Chapter 82 What do you want from the Pei family?

"It's like this. Someone gave me 500 taels of silver and asked me to take care of the Pei family. 500 taels!"

Shen Ru said calmly, "It's just to send some food for use. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain."

"Aru, who is this person? He is so generous with his actions. Don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with!"

Shen Yan said worriedly, "Everyone knows that the Pei family was confiscated and exiled. At this time, there are still people who come together. Either they have bad intentions or they are really old friends of the Pei family."

"Dad, don't worry, it doesn't matter who he is, I'm just going to refuse to admit that I know him. I've already bought things with the money. I gave these things to the Pei family. They should be eaten and used. Isn't it gone?" "

Shen Ru said as if he didn't care.

It seemed that this was also the case. Shen Yan was stunned. Well, let's eat oranges!

Shen Ru took these things and gave them to the two daughters-in-law of the Pei family.

This shocked the Yu family and Zhao family.

"Miss Shen, why is this?"

"Well, when I was shopping in the town, I met an old friend from the capital. In addition to the money, he asked me to take care of you. You can use all these things, so just give them to whoever needs them!"

Shen Ru said it so casually that she even noticed Cui Ti's unkind look on the side.

"Old man, which old man?"

Zhao immediately asked urgently, after walking for so long, no one in the capital dared to come out and say a word for the Pei family.

"Well, I don't know him either. The other person recognized me. He might be a noble person in the capital."

Shen Ru excused himself, "If you need anything in the future, just tell me."

After saying this, Shen Ru was going to stay with her family, but as soon as she walked away, Cui Ti followed her.

"Shen Ru, what do you mean?"

Cui Ti said angrily that Shen Ru came to take care of the Pei family before she got her identity stamp back and she didn't have any extra money. Isn't this just a slap in her face?

"Didn't you hear everything and why are you asking me what I am doing?"

Shen Ru asked in return: "You still don't understand something clearly? How about I say it again?"

"There are no noble people, right? It's all your fault, right?"

Cui Ti said firmly, "You just know that I can't give them this at present, so you come to show your courtesy. Shen Ru, do you dislike me so much?"

Shen Ru's eyes widened, this heroine's brain circuit was abnormal!
"Do you think I spend my own money to pretend to be a good person?"

Shen Ru sneered: "Did you think that I was too good, or were you too naive?"

"Did money fall from the sky? I don't have that much money!"

"It won't be such a coincidence. Shen Ru, what on earth are you going to do?"

Cui Ti looked unbelieving.

"I also want to ask you, Miss Cui, what exactly do you want to do?"

Shen Ru asked back, "What's wrong? You are allowed to take care of the Pei family in this world, but not others?"

"I don't believe you have no plans, Shen Ru, what do you want from the Pei family, what are you seeking? I don't allow you to target the Pei family!"

Cui Ti said so confidently that Shen Ru rolled her eyes.

"You are really arrogant and imposing your own wishes on others. You are the only one in this world who is a good person, and the others are all bad people."

Shen Ru said sarcastically: "What do I want from the Pei family? Is there anything in the Pei family that I want to want now? We are all prisoners, and no one is more noble than anyone else. If you want to be your own person, you will think that others are vain." Is the love fake?"

"I really don't know where you got the nerve to say this in front of me." Shen Ru was very rude. Anyway, he and Cui Ti will not be friends. No matter how Cui Ti and Pei Wenjing fall in love and kill each other in the future, their family will not participate. That’s it!

Seeing how angry Cui Ti was, Shen Ru snorted coldly and walked away.

The heroine’s brain circuit is different from ordinary people!

After suffering a lot on the mountain road, Shen Ru decided to have a good dinner.

Borrowing the kitchen, using the bacon and some winter bamboo shoots he bought today, Shen Ru stewed a pot of winter bamboo shoots and bacon, and the aroma filled the entire kitchen.

When opening a small stove, one naturally has to stay in the kitchen, so Shen Ru called Shen Ping, mother and son.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you... repay kindness with kindness. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay you in this life."

Being able to drink the hot and delicious soup with white rice made Qian's eyes red with excitement.

Shen Feng, who used to be arrogant and domineering, became much more restrained after Feng's death and no one blindly protected him.

At this moment, I was immersed in eating and didn't care about anything else.

White rice and hot soup were what they lacked the most on their way to exile. Shen Ping was choking while eating rice and vegetables.

Weren't the hot porridge, rabbit meat, wolf meat, etc. that we had eaten before, all provided by Shen Ru?
Many of these prisoners have received kindness from Shen Ru, but few are truly grateful.

In the past, he was jealous of Shen Ru and framed Shen Ru, but he was indeed not as capable as Shen Ru, nor did he have Shen Ru's mind.

"Shen Ru, uncle, aunt, thank you."

"No matter how grateful you are, it's all from the Shen family!"

Shen Yan lamented that his brothers were not as transparent as women!

"Don't say anything. There is still a long way to go. You should eat and drink. I don't like those words."

It’s so delicious that it won’t stop your mouth!

Shen Ru couldn't bear to hear those words of gratitude. She felt like her skin would get goosebumps.

Especially since I haven’t done anything big, I don’t deserve to be grateful to others all my life!

The food at the inn pales in comparison to Shen Ru's Xiaozao.

However, Chen Qing didn't say anything. The other officials had received some kindness from Shen Ru, so they naturally didn't bother the family to eat delicious food.

Cui Ti, who had lived in fine clothes and fine food before, had lived a simple life during this period, especially when Jade went to the kitchen, she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw what Shen Ru's family was eating and the unconcealable aroma.

"Miss, it's too dark to pay a tael of silver for something like this at the inn."

Jade said angrily, "I think Shen Ru's family is in the kitchen and their food is better than ours."

Shen Ru, Shen Ru, Shen Ru is really everywhere.

Cui Ti felt very uncomfortable. She seemed to be suppressed by Shen Ru.

I feel more and more that the Pei family can be taken care of by Shen Ru without her, which makes everything she does seem so unworthy!

"Isn't Fang Jin back yet?"

Cui Ti was a little upset and asked, "If I lose that thing, I can only go back to Qin Ling to prove my identity!"

"Second Miss, why don't we go back? You've been very generous by sending me here. Even Prince Pei, who has a spirit in heaven, should know about your good deeds."

Jade has also suffered a lot. She wishes her young lady could leave!
"We've come this far, how can we go back?"

Cui Ti was unwilling to give in, and she was a little anxious. What if she ran out of money in the future?
You can't do many things without money. She has never worried about money!
(End of this chapter)

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