Chapter 63: Taking off the dead man’s clothes

Shen Ru retreated when she saw Cui Ti was also rescuing people.

"If any of you need my help, come to me yourself."

Without saying a word, Shen Ru got into the carriage.

"Aru, are you tired? Mom, please give me a squeeze on your shoulders. There are so many thugs, but we, Aru, are not exhausted."

"That's right, Aru, please don't rush into us with such scary things in the future. You've scared us to death!"

As soon as they returned to the carriage, Shen's mother and Aunt Lian immediately greeted Shen Ru with greetings, pinched her shoulders and hit her back, with distressed expressions on their faces.

"Mom, aunt, I'm fine. You weren't scared, were you? When the rocks fell from above, did they hit our carriage?"

"Thanks to Uncle Fu's driving stability, we really didn't get hit."

Shen Yan replied: "Aru, in fact, your parents' expectation for you has always been to be safe and sound, do you understand?"

Listening to her family's caring words for herself, Shen Ru felt warm in her heart.

"It's said that the eggs are never left intact. The killers from other countries who came today are here for Mr. Xiao."

Shen Ru explained: "Last time at the inn, they came once and were repelled by me. I didn't expect them to come back this time."

"The most abominable thing is that they risk their lives to get everyone involved."

"Sister, did Mr. Xiao do something bad? Otherwise, why would these people keep killing him?"

Shen Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"As an official of the imperial court, it is normal to make enemies."

Shen Yan explained: "Xuanxuan, your sister also said that those people are Fanbang killers. You have never seen Fanbang people in the capital. Those people are tall and big, and they are covered with hair. They eat everything raw."

Shen Ru couldn't help but snorted and joked: "Dad, I'm afraid you haven't seen it before!"

"Although I have never seen it, I have seen it in the book."

Shen Yan defended himself by saying, "Barbarians from other countries eat their hair and drink their blood."

"It's true that it's tall and big. Liangzhou is located in the northwest borderland. Maybe Master Xiao has some blood feud with Fan Bang!"

Shen Ru took over and said: "In appearance, these people have deep eyes, high noses, and red hair. They are different from us at first glance."

Compared to the scene outside, the carriage was warm and welcoming.

Many people in the team were injured by falling rocks or being stepped on by others, and those who were already weak simply made it worse.

"Miss Cui, living Bodhisattva, save people to the end, we are cold, it is really too cold!"

Cui Ti was entangled, and the prisoners gathered around her to beg for something.

"I've given you everything I've brought."

Cui Ti said distressedly: "Or, you can ask over there."

She couldn't say that the Shen family must have something, but...she really didn't have anything extra to keep warm.

"Miss Shen has done enough for us, we don't have much to say, they still have children over there!"

"Yes, there aren't many things in Miss Shen's carriage. Hasn't it been stripped by someone?"

Cui Ti felt even worse when she heard many of the prisoners talking about Shen Ru's kindness.

Since Shen Ru is so good, what does she do?
The prisoner's request generally depends on Cui Ti's gentleness, gentleness and easy talking.

Many people have seen Shen Ru's toughness. He just comes to kick people directly. How dare they go to Shen Ru and ask for something?
Cui Ti didn't know the reason and tried her best to explain, but in the end, she could only retreat into the carriage.

"Old madam, did I do something wrong?"

Cui Ti said a little aggrievedly that what she wanted was to fulfill her sincerity towards Pei Wenjing and take care of the people of Prince Jing's Mansion to reach Liangzhou safely. "Miss Cui is kind-hearted and has good intentions."

Mrs. Pei said calmly, "I'm afraid the Pei family will not be able to repay your kindness to Prince Jing's Mansion."

"Old Madam, I never ask for anything in return."

Cui Ti looked at Mrs. Pei. She was not slow and could sense that Mrs. Pei was not too close to her.

She didn't quite understand that at the beginning, she could detect the old lady's gratitude to herself.

"Sister Cui, if you don't want to take care of those people, don't take care of them."

Pei Chongguang said: "You can do as much as you have the ability. That's what my father used to tell me."

Cui Ti was stunned. Did she mean that she didn't have that ability?
"Old madam, Chongguang, if you don't have me, you can actually..."

Cui Ti said sadly, Shen Ru helped take care of the old lady when she wasn't here, so she doesn't seem so necessary, right?
"Miss Cui thinks too much. If the prince is alive in heaven, he will definitely be grateful to you."

The old lady said slowly that Cui Ti took care of the entire Pei family, and whether she was good at scheming or not, it was indeed good to have Cui Ti!
These words happened to soothe Cui Ti's sensitive heart. Isn't that what she wanted?

The wind outside kept blowing, and because of the obstruction from the front and back, everyone was trapped in this small square inch, and it wasn't that cold anymore.

The vultures hovering overhead were still watching. Finally, they seemed to be hungry, so they swooped down and began to eat the corpse. Everyone who watched it felt sick and wanted to vomit.

"Damn it, you should take off their clothes first. They are wearing quite warm clothes."

I don't know who suddenly said something, and the brave ones immediately started to drive away the vultures.

"Go away, go away."

"Mine, these clothes are mine. I'm freezing to death. I also want these shoes."

"Don't grab it from me, I want it too."

The officer wanted to stop, but Chen Qing stopped him. These noble people, who were originally rich and well-dressed, were convicted of a crime, and ended up in the situation of ripping off the clothes of the dead. This inexplicably gave them, the escort officer, some pleasure!

"Head, look quickly!"

Suddenly, an official shouted, pointing to the pile of rocks with trembling hands.

Chen Qing couldn't help but dilate his pupils, that was...a leopard?
"Snow Leopard, it's Snow Leopard, it's over, we're done!"

It was the local official who spoke, looking horrified.

Shen Ru heard this and jumped out of the carriage.

"Uncle Fu, where is the snow leopard?"

"It's right there, on the pile of rocks. It should have come down from above. There are many people. Don't be afraid. This thing is both agile and fierce. It usually hunts antelopes."

Following Uncle Fu's words, Shen Ru also looked over.

The snow leopard bared its teeth and looked down fiercely.

"If there are snow leopards, there should also be wolves, and maybe tigers, but there are so many people here, these beasts probably won't come."

Shen Ru pondered and said, "If there is no news about such a large group of people, the local state capital will know about it. It just depends on how they survive in the past few days!"

"Go away, go away!"

I don’t know who started it, picked up stones on the ground and threw them in the direction of the snow leopard.

The snow leopard let out a low roar, jumped across the canyon, and finally disappeared.

The stripped corpses on the ground continued to be eaten by vultures, and the smell of blood spread in the wind, making people sick, as if it was also attracting the beasts lurking in the canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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