Chapter 64 I Don't Believe You

In the canyon, there was a cry, and it sounded like a wolf.

There are also some low moans, which are frightening to hear.

"Shen Ru, you are good at martial arts. Why don't you try jumping on the rock and go out to report the news to the state capital."

Chen Qing discussed with Shen Ru.

Shen Ru smiled and shook his head: "I won't go."

The answer was exceptionally decisive.

Chen Qing's face darkened, and then he said: "Do you want to see so many people waiting so hard?"

"If I don't go, doesn't it mean others can't go?"

Shen Ru asked, "Master Chen, why don't you give it a try?"

"My skills at hand are crude and not as good as Miss Shen's ability to fly over walls and walls."

Chen Qing said with a dark face.

"But, I can't trust you, let alone other prisoners."

Shen Ru said with a smile, his voice cold and bright.

"You want me to keep my parents, brothers and sisters here? Master Chen, how can you expect me to feel relieved?"

"What's more, I am a prisoner who has never been to this northwest land. I don't know the way. How can I see the adults in the state capital first?"

Chen Qing was at a loss for words. What Shen Ru said was reasonable, but he didn't want to just sit back and wait for death!
The sounds I heard in my ears were so unsettling.

"I am not the only master. Instead of coming to me, Mr. Chen, it is better to ask Miss Cui for help."

Shen Ru reminded kindly.

After Chen Qing thought about it, he agreed with Shen Ru's words and moved to find Cui Ti.

Cui Ti agreed and sent Fang Jin to handle the matter, but she was also a little curious.

"Master Chen, why don't you let Shen Ru go? She is superb in martial arts and enjoys being in the limelight. Isn't that just right..."

Chen Qing glanced at Cui Ti thoughtfully and thought of something inexplicably.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Shen Ru and Cui Ti are so out of place in this exile team, and they don't seem to be able to deal with them.

"Shen Ru is worried about her family. If she leaves, she is afraid that something will happen to her family."

Chen Qing said deliberately, "Miss Cui, don't worry, you are not a criminal and no one will offend you."

Cui Ti was inexplicably confused, who was Shen Rufang?

As the sky grows dark, uneasiness spreads among the exiles.

Shen Ru's family had already got off the carriage and sat around with a group of people to light a fire.

The only thing that can keep warm but also scare the beasts is fire. He picked up all the dead branches that he could find in the trapped canyon area. Shen Ru couldn't guarantee how long the fire would last.

"It's dark, and the wild animals are coming out to look for food!"

Shen Ru glanced at the top of his head and said slowly.

"Sister, I'm afraid!" Shen Nian plunged into Mother Shen's arms.

"Tch, I haven't said anything yet!"

Shen Ru laughed and said, she hasn't told any horror stories yet?

There were nearly twenty people sitting together, and most of them were grateful to the Shen family. Shen Ping was also with her mother and brother, but her father, Shen Tong, couldn't bear to stay with Shen Fu's family of three. .

Also lit a fire to keep warm.

"Second brother, Ping'er is very capable. She got on board with Shen Ru. When you talk about Liangzhou, will she still listen to you?"

Shen Fu said sadly, "With Ping'er's appearance, if she were in the capital, she would be a good match for a young master from an aristocratic family. You have to hold on tight!"

Shen Tong glanced at his daughter not far away.

"Don't worry, I am her father, can she still care about my life or death in the future?" Shen Tong said, "But Shen Ming has to plan carefully in the future."

Shen Ming, who was mentioned, moved and felt pain in his legs. He gritted his teeth and said: "I will definitely avenge this. I don't believe that I haven't had the chance to punish Shen Ru in Liangzhou!"

"Ming'er, don't worry, my mother will definitely not be able to swallow this breath. She is a widow whose man died, how can she have such a good life!"

Yang also gritted his teeth and glared at Shen Ru fiercely.

"Ah!" Suddenly, several frightened shouts came from behind the team.

"There are wolves, there are wolves!"

The people behind suddenly shouted and pushed forward, and even heard the cry of children.

Chen Qing was the first to rush over and drove the wolf away with the officials.

But he was a little confused, why did this wolf in the northwest look like a dog?

"It's jackals, a swarm of jackals!"

The local official shouted, "This thing is more powerful than a wild boar. Jackals, tigers and leopards are the most ferocious!"

Even in the face of being chased away by officials, he still bites people without letting go.

And these jackals seemed to know who was easier to attack. Just when they pounced, they pounced on a thin woman and bit her throat. Then a group of jackals dragged the woman to the pile of rocks, leaving a few behind to deal with the official. Same.

"Are these beasts fertile?"

Chen Qing said with some horror.

"Mr. Chen, this is what jackals are like. They come out in groups. Sometimes even adult wild boars can't fight against them!"

The local official said, and a group of people watched the woman being dragged onto the stacked stones.

In the end, Chen Qing flew out with his saber and shot the jackal holding the woman in his mouth. The jackal was so painful that he spat out and rolled down the pile of rocks.

Coupled with the fact that other officials were waving torches and wielding swords, the group of jackals had no chance to take advantage of, so they reluctantly retreated.

"Mother, mother!"

A child threw himself on the woman and cried. Chen Qing stepped forward and saw that he was out of breath!
On Shen Ru's side, he also met the snow leopard already standing on the pile of rocks. He didn't know if it was the one he saw during the day.

Perhaps because of the fire and someone holding a torch, the snow leopard did not come down. After observing for a long time, the snow leopard left again.

Shen Ru's mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster. The leopard's speed couldn't be matched. Even if she could resist it, what if it hurt someone?

Chen Qing came back. Seeing Shen Ru's nervous look, he immediately asked, "Is there something coming here too?"

"It's still a snow leopard, what's going on over there?"

Shen Ru asked.

"It was said to be a group of jackals. They looked like wild dogs and were extremely cunning. They killed a man. I'm afraid we won't be able to relax this night."

Chen Qing said seriously, I wonder what happened to Fang Jin who went to the state capital!

"Master Chen, it seems that you are going to have a hard time tonight!"

Shen Ru said calmly, "We should take turns to watch the night, so we can't let wild beasts bite people to death again!"

Chen Qing nodded. As an escort officer, he could not let the prisoners die. He looked at the panic-stricken crowd and clenched his fists.

This road to exile is extremely dangerous!
In this atmosphere of crisis, no one dares to sleep.

"Mom, dad, aunt, you stay with Xuanxuan and Nian'er, I will protect you."

"Aru, why don't you go to bed first? If there is any danger, dad will call you."

Shen Yan felt that as the head of the family, he had to stand up at this time.

Shen Ru looked at his father and shook his head.

"Dad, please say goodbye. I'm afraid your legs will be weak by then."

Shen Ru said teasingly, "And Uncle Fu, why don't you take a rest first and I'll take a look around again."

She doesn't worry about others keeping vigil, she has to protect her family herself!
(End of this chapter)

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