Chapter 83: People are stupid and have too much money.

When she was sleeping at night, Shen Ru heard someone crying vaguely. She rubbed her eyes and looked around and found that it was her second aunt Qian who was being beaten by her second uncle Shen Tong.

Perhaps because she was afraid of disturbing others, Qian suppressed the pain and only sobbed softly.

"You bitch, if you want to get rid of me, wait until the next life!"

Shen Tong said fiercely in Qian's ear.

"Both my daughter and son are mine. If you dare to let them deny me as their father, I will beat you to death!"

Shen Ru couldn't hear clearly, she could only hear Qian's suppressed cries, and she immediately coughed like a pretend cough.

The sound over there suddenly stopped. Shen Ru listened for a while, and when she saw that she didn't cry anymore, she fell asleep again.

The next morning, Shen subconsciously went to see Qian, but found nothing wrong with Qian.

The team continued to move forward, and Shen Ru's family naturally took the carriage.

"Did you see that I'm still riding in a carriage and won't take you with me?"

Yang said sourly, "Don't think that just because I gave you a hot meal, I treated you as one of your own. We all know that walking is hard. Do they take care of you?"

There were no injuries on Qian's face, but many parts of her body had been twisted and pinched by Shen Tong. At this moment, she looked blank and ignored Yang's ridicule.

Shen Ping didn't want to deal with the Sanfang family. Shen Ming was on crutches and needed help when walking.The third aunt was like a mad dog, biting everyone she saw. She didn't know if Shen Ru would help if the third room dealt with their family of three.

"Speak!" Shen Tong nudged Mr. Qian with his elbow, "Are you mute?"

"Hiss~" Qian felt the pain and gasped.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

When Shen Ping saw this, she immediately asked with concern.

"Hey, Shen Ping, do you want your mother and your brother to come to the carriage?"

Suddenly, Shen Ru, who was at the front, poked his head out of the carriage and asked from behind.

Shen Ru talked about this with her parents in the carriage. She suspected that Shen Tong was abusing Qian.

But Aunt Lian had a past with Shen Tong, so she had to consider Aunt Lian's feelings.

After getting unanimous consent from his family, Shen Rucai shouted to Shen Ping and the others.

Shen Ping's eyes lit up and she immediately looked at Qian.

"Mom, let's go with uncle and the others!"

"I..." Qian was a little hesitant. She was afraid that Dafang could protect them for a while, but not for the rest of their lives!

However, Shen Ping picked up her younger brother, pulled Qian and said forcefully:
"Since the boss is willing to take us in, what are we waiting for?"

"Stop, don't you take me as a father seriously?"

Shen Tong grabbed Qian, stared at Shen Ping and shouted.

"Tsk~" Qian made a painful sound when a painful spot was touched again.

Shen Ping guessed something and immediately stepped forward and slapped Shen Tong's hand away.

"Dad, think it over for yourself. If you want me and Feng'er to support you in old age, just let go of my mother!"

"You can't make us live a better life, so why don't we allow ourselves to suffer less?"

Shen Ping said fiercely, then grabbed her mother and headed towards Shen Ru's carriage.

Shen Tong was so angry that he didn't have the courage to step forward. The place where Shen Ru had hit him felt a dull pain.

"Second brother, you are such a great girl. You must have learned this from Shen Ru!"

Yang immediately took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

Shen Tong stared in front angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Unfilial girls will suffer the consequences when they arrive in Liangzhou!"

After getting on the carriage, Shen Ping couldn't wait to pull open Qian's sleeves. Her eyes widened when she saw the bruises.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me if dad did it?"

"Ping'er, don't, don't be like this..." Qian immediately pulled down her sleeves.

"Is Shen Tong crazy?" Shen's mother was furious when she saw the injury on Qian's arm.

"On the way to exile, he still dared to attack you. Did he take his anger out on you?"

"What a...beast!"

Aunt Lian, who had an old grudge against Shen Tong, saw Qian's injury and gritted her teeth.

"Second Aunt, is it because you are getting closer to us that Second Uncle treats you like this?"

Shen Ru said: "Then if I ask you to get on the carriage this time, won't he blame you even more?"

"Mom, why don't you resist?"

Shen Ping said in disbelief: "My grandmother bullied you before, and my father was afraid that my grandmother would not help you. Why is he bullying you now!"

"Ping'er, stop talking."

Qian's face drooped and she said sadly, "I am so useless."

"Then the road to exile is left, so just follow us!"

Shen's mother said: "This Shen Tong is so inhumane!"

Shen Ping agreed and thanked her repeatedly.

After walking for a long time, when they stopped for a rest, Shen Ru and his family got off the carriage to get some fresh air.

Cui Ti, accompanied by Jade, walked over.

"Shen Ru, this money is for you!"

Cui Ti took out a banknote. Coincidentally, it was also in denomination of 500 taels.

Fang Jin came back in the middle of the night yesterday and found the things. Cui Ti immediately asked Fang Jin to go to the nearest bank to withdraw money. Just now, Fang Jin met them!
After getting the money, Cui Ti didn't want to hesitate at all and came to see Shen Ru.

"There's no pie in the sky, but tell me, why do you want to give me money?"

Shen Ru looked at Cui Ti with a joking expression.

"I don't know how much the things you gave to the Pei family are worth, so just think that I bought them with my money!"

Cui Ti said, "If the Pei family needs anything, I will only take care of it, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"Okay!" Shen Ru took the banknote quickly. How could she have trouble with money?
Shen Ru's straightforwardness made Cui Ti a little dumbfounded.

Doesn't she have any plans for the Pei family?

"As for the money, it was given by you yourself, not from me, so it will be used as an excuse in the future."

Shen Ru said with a smile: "Besides, I am a kind-hearted person. If someone comes to ask for help in real trouble, I will still help, so don't say that I stretch my hand too far in the future!"

"Don't push yourself too far!" Jade shouted again, "Our lady is kind-hearted and won't care about you. Don't think we are afraid of you!"

"I didn't say that!"

Shen Ru smiled and didn't care about money.

"Shen Ru, I hope you will keep your word. I will take good care of the Pei family. Even if they need it, they don't need you to intervene."

Cui Ti said seriously that she didn't want the Pei family to pay too much attention to Shen Ru.

"I hope so too!"

Shen Ru replied calmly as if he wanted to meddle in other people's business.

Upon seeing this, Cui Ti felt that it was useless to talk more, so she took Jade and walked away.

The Shen family members who saw the whole thing were a little dumbfounded.

"Aru, why is this money like the money blown by the strong wind?"

Shen Yan was shocked and said, why did Shen Ru get paid 500 taels and 500 taels when he got here?

"You have so much money to be stupid!" Shen Ru replied, "Anyway, with this money, we can live a good life in Liangzhou."

The Shen family believed this, but they were just stupid people with too much money!
(End of this chapter)

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