Chapter 76 Lost in the Forest
"Where did the little hooves come from? Such nonsense."

Shen Ru was still drinking porridge. When Shen's mother heard this, she became very angry and said, "Aru, drink first, and mother will vent your anger for you."

"Mom, don't be impulsive, let me finish eating first!"

Shen Ru was not in a hurry when he heard the voice of Cui Ti's maid.

Soon, the sound of his family quarreling with Jade was heard outside.

Shen Ru finished the porridge and got out of the carriage. When she saw her parents, aunt, and younger brothers and sisters all arguing around Jade, she felt a little unspeakable.

"You're out, you're finally out. Why, you have the shame to hook up with a man, but you don't have the shame to admit it?"

Jade, with one hand on her hip, looked angry and full of momentum.

"If I hadn't seen that you are a little girl, I would really want to tear your mouth open. Your eye saw our Aru doing that, and you are talking nonsense here."

Even my aunt has rolled up her sleeves. She looks very angry!

"Jade, you are talking about me and Fang Jin."

Shen Ru said solemnly: "What's wrong, do you like Fang Jin?"

"You...what are you talking nonsense about? I grew up with him, and I can't watch a fox like you hooking up with him!"

Jade was lost for a moment, but immediately spoke loudly.

"First of all, I don't have any personal relationship with Fang Jin. We just exchanged a few words together during the night patrol. What's the matter, can't we just talk?"

"Second, you look like someone else has taken advantage of you. Why, then Fang Jin is your lover!"

Shen Ru teased: "Even if it is, you haven't tied anyone up at home, why don't you still allow people to talk to the woman next to you? You are overbearing. If you can't manage your own people, don't bark like a mad dog outside! "

"" Jade blushed when Shen Ru retorted three times in a row.

Not sure if it touched her mind, Jade choked and looked at Shen Ru fiercely.

"Oh, what's the matter, I was right. If you like Fang Jin, tell him yourself and come to me to spread rumors. What's the matter, do you think I can't hit women?"

"Oh, it turns out that the little girl is in love with spring!"

Aunt Lian opened her mouth to make up for it at the right time.

"Hey, Miss Cui, you should take care of it. Your maid is in love with her, and she bites people like a mad dog."

"If you don't care, we will beat the dog."

Mother Shen also immediately shouted: "Don't say you beat the dog without looking after the owner."

Shen Ru also obeyed his mother and aunt, look at the scolding rank, he was higher than himself!

Jade stomped her feet angrily, feeling embarrassed and annoyed.

"What's the matter, your girl doesn't know what you're thinking!"

Shen Ru had a thought in her heart and deliberately said mischievously: "That's right, you and your girl are as close as sisters, and she calls herself Prince Jing's widow. Then you are not marrying with your master, tsk tsk tsk... I'm afraid you are not the same Prince Jing." People!"

Jade's face suddenly turned pale, and she staggered when she stepped forward.

Cui Ti and Fang Jin came over.

"Shen Ru, Jade has a straightforward temper. She came to disturb you after hearing the rumors. It was because of my lax discipline. I apologize to you on her behalf."

Cui Ti said softly, and stepped forward to pull the absent-minded Jade.

"Miss Shen, I'm sorry, it was me who caused you trouble!"

Fang Jin regretted that he shouldn't have listened to the girl and let Jade say so many unpleasant things.

"Nothing, do you think I'm at a disadvantage?"

Shen Ru asked back, "Miss Cui, you have to take care of your own people, and you will really take action next time."

Cui Ti pulled Jade and asked Fang Jin to go away, and the official was also urging him to go on his way.

Shen Ru and his family put their things into the carriage and waited for departure.

"Sister, does that big brother like you?"

In the carriage, Shen Xuan couldn't help but ask. "Huh? Why does Xuanxuan ask that?"

Shen Ru asked with a smile.

"That fierce sister must like that brother, and that brother likes you, so she is so angry."

Shen Xuan said: "But only a fool would like Sister Fierce. Our sister is prettier, more capable, and gentler than her."

"There is still money." Shen Nian added vigorously.

Everyone else in the carriage laughed. In their eyes, isn't it her daughter who is the best?

The team of prisoners walked for a long time and were trapped again. Also trapped were some ordinary people.

The bridge across the river was broken for some unknown reason.

In the severe cold weather, most of the river water has frozen, making it impossible to cross the river by wading.

Chen Qing looked at the broken bridge, felt the cold wind blowing, and felt that God was playing tricks on him.

"Sir, what should I do? Go back?"

His subordinates were also questioning Chen Qing.

When Chen Qing turned around, he saw that the dusty official road was still the same white mountain forest above, and his hair turned white with worry.

"Let the official who knows the way go ahead. We won't be able to take the official road this time!"

Finally, Chen Qing said helplessly.

Soon, the team adjusted. The mountain road was steep and the team moved extremely slowly. The carriage also skidded repeatedly, forcing Shen Ru to get off the carriage.

"Everyone, please pay attention to your steps. If you fall, you will live or die!"

There was a coldness in the officer's words, and none of the prisoners dared to take it lightly. If they fell in this mountain, they would die or be disabled. In addition, it was freezing cold, so no one had the guts to run away!
In addition to the steepness of the mountain road, there is also the threat from the wild beasts in the mountains. If there were not so many people here, those wild beasts snooping in the dark would probably come out to hunt their prey in broad daylight.

"Sir, I...I seem to be lost!"

The officer leading the way said to Chen Qing with a grimace, "The roads all look the same, as if they have wandered back."

Chen Qing's face was dark. If the local officials didn't know about it, why should he still find the way?
How dare I walk for a long time and wander around in the mountains?

"What should I do, head, go down the mountain?"

"Find a place to rest for a while, and then start again after you find the right path!"

Chen Qing made a decision immediately.

"Then...head, I'll look at the resting place."

The official rushed into the woods on the roadside and soon called people inside.

Chen Qing asked other officials to escort the exile into the woods, and looked around again with a sad look on his face.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he walked up to Shen Ru and asked:

"Shen Ru, where is your Sinan?"

"What, got lost?"

Shen Ru was also surprised. Officials were sometimes unreliable.

"Don't worry about it for now. Get Sinan out, and then I'll have someone scout out the way. If you go on like this blindly, you'll just wander around in the mountains."

"Also, your carriage may not be able to pass the road behind, so you should be prepared first."

Shen Ru also noticed that the carriage was skidding repeatedly, and in some places, half of the carriage could veer off the road. It was indeed time to prepare.

"Sinan gives it to you, you go explore the way first."

Shen Ru took out Sinan generously.

"My family and I will take out the necessary things. If it's a carriage, I'll let Uncle Fu drive away."

Chen Qing took Sinan, nodded in agreement, and walked away for now.

(End of this chapter)

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