Chapter 56 Xiao Wujin is being hunted
Shen Ru and Cui Ti naturally have no intersection, and Shen Ru also knows very well that she and Cui Ti are not in conflict with each other.

The official road became increasingly difficult to walk, with slippery ground and shallow puddles.

But if this is the case, Shen Ru is used to it. Logically speaking, civilians should avoid it when encountering the exile team.

But why do carriages pass by from time to time?

It was a rare sunny day. Although it was extremely cold, Shen Ru and his family still got out of the carriage to stretch their bodies.

It was at this time that Shen Ru suddenly saw a man riding by on horseback. He had a high nose and deep eyes, and a strand of red hair floating out of his turban.

Is this... a foreigner?
"Master Chen, how far is it from Liangzhou?"

"Looking at the map, it should be nearly a thousand miles. If we travel fifty miles a day, we can get there in more than twenty days."

Chen Qing replied, but after looking at the team, the current progress was about thirty miles a day. If they were detained in a snowy day, they could arrive in about a month.

"Then Liangzhou borders Fan State?"

Shen Ru asked again, "Are the two places trading with each other?"


Chen Qing sneered, "Miss Shen is worthy of being the daughter of a prince in the capital."


Shen Ru looked at Chen Qing in confusion.

"So innocent!"

"Those who are not of my race must have different minds. The foreign countries are all barbarians who drink the blood of Maoru and have strange looks. If we do business with these people, wouldn't we open the door of my big end and let the barbarians in?"

Shen Ru listened to Chen Qingyi's indignant remarks and said leisurely:
"The person who rode over just now seems to have red hair, sunken eyes, and a high nose!"

"What? The foreigners came in?"

Chen Qing was shocked, then frowned, and the expression on his face changed again and again.

"Even if it's true as you said, it's none of our business."

Shen Ruben also thought that this was just a coincidence. After the exile team stopped for a while, they continued on their way.

Arriving at the inn at night, there was nothing unusual as before.

However, in the middle of the night, Shen Ru suddenly noticed that someone had entered the place of detention, but it was dark and she could not see clearly who it was, and it was not directed towards them, so she didn't think much about it.

But on the second day, someone stood beside his carriage. Shen Ru couldn't help but widen his eyes. What's going on? Why is the governor of Liangzhou here?

"Master Xiao?"

Shen Ru saw that Xiao Wujin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot and couldn't help but open his mouth to test.

Could this be a stranger with the same face?
Chen Qing came over with Yi Cheng.

Yi Cheng looked nervous, stepped forward and whispered: "This Miss Shen, Mr. Xiao is an important minister of the imperial court, but he was hunted down by the Fan Bang people, so he got mixed up in the exile team."

"Shen Ru, how can Mr. Xiao walk with the prisoners? Naturally, he wants to get on your carriage. You have no right to refuse."

Chen Qing also spoke.

"Of course I will cooperate, then... Mr. Xiao, please!"

Shen Ru immediately beamed, haha, it's time to get closer.

Soon, there was silence in the carriage.

The carriage space was limited, so it was naturally impossible for Xiao Wujin to sit alone on one side, but there was really an empty seat next to him.

Shen Ru's parents looked at Xiao Wujin. Although he was a prisoner, after all, he had been the Marquis and his wife before, so he had not lost his aura.

"You blended into the exile team, what about your subordinate?"

It was Shen Ru who broke the silence.

"Luneng pretended to take me in another direction."

"Oh, just let him lure away the person who assassinated you, but sooner or later he will be exposed!"

Shen Ru said clearly.

"But there are so many people here, even if they find you mixed in in the end, they won't be afraid." "Aru, don't you want to protect this adult?"

Aunt Lian shouted deliberately, no matter who this adult is, the most important thing is to know that they have this intention.

Xiao Wujin glanced at Shen Ru.

"Are you very skilled in martial arts?"

"It's just normal, just to protect myself."

Shen Ru said modestly, "The main reason is that there are many officials here, and there are also many deportees. Even if they know that you are among them, they will not come to search the deported team!"

Unless everyone is killed, the news of Fan Bang's assassination of the Liangzhou governor will soon spread.

By then, I'm afraid there will be a dispute between the two countries!
"Why not?"

Xiao Wujin said, "I hope they won't suspect this, otherwise, it will be a fierce battle."


Shen Ru was surprised, "Aren't you afraid that people from other countries will know about the entry of foreigners?"

"We won't know if we kill them all!"

"So many, kill them all?"

Shen Ru was shocked. There were more than 800 people. Even if the prisoners were not worthy of their lives, what about the officials?

Xiao Wujin didn't answer, but he obviously acquiesced.

"Oh, then I will really have to get to know these foreigners."

If that were the case, Shen Ru felt that she would have to take action with all her strength!

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Xiao, I will protect you!"

When Shen Ru said these words, Xiao Wujin fell silent again. Shen Ru, a daughter of a prince's family, spoke so loudly!
The team marched for two days without much incident, but as noon approached on the third day, there were obviously more horses galloping past on the official road.

Chen Qing told other officials to be careful. He also knew Xiao Wujin's identity, so he definitely couldn't let Xiao Wujin die in the exile team.

Most of the prisoners didn't know that there was an extra man in Shen Ru's carriage, but the second and third bedrooms of the Shen family knew.

They were not far away, and Yang had always wanted to sit in the carriage. How could he not know that there was an extra man in the carriage?
"Do you know who the man in the carriage is?"

When they were free, Yang and Shen Ming murmured.

"I don't know, has this bitch Shen Ru found a man for herself?"

Shen Ming said bitterly.

"In the carriage, everyone from the big house is there. If it is Shen Ru's man, it would be too shameless. The two children are still so young!"

Shen Fu also tried his best to bury Shen Ru and even said a lot of unpleasant things.

When they arrived at the inn at night, Uncle Fu, who stopped the carriage, told Shen Ru that something was wrong with the people in the inn. There were a few more horses behind them, and they didn't look like native horses.

"Not right?"

Shen Ru repeated it, and then said immediately: "Well, Uncle Fu, from now on, don't eat anything at the inn. I suspect that the people in the inn are all under control!"

" you want to remind others?"

"Well, let me remind the Cui family's guards. I think they are quite skilled."

As for official duties, there are many people talking, so it depends on whether Chen Qing is so sharp!
Except that Xiao Wujin sneaked into the place where he was detained at the beginning, in the following days, he still had his own place to live in the inn.

Therefore, after Uncle Fu informed her of the matter, Shen Ru comforted her parents, siblings, and went to the guest room.

"Shen Ru, what are you doing?"

Xiao Wujin was changing clothes when Shen Ru suddenly broke in, making him even more furious.

"Why did you change your clothes as soon as you arrived at the inn? I think you might be in danger tonight, so I came here to protect you!"

Shen Ru said sincerely, his eyes sparkling!

(End of this chapter)

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