Chapter 75 Do you have a crush on me?

The night was not quiet, the wind in the mountain forest whined and circled overhead, and the night watchers took turns to ensure that the fire was not extinguished.

Shen Ru volunteered to participate in the night watch and saw that Cui Ti provided many warm clothes. She could not say that Cui Ti was not a good person.

"Miss Shen!"

Under the dim moonlight, Fang Jin called to Shen Ru.

"Is something wrong?"

Shen Ru had something hidden in her heart and responded calmly.

"Don't worry about Jade in the daytime. She is spoiled by the young lady. Say whatever you want."

Fang Jin found an excuse to talk to Shen Ru.

"If you say anything, it's no brainer."

Shen Ru said bluntly, "Not everyone has such a good sense of self-cultivation as I do, and they don't care about a girl."

Fang Jin was a little embarrassed and nodded repeatedly: "That's what Miss Shen said."

"Miss Shen didn't care about Jade. It was Jade's luck."

"No, it's just that I'm lazy. I'm not interested in disciplining the maid for you."

Shen Ru said, every holy lady always has a maid who admires her.

Fang Jin looked embarrassed and immediately found another excuse:
"Miss Shen, why do you want to help the police patrol at night?"

"Those who are able work harder. I'm not tired anyway. It's more peaceful to protect my family by myself. I wonder why you don't rest?"

"There are many dangers in the mountains and forests. People who practice martial arts are more sensitive. I saw you patrolling at night, so I came over to take a look."

What's so good about her? Shen Ru felt weird when Fang Jin said this.

Looking Fang Jin up and down, Shen Ru frowned slightly.

"Miss Shen, I wonder what your plans are in the future?"

Just as Shen Ru was speculating, Fang Jin spoke again.

"Plan? We are prisoners, what plan can we have? Naturally, we will arrive in Liangzhou and follow the arrangements of local officials."

Shen Ru immediately said that she was not familiar with Fang Jin and there was no need to confess.

Fang Jin knew it, but if Shen Ru had other plans...

"After our lady has settled the people in Prince Jing's Mansion, she will return to Qin Ling. Miss Shen..."

Fang Jin hesitated and said, "Miss Shen is very talented. It would be a pity if she had to do hard labor in Liangzhou..."

This tone, this look...

Shen Ruke didn't think she had the qualities of being a millionaire. After looking Fang Jin up and down, she said:

"If I'm not mistaken, then you must have a crush on me!"

Fang Jin suddenly became nervous, took a deep breath and nodded.

"But our identities are different. My family is a refugee and we are destined to endure hardships in Liangzhou. As a bodyguard of the Cui family, you must follow your master, so...we are not suitable, do you understand?"

Shen Ru refused very simply.

Fang Jin wanted to explain, but Shen Ru continued:

"Is there a possibility that, um, you've seen a lot of gentle women like your lady, and at first glance you feel that someone like me, who wields swords and guns, is different, so you have a good impression of me?"

"I, Shen Ru, am not a kind person. You probably don't know that I had a husband-in-law who was exiled with me before. He didn't hold on and was already gone!"

"I heard something."

Fang Jin felt a little sad when he heard Shen Ru's rejection.

"Well, that's true. Of course, although I didn't do it, my family was indeed involved."

Seeing Fang Jin's expression, Shen Ru felt that what he had said was very clear.

"Miss Shen, I understand what you mean."

Fang Jin maintained his dignity and spoke as calmly as possible. "Although you and I are not destined to be together, there is no need for Miss Shen to belittle yourself. In Fang's eyes, you are better than everyone else."

Oh, this is a compliment to her!
Shen Ru smiled and said, "It's too much to praise, I don't dare to bear it!"

Fang Jin did not walk away because of Shen Ru's rejection. Instead, he accompanied Shen Ru on night patrol and chatted.

Talking about it, Cui Ti will inevitably be mentioned.

"The second young lady is not favored at home. We were all arranged by Miss Yun for the young lady."

Shen Ru was inevitably a little curious. Cui Ti's mother was obviously not an ordinary merchant girl. Why would a woman who could build a business empire for her daughter marry someone as a concubine?

But this is the Cui family's secret after all, and it's not easy for her to ask.

"Your lady was so bold, and her mother didn't say anything?"

"Miss Yun doesn't care about things on weekdays. Miss Yun supports whatever the second young lady wants to do."

support?This mother-in-law is too ambitious!
Shen Ru was surprised, but then he thought, maybe the love brain is inherited from his ancestors? !
After the night patrol, the official shift changed, and Shen Ru went back to take a nap, and it was dawn soon.

The smell of rice porridge woke Shen Ru up. When she opened her eyes, she saw her mother standing in front of her with a bowl of hot porridge.


Shen Ru rubbed his eyes and shouted in surprise.

"Mom is still thinking about whether to wake you up, this porridge is almost cold."

"I was woken up by the smell of porridge. It's not hot at all, so I can eat it!"

Shen Ru immediately cheered: "Mom, it's great to have you."

Mother Shen looked at her daughter fondly, her daughter was so capable, how would the family live without her?

Cui Ti provided dry food to those in need and received a lot of praise.

"Miss Cui, don't blame me for talking too much. Last night, your bodyguard and Shen Ru were very close."

A woman whispered to Cui Ti, "That Shen Ru is the best at seducing men. Miss Cui, you have to watch your men."

Fang Jin and Shen Ru?
Cui Ti was stunned for a moment, but then she smiled and said, "Sister, you are worrying too much. I know my people well."

"Then... let's just say I'm talking too much!"

Cui Ti said nothing more, but the jadeite next to her exploded immediately.

"Miss, what do you mean by Shen Ru? How could she attack Fang Jin? She is too shameless!"

"Jade, please don't slander Miss Shen like this."

Fang Jin heard it and said first, "I found her first."

"Fang Jin, are you shouting at me because of her? We grew up together. Isn't our friendship of more than ten years inferior to the one between you and her?"

Jade was shocked.

Fang Jin felt that Jade was making trouble unreasonably, and he said displeasedly: "Jade, don't think nonsense, and don't say anything nonsense. Miss Shen and I have not gone too far."

"Miss, listen to what he said. He still wants to go beyond the realm of thunder. He...he must be confused by Shen Ru. I...I'll go find her!"

Jade was angry and walked down like wind to find Shen Ru.

Fang Jin was about to chase after him when Cui Ti called out and stopped him.

"Jade is angry. If you go like this, she thinks you are doing it for Shen Ru. She is afraid she will be even more angry."

Cui Ti said: "Don't worry, Jade is impatient, but she won't be angry; or are you afraid that Shen Ru will be angry?"

"Miss, please stop teasing me. Miss Shen has clearly rejected me. It is impossible for me to be with her."

Fang Jin said helplessly, but did not step forward anymore. He was really worried about his passing, and Jade's words became even more nonsense.

"Shen Ru, come out here, you are shameless, you seduce men!"

Jade stood outside the Shen family's carriage with her arms akimbo and shouted, attracting a wave of people around her to look over.

(End of this chapter)

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