Chapter 55
"But, if my grandmother was killed, shouldn't we investigate the murderer?"

Shen Ru said quietly, "The road to exile is difficult, and we have walked most of it. It only takes a few months to reach Liangzhou. Alas, I really made it this far but died unexpectedly!"

Shen Ru returned everything Yang said, and then looked at the others in the third room with a mocking look.

"Shen Ru, what do you mean, what do you see me doing?"

Yang exploded like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"My mother is no longer here, so can't you let her rest in peace?"

"What kind of peace of mind do you have? Everyone knows that you and your mother are at odds. Do you want your mother to die in peace?"

Yang's cry also made Shen Fu and Shen Ming start to accuse Shen Rulai.

Shen Ru raised his eyebrows, these people who screamed the most fiercely must be the murderers!

What an irony, Mrs. Feng must have never thought that her son, daughter-in-law and grandson would join forces to kill her!

"Do you think it's reasonable to be loud?"

Mother Shen cursed angrily: "Either Feng committed suicide, or she was hung here. Who else was sleeping next to you at night besides you?"

"You are killing people. Your unfilial descendants killed people and framed us Aru. Why didn't God send thunder to kill you!"

Aunt Lian then said, but she deliberately relayed what Fengshi said last night.

"Mr. Chen, do you really not care about this human life?"

Shen Ru stared at Chen Qing. Chen Qing was right. Prisoners had no human rights. If a Feng family member died, no one would care.

"What are you doing? Why don't you pack up quickly and hit the road!"

Chen Qing snorted coldly, ordered people to dispose of Feng's body, and walked away!
When Shen Ru saw this, he stared at the people in the third room with some annoyance.

"God is watching what you do, do you think Feng Shi will let you go when he is a ghost?"

"Who are you trying to scare? I'm not afraid!" Yang patted her chest and gritted her teeth.

Their wishful thinking was overturned, and the three people in Sanfang looked bad, but there was no time for them to say anything. The entire exile team was on the road again.

In the carriage, Shen Yan's mood became a little low. Although Feng was a mean person.But when the old Marquis was still alive, he pretended to be gentle and virtuous.

Shen Yan had experienced maternal love from Feng Shi when he was young. Now that Feng Shi died tragically, he could not help but feel sad.

"Tell me, how come the Third Brother's family can do this!"

Shen Yan said in a daze, "That's his mother!"

"People's hearts are unpredictable. No one would have thought that the third family would be so ruthless."

Mother Shen comforted Shen Yan and finally spoke to Shen Ru and the other two children.

"Xuanxuan, Nian'er, you should listen to Aru more in the future. Especially Nian'er, although you are a man, you must remember that it was Aru who helped the whole family preserve their money during the most critical moment of the family. , and also save everyone from the suffering on the road to exile."

"Mom doesn't ask you to be successful, I just ask you to be in good health and listen to Aru's words."

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely listen to my sister."

Shen Xuan immediately said, "It was my sister who brought us hot food."

"There are still snacks." Shen Nian also immediately expressed his position, "Sister is very powerful. I will definitely listen to her in the future."

"Ha, mother, you are really unfounded. Don't worry, the three of us siblings will never be like my father and my second and third uncles."

Shen Ru replied, "Dad, you don't have to worry about your grandmother. Didn't she keep shouting that she couldn't bear the pain? Maybe dying in the hands of her own son would be a relief!"

"It's just that the murderer will definitely feel uneasy. From now on, he will be charged with killing his own mother, and he will not be afraid of my mother taking her life." "Just tell me, who did this?"

Aunt Lian interjected: "Shen Fu, Yang, or Shen Ming?"

"What a bunch of bad eggs!" Mother Shen said in a stern voice, "Feng Shi is really...forget it, everyone is gone, so I won't bury her!"

When Feng died, Shen Ru did not applaud, but only felt it was ironic. After all, Feng died at the hands of his own relatives.

The Shen family's two-bedroom and three-bedroom houses in the queue behind are in two groups.

Qian took his son and walked in front with Shen Ping, while Shen Tong got together with Shen Fu's family.

"My mother is gone, but Shen Ru hasn't been hurt in the slightest. Third brother, please tell me, what should I do?"

Shen Tong looked gloomy, and his frostbitten cheeks, coupled with his expression, looked particularly frightening.

"What to do, what to do, everyone is gone, what else can I do? I didn't even take advantage of it, I hate it so much!"

Shen Fu gritted his teeth and said.

"No, I just can't bear to see Shen Ru's family enjoying happiness while we suffer!"

Shen Ming also said, "Since the official does not care whether the prisoner is alive or dead, I must make the big brother cry. There will always be a chance."

"Shen Ru, it's all Shen Ru. As long as Shen Ru disappears, the people in the big house will not be manipulated by us at will."

Yang also said angrily that it was just like Feng Shi that she was the one who neither the man nor his son could do, and it was she who strangled the old woman to death in the end.

"As long as Shen Ru dies, we can get on the carriage!"

Yang is almost obsessed with the carriage. She can get shelter from the wind and rain there, and there must be a lot of food. If she can get on the carriage, she won't have to endure hardship!
The north wind whistled, blowing on the face like a knife. People in the team kept falling down, and the ice and snow became their burial place!

Cui Ti seemed to be trying to make up for her early departure. This time she brought out food to satisfy all official duties.

The people in Prince Jing's Mansion naturally received preferential treatment, which made Cui Ti's reputation among them better again.

"Miss Cui is still kind-hearted. If the crown prince is still alive, Miss Cui must be the most suitable concubine for the crown prince."

"Isn't that right? Now that the prince is gone, it's really rare for Miss Cui to still be so dedicated!"

While taking a rest in the middle, Cui Ti watched Pei Chongguang eating steamed buns and couldn't help but hand him some warm tea.

"Thank you Sister Cui."

Pei Chongguang said obediently that during the break, he would get off the carriage and return to his mother and aunt, and also distribute the things Cui Ti gave to others.

"Chongguang, tell me, who is nice to you, me or that girl Shen Ru?"

When she was free, Cui Ti spoke slowly.

Pei Chongguang was stunned, and his mother and aunt were also stunned.

"Miss Cui, we will always remember your great kindness to us."

It was Pei Chongguang's mother who said, "Miss Shen has also helped us and is a benefactor to us!"

"I'm just joking, don't take it too seriously."

Cui Ti smiled, and she looked down at Shen Ru, who was getting off the carriage, with a faint look in her eyes.

She and Shen Ru didn't get along. She heard that Shen Ru slapped her grandmother, and the grandmother finally committed suicide by hanging from a beam.

Although she is not her biological grandmother, she is still an elder. If Shen Ru is so disrespectful and ignorant of filial piety, why do the people in Prince Jing's palace still care so much about her?
No matter what situation you are in, isn't it right to honor your grandmother?
(End of this chapter)

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