Chapter 77 Still thinking about turning over a salted fish
"I need Huozhezi, water, and dry food."

"Wear cotton clothes and shoes on the mountain, and stuff some things in your pockets."

"There is nothing we can do about this big quilt, we can only let Uncle Fu take it away."

In the carriage, a group of people from the Shen family began to distribute the contents in the box.

Thinking about the possibility of spending the night in the mountains and forests, Shen Ru just felt that there were too many things needed, especially when the temperature dropped sharply at night, a big quilt was a must!

It’s a pity that it’s inconvenient to carry!
"Put on your felt hat and don't let your ears get cold."

Shen Ru picked things one by one, and considering the space, she was actually not afraid of sleeping in the open air.

Cui Ti was also hesitant. If she followed the exile team, the carriage would have to be abandoned.

"Miss Cui, you have taken enough care of me and Chongguang. You can go back!"

The old lady spoke.

"But old lady, the road ahead will be even more difficult. It's already winter in this bitter cold land in the northwest, and your old body and bones..."

Cui Ti was worried. The old lady was already old, so how could she walk the rest of the way?
"It's okay, I'll bear it."

"Miss, how about we go down with the carriage first, find another way, and then meet up at the front!"

Jade suggested that she really did not recommend that her young lady endure this hardship.

Cui Ti looked at the old lady and the young master, and then at the other people in Prince Jing's Mansion, and felt that she couldn't leave!
"Jade, please tidy up the things on the carriage and let Uncle Zhong drive the carriage to find another way. We will accompany the old lady."

"Miss!" Jade resisted, "Your body has always been fragile. If this makes you tired..."

"Shut up!" Cui Ti shouted to stop Jade. "Hurry up and sort it out!"

"Old madam, Jade has been spoiled by me, please don't be offended, old madam."

Cui Ti apologized and said: "As long as I can help you a little, this little pain is nothing to me."

"What a nice guy!"

"That's right, what a nice girl!"

All the prisoners who heard Cui Ti's decision praised her, but the old lady remained silent and didn't say a word.

After resting for half an hour, the official who went to explore the road came back, found the right direction, and asked everyone to follow them.

The team continued to move forward. People needed to support each other when walking on this narrow mountain road. Along the way, many people slipped and fell.

As they walked, it was getting dark. Seeing that he could no longer see the road ahead, Chen Qing decided to camp in the forest for the night.

The Shen family came out covered in sweat. Even without a carriage, they could still have a good rest.

The two children took off their felt hats, gave them some water and something to eat, and then propped up a few wolf skins on tree trunks in the forest, and a simple tent was set up.

"Everyone try to stay closer together at night. Although we can't completely block the wind, we can keep ourselves warm and we don't have to worry about catching a cold."

Shen Ru also piled firewood in front of his simple tent. The family had a fire in front of them and a simple tent behind them, but they were not afraid of freezing.

Shen Ping came over with her mother Qian and her younger brother Shen Feng.

"Uncle, aunt."

Shen Ping first called someone, and then she called out to Aunt Lian.

"My mother, I, and my brother, can you come over and warm me up?"

Shen Ping had frostbite on her face and hands. She probably couldn't stand her father and her third wife, so she mustered up the courage to come over.

The eyes of the family members all fell on Shen Ru. Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Sit down, Second Aunt."

Qian breathed a sigh of relief and took her son to thank her again and again.Shen Ru handed over three waffles.

"We only brought some dry food with us. If you don't mind it, just eat it!"

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!" Qian said immediately, and his son grabbed it and ate it hungrily.

"Eat slowly, don't choke!" Shen Ping patted her brother on the back and said sternly.

Shen Feng's mother was shocked when she saw that Shen Feng's eating movements had slowed down. This nephew actually listened to his niece!

", sister-in-law, I was confused before and fell out with you."

After eating someone's food, Qian couldn't say anything, so he spoke hesitantly.

"Ping'er told me that when we get to Liangzhou in the future, we, the third wife, will probably have to rely on ourselves. Having our homes confiscated and exiled will affect people's minds. My master is..."

Qian said angrily, but she really couldn't say anything unpleasant.

"Don't mention those disappointing things. We've been gone for a few months. It would be great if everyone can be alive!"

Mother Shen interrupted Qian's words.

"My father and third uncle are just evil-hearted."

Shen Ping said in a low voice: "I think about taking shortcuts every day. Shen Ming's legs are lame. The third aunt is still thinking about catching up with Miss Cui and resurrecting her life."

"He doesn't even look in the mirror. What does he look like now? Even before, he was not worthy of others."

Shen Ru was shocked. How could this Sanfang family have the dignity to actually think that Shen Ming could hook up with Cui Ti?
"Aru, you still have to be careful. Shen Ming's lame leg is all your fault."

Qian also whispered, "Shen Ming is so resentful that he might go crazy."

Shen Ru was stunned for a while. Also, his home was confiscated and he was exiled. He was lame again. It was normal for his mentality to change.

"It's just a leg. If you hurt anyone in my family again, I will make others answer for it!"

Shen Ru took a bite of the shortbread and said bluntly.

The three Qians defected to Shen Ru's side, which made the third room's teeth itch!

Among them, Shen Tong was the most offended. His daughter-in-law went to his sworn enemy, but he still had to suffer from the yin and yang of his younger brother and his sister-in-law.

"Second brother, look at second sister-in-law and Ping'er, they are really promising!"

Shen Fu snorted coldly, "If you have the ability to reach Liangzhou, I won't rely on you!"

"That's right, the second brother and the second sister-in-law are from a womanly family. Instead of relying on you as the husband, they rely on outsiders. How can the big house take in the three of them?"

The Yang family also said that they were all exiles. Could it be different after going to Liangzhou?
Shen Tong snorted and gritted his teeth: "Ignorant woman, I should have divorced her long ago!"

"No, not to mention that prisoners cannot divorce their wives. If you really want to divorce your wife, second brother, who will raise your children?"

Shen Fu said coolly: "When Ping'er arrives in Liangzhou, if a rich family takes a fancy to you, you can be your father-in-law. When Feng'er grows up, he can also take care of you in old age, but for this child, there must be a woman." Take it with you.”

"My sister-in-law is weak-tempered and has no strength. It's good to be able to take care of the children for my second brother!"

Yang added, "After all, Feng'er is young, unlike us tomorrow, who can still contribute when we arrive in Liangzhou."

Some people who also disliked Shen Ru's family were also sitting around with the third-fang people, secretly arranging the first-fang's words.

"Woo~" The sudden roar of a beast in the forest startled everyone.

The officials immediately became nervous and spent the night in the mountains. They were most afraid of disturbing the wild beasts in the mountains!

As rustling sounds came from the woods, everyone fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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