His mind was in a blur, as if he was in a fog. He didn't know how long it took before Shen Ru felt like he could see through the clouds.

"Mrs. Xiao, are you awake?" As soon as Shen Ru opened her eyes, she met Lin Yang's smiling face.

"It's you, what's going on?" Shen Ru wanted to get up, but she felt dizzy, and when her body swayed, she looked around in confusion. "Is this...in a carriage?"

"Yes, Mrs. Xiao, you say it was a coincidence that when we brothers went out, they saw you being taken away. The young master made a decision immediately." Lin Yang chuckled, "Now there is a carriage leaving Liangzhou. There is a girl in the city who looks just like Mrs. Xiao."

Shen Ru was confused after hearing this, and the effects of the medicine on his body had not yet worn off. Shen Ru bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Recently, we have been investigating the matter of Miss Yingying, and it is indeed related to the second lady. Today, by coincidence, we discovered that there is someone else behind this matter. The person who drugged you is going to take you out of the cold directly. State, send to the capital!"

Lin Yang said, and Shen Ru immediately wondered if Cui Ti was behind this!

"The situation is urgent. We divided our troops into two groups. While we were watching the carriage that was taking you out of the city, we went directly to tie up the Yingying, and then exchanged the two of you ten miles outside the city."

Shen Ru frowned and said in confusion: "It will be exposed, but Yingying's leg is injured!"

"After being drugged, people will faint. Madam Xiao, you are very skilled in martial arts. You will be drugged many times along the way. You will never wake up. Even if you are really exposed, Madam Xiao, I won't be able to give it to you then." Is there a chance to teach someone a lesson?”

Shen Ru knocked his dizzy head and breathed a sigh of relief: "Thanks!" If his Chinese medicine was brought into the capital, I don't know how many misfortunes he would encounter along the way!Shen Ru also had the feeling of surviving a disaster, and this thank you was particularly sincere.

"It was our master who made a decisive decision!" Lin Yang was a little proud. This method was also thought of by Yan Shaoqing.

"Where to go now?" Shen Ru asked.

"Of course I will send Mrs. Xiao back to the Governor's Mansion. The medicine in your body has not yet dissipated and you are weak, so I can only send you back first."

"No, take me back to Shen's house!" Shen Ru said, "The person who drugged me is at home!"

When Lin Yang saw what Shen Ru said, he asked his companions in the carriage to go to Shen's house.

Shen Ru still felt that she had no strength, and she became even more angry. What kind of medicine had been given to her?
"Lin Yang, do you know the drug in my body?" Shen Ru thought for a while before asking.

"This medicine... should have come from the Western Region. It is very effective. I have to ask the young master and Miss Wuya for details."

Shen Ru was annoyed that she had actually been tricked. The person who handed her the water was a servant of the Shen family, or her mother bought it from Ren Yazi. They said that the mother and daughter were refugees who fled to Liangzhou. Could it be that? Have you already been someone else's spy?
When we returned to Shen's house, it was almost dark. When Shen Ru got out of the carriage, her legs were weak, but she still held on to the carriage to prevent her from falling.

The medicine was indeed too strong. Shen Ru thought she was in good health, and it had been several hours, but she still couldn't muster the strength!

"Miss!" Mul Qin was shocked when he saw Shen Ru holding the door.

"Mul Qin, help me in and call my parents and Uncle Fu to the front." Shen Ru ordered, "Lin Yang, can you go to the Governor's Mansion and send a message that I will be at the Shen family tonight!"

"Okay, Mrs. Xiao!" Lin Yang watched Shen Ru enter the Shen family and then went to the Governor's Mansion for Shen Ru. "Aru, what's wrong with you?" Mother Shen quickly walked out of the main courtyard. Seeing the weak Shen Ru, she was even more frightened and immediately stepped forward to help Shen Ru.

"Mom, after I drank that glass of water, I fainted not long after I went out. If I hadn't been seen by the guards of the Yan family, I would have been sent out of Liangzhou at this time!" Shen Ru said weakly, "Mom , my head is still dizzy."

When Shen's mother heard this, she felt distressed and angry, and immediately hugged Shen Ru.

"Mu Qin, go and escort Lin and her daughter over!" Mother Shen hugged Shen Ru and said fearfully: "Aru, don't worry, mother will definitely help you. Fortunately, you were saved. Mother Lin How dare women, how dare they!"

Father Shen and Uncle Fu both came over, and when asked why, they were both very angry.

Uncle Fu stepped forward and felt Shen Ru's pulse, frowning.

"Your pulse is very messed up, this medicine is too overbearing!"

"Yes, Uncle Fu, I am still dizzy and weak." Shen Ru smiled bitterly: "If I fall into the enemy's hands, there will be no return this time!"

"Master, madam, we're here!" Mulqin escorted Lin's mother and daughter over.

Seeing Shen Ru, Mrs. Lin immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Master, madam, eldest lady, it's all my fault. If you want to kill me, I will admit it. Please let my daughter go!"

"Ms. Lin, the Shen family treats you well. How could you do such a shameful thing? Don't we, Aru, treat you badly? How dare you!" Mother Shen was angry, grabbed the tea cup and went to Lin Hit him on the head.

"Madam, it's my slave's fault. I did everything by myself. It has nothing to do with my daughter. I will admit it if she wants to be beaten or killed. Please, Master and Madam, please let my daughter go!"

"Mom, why, why are you doing this?" Lin's daughter didn't know about this at all, and she was looking at her mother in shock at this moment.

"It's me who's blinded by money, it's me who's crazy!" Mrs. Lin slapped herself from left to right. "I am no better than a pig or a dog. I am willing to bear all the consequences. Please ask the master and madam to show your kindness to my daughter and let me pay for my life!"

"Mother, mother, stop it. Tell me who wants to harm the eldest lady. Tell me!"

"The second young lady of the Yan family gave me 1000 taels of silver and asked me to drug the eldest lady." Mrs. Lin's cheeks were red and swollen, "I...I was really blinded by money. 1000 taels, we can do it ourselves." Set up a household and buy some Susukita..."

"Ha!" Shen Ru sneered and sold her for 1000 taels of silver!

"Mu Qin, send her to the official!" Mother Shen was so angry that her liver ached. Just for 1000 taels of silver, she almost ruined Shen Ru's life. She couldn't swallow this bad breath!
"No, sir, madam, eldest lady, please let my mother go!" Lin's daughter immediately cried and begged: "Mom, take out the money, mother, we don't want this money, please hurry up, sir and madam, and we will do things in peace and order from now on. , I will be a servant to the master and his wife for the rest of my life to atone for my sins, mother, please tell me!"

"We, the Shen family, don't dare to take servants who betray our master. If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price!" Father Shen said with a cold face: "Mu Qin, send Lin to the government! Ah, now is the time Madam, what is the crime for harming the governor's wife? Let the government handle it strictly!"

"No, mother..."

Shen Ru didn't want to plead for Mrs. Lin. The Shen family would no longer keep the mother and daughter! (End of chapter)

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