Chapter 62 The killer from other countries attacks

Shen Ru felt that Shen Ping had really changed her gender, and she became upset.

My second uncle is also a bastard. When Feng was here, he was like a mother's boy; now, he is a scumbag father who can only yell at his wife and daughter!
Anyway, the second uncle didn't dare to come to her and make noise, so Shen Ru agreed to Shen Ping's offer and would give her ten taels of silver when she got to Liangzhou.

The north wind blew hard, making walking extremely difficult.

The team entered a long canyon again, and the officials were all ready.

Listening to the weird wind noise outside, two children cuddled together in the carriage, shivering.

"Sister, what's going on outside...what's going on outside? It's so scary! It's so scary!"

"Mom, Nian'er is scared!"

Shen Ru couldn't help laughing when he heard what his younger brothers and sisters said.

"Well, this is because of the terrain. The wind swirls in the valley and makes such a sound. Don't be afraid."

"It's so scary, Aru, we have never been to this northwest land, and my mother is also a little scared."

Shen Ru was not afraid, but he was alert.

There will also be ferocious beasts in this kind of valley. This group of people may become the meal of some beasts.

In the valley, in addition to the sound of wind, there was also the sound of animals flapping. When he saw the vultures circling above his head, Chen Qing pulled his collar.

"Head, there seems to be someone!"

Chen Qing was reminded by his men. He suddenly looked over and saw several loud voices flashing in front of him. Before he could react, he saw many large rocks falling in front of him.

"Go back, go back now!"

Chen Qing immediately directed the prison car and shouted for the officers to leave.

"Meet the enemy!"

As Chen Qing shouted, several people jumped down from the valley with loud voices.

Shen Ru raised the curtain of the carriage when he heard the noise, and was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the Fanbang killer?

Do they think the Liangzhou governor is still among the exiles?

"Mom and dad, don't come out of the carriage. I'll go meet them."

Shen Ru immediately took out the knife that she had snatched from the Fanbang killers. The Fanbang thieves were so evil that they wanted to see if she would let them come back this time!

There were eight Fanbang killers who came this time. It seemed that the killers who had ambushed Luneng before had also gathered together.

When an official faced a killer from a foreign country, Shen Rumoi saw that he was... a weakling.

Even Chen Qing only took a few moves before he was knocked to the ground. If Shen Ru hadn't saved the scene with quick eyes and quick hands, he might have ended up here!
"A bunch of bugs hiding their heads and tails. You must recognize the knife in my aunt's hand. If you are defeated, show your skills quickly!"

Shen Ru shouted, he could finally use his full strength!
"Girl, there is a killer ahead, let me go and help."

Fang Jin, the guard beside Cui Ti, rode on a horse and asked for instructions.

Cui Ti raised the curtains of the car, but she couldn't see the scene in front of her. She hesitated: "With so many officials, can't we still defend against the enemy?"

"It was the killer that night. Miss Shen took action before."

Fang Jin saw Shen Ru's skills on the horse and was shocked, which also made his blood boil.

"Now that she's gone, you shouldn't go. She loves to steal the limelight so much, why bother?"

Cui Ti said slowly, with nearly a hundred people present, does Shen Ru still need to take action?
Fang Jin was stunned. Didn't his young lady always ask him to help when she saw someone bullying someone?

"Yes, Shen Rushen is a criminal, and it is her volition to contribute to the safety of everyone."

Mrs. Pei said slowly, "She didn't have to be like this!"

Cui Ti didn't understand what Mrs. Pei meant by saying this, so she couldn't help asking in a low voice:
"Old madam, do you want me to help Shen Ru?"

"I don't dare. Miss Cui can lend a helping hand to help me wait for the prisoners. I can't thank you enough!"

Cui Ti felt something was wrong, so she said to Fang Jin, "Then go help her!"

Fang Jin heard the reluctance in Cui Ti's mouth, but he couldn't care so much. He immediately dismounted and stepped forward quickly with his sword in hand.Shen Ru faced the killer alone, but he did not lose. A group of officials helped to raid the formation.

"Miss Shen, let me help you!"

Fang Jin shouted and joined in with his sword.

Shen Ru heard what these people were talking about, and then saw that this group of people seemed to be sending some signal. Then, there were many falling rocks in the valley.

"You go save the others, you bastards, or you will die together!"

Seeing this, Shen Ru became angry and shouted, leaving no room for his subordinates.

The Fanbang killer wants to trap the entire exile team in the valley!

Even if the target can't be found, as long as everyone is trapped here, they can always find it and kill it. Even if they can't kill it, they can still succeed in the end without eating or drinking in this valley.

With this purpose in mind, the Fanbang killers did not hesitate at all, and every move they made was a killing move!
Fang Jin's kung fu was not weak either. He teamed up with Shen Ru and quickly killed the killer!

"Miss Shen, I don't know where you came from, but your skills are really rare."

Fang Jin admired him from the bottom of his heart and asked Shen Ru with great approval.

"My late grandfather taught me how to get started, and there are also experts who teach me. The sect is closely guarded and is not allowed to be passed on to outsiders."

Shen Ru replied, frowning, looking up at the top of the valley. There must be someone setting up traps above, but right now, the way forward is completely blocked.

"Unfortunately, these people really risked their lives to make us pay for their burial!"

Shen Ru kicked the corpse of the Fanbang killer a few times. If he died here, he would probably attract vultures and some ferocious beasts soon!

The most terrifying thing is that the temperature drops sharply at night, and disaster will happen again then!

"The falling rocks have blocked the road back, and we are trapped in the canyon!"

Chen Qing came over and said, "These people..."

He knelt down and lifted off the masks of these people.

"They are from a foreign race."

"They came for that Lord. Obviously they didn't know that Lord Xiao had left."

Shen Ru said irritably, "What should I do? Push these stones away?"

Looking at the pile of rocks nearly three meters high, Shen Ru was extremely angry. What kind of person was he? In order to kill one person, he would not hesitate to sacrifice himself but also implicate more than 800 people!
"There are also injured prisoners, Shen Ru, if you have medicine..."

"I do!" Shen Ru replied, "Please, Mr. Chen, throw these corpses farther away. There will be vultures above them soon!"

Chen Qing looked up and saw a big bird hovering over the canyon.

He called the officials to take care of the body, while Shen Ru got into the carriage and took out the wound medicine to see if anyone needed it.

Fang Jin followed Shen Ru and watched Shen Ru rescue people, feeling inexplicably moved in his heart.

Cui Ti also got off the carriage, called Fang Jin back, and asked about the situation.

"Miss, we are trapped in the canyon right now. Unless the rockfall in front is cleared, there is no way to move forward."

"Where are the murderers? Have they all been brought to justice?"

Cui Ti asked, "Do you know who caused this disaster?"

Fang Jin replied truthfully. Seeing Cui Ti frowning, he reminded: "Miss, someone is injured. Can we help him?"

"Someone is injured. He needs to be rescued. Someone, please take me to see him."

When Cui Ti heard this, she immediately became concerned.

"Then Miss Shen is already on the rescue."

As soon as Fang Jin said these words, Cui Ti's expression changed.

"Then... let's go take a look too!"

(End of this chapter)

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