Chapter 78 Shen Ming deserves to die!

"Bear, bear!"

Accompanied by a horrified roar, the prisoners all panicked. They all used their hands and feet to stay away from the black bear crawling out of the forest.

Shen Ru was shocked when he heard someone calling him bear. Don't bears hibernate?
"No running away, no prisoners are allowed to run!"

The officer looked at the prisoner who was scared out of his mind, shouted loudly, and waved a torch to drive the bear away.

No one dared to confront this black bear that was bigger than a human being.

The prisoners were in a hurry and had no scruples at all. Some of them really ran into the dark forest, and some pushed away the people around them, completely ignoring whether they stepped on someone.

The black bear, as if angered by the chaos and noise, roared and charged towards the crowd.

"Aru, protect Xuanxuan and Nian'er!"

Shen Yan protected Shen's mother and Aunt Lian, and shouted to Shen Ru to protect his younger brothers and sisters.

Shen Ru didn't force herself to come forward. There were nearly a hundred officials here, so it was never her turn to come forward.

"Xuanxuan, Nian'er!" She tightened her brother's and sister's hands, fearing that they would be pushed or stepped on by others.

"Net, get the net!"

Chen Qing shouted, is this black bear crazy and wants to eat people?
The official pulled the net over the black bear and used a torch to drive it away, but this seemed to anger the black bear even more.


As the black bear roared, the net was torn apart by it, and the nearby official was even slapped away by a bear's paw.

A knife slashing at a black bear can only cause damage to its surface, and does not threaten the black bear's attack at all.

"Be careful, the bear is charging in!"

Shen Ru pulled her younger siblings as far away as possible, but she was stunned when she saw Shen Ping and her younger brother being squeezed and thrown to the ground.

"Xuanxuan, take your brother and sister to rescue Shen Ping and Shen Feng."

Shen Ru said to her sister.

Shen Xuan immediately pulled over Shen Nian.

"Sister, I will protect my brother."

Shen Ru stepped forward and pulled Shen Ping and Shen Feng up.

Looking back, she was immediately furious!

"Shen Ming, you are looking for death!"

If it hadn't been planned for a long time, Shen Ru wouldn't believe it. She just let go for a while, and Shen Ming had already snatched her brother away, obviously wanting to surrender to the black bear.

The crowd was crowded, and my sister was pushed to the side while crying.

Shen Ru stepped on other people's shoulders and jumped up. Just when Shen Ming threw Shen Nian out, Shen Ru rushed over, hugged his brother in mid-air, rolled on the spot, raised his head, and saw the angry black bear. Face, and generous bear paws!
At the critical moment, Shen Ru shot out a flying knife and quickly escaped from the bear's paw with his brother.

The black bear, which was hit directly in the palm by the flying knife, let out a painful cry and charged into the crowd even more violently.

"Shen Ru, save people!"

Chen Qing happened to be next to Shen Ru and shouted immediately.

"Take good care of my brother, I want Shen Ming to feed the bears!"

Shen Ru pushed Shen Nian to Chen Qing and said fiercely.

"Get out of the way!"

Damn Shen Ming, what made him suddenly have such great power that he dragged his lame leg and threw her brother to a black bear?

Shen Ming, whose vicious plan failed, tried his best to blend in with the running prisoners and let himself be pushed by the crowded prisoners. He didn't believe that with so many people there, what else could Shen Ru do to him!

He just hated Shen Ru so much that he wished the Dafang family would be destroyed.

The black bear rushed towards wherever the noise was, and Shen Ruye deliberately led the black bear in the direction of Shen Ming.

"Go out you!"

Shen Ming was pushed by someone. His legs and feet were not good, so he fell to the ground.

When he looked up, he saw Shen Ru's gloomy face. " can't kill me, you...father, mother..."

Shen Ming was so frightened that he cried out and cried.

The people around him were afraid of being implicated, so they had already hid as far away as possible.

Without saying anything, Shen Ru mentioned Shen Ming and threw it directly towards the angry black bear.

"Tomorrow!" In the crowd, Yang let out a heartbreaking cry.

Sooner or later, Shen Ming was rescued by Fang Jin, and the black bear was stabbed hard by Fang Jin.

"Miss Shen, before we talk about personal grudges, let's repel this black bear first!"

Fang Jin shouted and kicked the black bear's body again.

Shen Rutie's face was livid, but he kept moving his hands, and with the help of official officials, the black bear was injured in many places, and ran like crazy in one place, disappearing into the night forest.

After the black bear went on such a rampage, many prisoners were injured. The funny thing is that few of them were injured by the black bears, but more were trampled by their own people.

Shen Ru pulled up Shen Ming, who was half-dead from fright.

"Shen Ming, if my brother is even injured at all, I will pay with your life!"

"Stop, Shen Ru, stop it, my son!"

Yang rushed to Shen Ming's side as quickly as he rolled and crawled, and patted Shen Ru's arm, trying to get Shen Ru to let go of her son.

Father Shen, Mother Shen, and Aunt Lian had already hugged the frightened Shen Xuan, and rushed over aggressively.

Mother Shen even pushed Yang away directly.

"You're such a wolf, your son feeds my son to bears, why doesn't he die!"

"No, you tell me, Shen Ru is feeding my son to bears, Shen Ru is vicious and vicious!"

Yang refused to admit it until he died.

"If you have a son and don't teach me, I'll beat you to death!"

At that time, Shen's mother gritted her teeth with hatred. If it weren't for the crowd, she would have run up to Shen Ming to fight for her life.

"My son doesn't have it. You are slanderous. I...I am not a vegetarian!"

Mrs. Yang and Mrs. Shen started fighting. When Lian Aunt saw this, she immediately joined the fight, pulling her hair and scratching her face, but she showed no mercy at all.

"Shen Ru, you... let go of my son!"

Shen Fu was trembling and didn't dare to step forward. Seeing his wife being beaten, his heart went crazy. Seeing his son being held up by the collar by Shen Ru, he felt even more worried!

"Master, you... tell Shen Ru to stop, my son is about to be strangled to death by her!"

As Chen Qing, who witnessed Shen Ming throwing his brother Shen Ru to a black bear, he chose to watch in silence at this moment.

"Shen Ru, please be merciful and merciful. Look, nothing happened to your brother!"

Cui Tihou was very frightened. Seeing Shen Ru's commotion, she opened her mouth to persuade him.

"Everyone should see how to deal with the mess here. After all, it's already dark and we have to travel tomorrow!"

"It doesn't hurt your back to stand and talk, right? It's none of your business, just go away!"

Shen Ru threw Shen Ming to the ground and stepped on Shen Ming's broken leg.

"Ah!" Shen Ming was heartbroken in pain, and stared at Shen Ru with incomparable hatred.

"Shen Ru, I will fight you until death. I didn't kill Shen Nian today. I'll wait for the next time!"

Cui Ti, who was choked, looked very unhappy, and when she heard Shen Ming's sinister words, her face became even more disgusting.

Shen Ru took his younger brother who was still sobbing and holding back from Chen Qing's hand, and called his mother and aunt to stop.

"Everyone in the third room of the Shen family should listen to me. If they see me in the future, they will walk around."

"Whoever helps their family will never get any help from me, Shen Ru, in the future!"

Shen Ru's expression was gloomy, and his eyes swept around sharply, and he put down the harsh words. If he hurt her family, don't even think about getting better!

(End of this chapter)

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