Shen Ru said, "Xiao Lang put a lot of thought into the things in my house. It would be a waste if we don't move them there!"

Cui Xi had a puzzled look on her face and whispered: "Madam, haven't you and your Excellency already reconciled? Why do you still want to move away?"

"Not only am I moving away, but Xiao Lang is also leaving!" Shen Ru said: "In this governor's office, there are as many people as the five Cao Cao, and there are also Sima, Supervisor of Posts, Chief Bo, etc. Xiao Lang and I feel There are so many people here and I want to move out, so this is where we do our daily work!" Cui Xi was stunned, and then immediately asked: "So, the separation is fake?"

"Well, it's fake." Shen Ru said: "After the decoration is done there, we will hire some honest servants. Well, the people in the small kitchen can be brought over. Those in the backyard...are there any reliable ones? These days Have you remembered all the people who criticized me behind my back?"

Cuixi was stunned, so it was like this!Then she smiled awkwardly: "Madam, I remember it all!"

"Okay, let's show it to Xiao Lang when the time comes!"

When Xiao Wujin returned to the house at night, Shen Ru gave him a list of names.

"Well, these are the people who keep saying bad things about me behind my back."

"Okay, there's no need for these people." Xiao Wujin followed Shen Ru's words. "Aru, when we move out, I will be with you. People say that we are getting married and separated. Well, I am going to surprise everyone."

"Well, someone has come to ask me. Let's move there together and wait until Yan Shaoqing resolves Yingying's matter." Shen Ru said, "As for the guards, who are you going to take with you? Can Luneng follow Yu Yang?"

"Luneng will come with me." Xiao Wujin said, "Yu Yang stays here, the Governor's Mansion needs protection."

Xiao Wujin wanted to separate himself from the identity of the governor. When he was with Shen Ru, he was Shen Ru's husband.

"Just wait, hum, no one can separate our feelings!" Shen Ru whispered, "So Yingying, how is it now?"

"Let Yan Shaoqing take over, and I won't care about it!" Xiao Wujin said truthfully, "Aru, I believe Yan Shaoqing will not let us down."

Yan Shaoqing indeed figured out the origin of Yingying, but when he saw that face, he was really dumbfounded. How could there be such a similar face in this world!

Wu Ya wanted to kill Yingying, but was stopped by Yan Shaoqing.

"Keep the person first, just in case." Yan Shaoqing vaguely felt that this matter was not just caused by his eldest sister and second sister.

The next day, Shen Rucuixi went to the new house to have a look. The things were well matched, so only the auspicious days were left.

"Madam, the beginning of next month will be a good day to move into a house." Cuixi said excitedly, holding the calendar, "then do you need to move the bed to the new house?"

"Move!" Shen Ru naturally didn't want to leave it to the people of the Governor's Mansion. All the things were arranged by Xiao Wujin.

The rumors outside were noisy and alarmed the Shen family, so Shen Ru took the time to go home.

After talking to her parents, Shen Ru calmed their hearts. Before leaving, Shen Ru drank a glass of water, which was too much.

"Father, mother, I'm back. Xiao Lang and I really don't have any disagreements. It's all nonsense. When we move to our new home, we will definitely invite you over for a dinner!" Shen Ru said playfully, and then left. To the Shen family.

As soon as she walked out of the house and burned the incense, Shen Ru felt a little dizzy and the road in front of her became blurry.

"You guys..." Hearing the footsteps behind him, Shen Ru turned around, but his vision went dark and he lost consciousness... (End of Chapter)

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