Chapter 84 She has no intention, I won’t force it

Shen Ru can not take the initiative to take care of the Pei family's affairs, but she can't resist the Pei family's search for her!

That day at the inn, Pei Qingshan secretly came to see Shen Ru.

"Miss Shen, have you met our prince?"

Pei Qingshan lowered his voice and asked in words that only two people could hear.


Shen Ru responded: "Can we not mention this matter again? I don't want to have anything to do with that person."

" he okay?"

Pei Qingshan looked excited and couldn't hide it at all.

"It's very good. It's a generous move. Compared to you, he has nothing wrong with him."

She didn't know where Pei Wenjing got so much money from staying in inns, going to auctions, and spending lavishly.

"Good, good, good!"

Pei Qingshan said yes three times, and he was extremely excited.

"Miss Shen, Pei Qingshan will remember what you did for the Pei family."

"Yeah, just remember."

Shen Ru said perfunctorily, "If there is nothing else, then I... will go back."

"Miss Shen...can you tell me more about him...if he lost weight or..."

Pei Qingshan asked tangledly, "It's a pity that he survived. I don't know how he lived alone these days."

"Sorry, his whole body was covered tightly. If he hadn't stopped me, I wouldn't have been able to recognize him with only one pair of eyes exposed."

Shen Ru said honestly, "But you really don't have to worry, he should be fine, and you will meet soon!"

"God is pitiful, heaven is pitiful!"

Pei Qingshan kept talking about it, but only he knew about such great news, and he could only ask Shen Ru to talk about it. However, Shen Ru was still stingy about words, which made him really anxious.

"Okay, okay, you will find out sooner or later, just be patient for now!"

Shen Ru comforted, "Well...I'm really leaving!"

Pei Qingshan looked helpless but still unfinished, so he could only nod his head against his will.

As soon as Shen Rucai turned around, she saw Fang Jin not far away, but the other party just kept a certain distance appropriately.

"Are you looking for me?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

Fang Jin nodded and asked Shen Ru to go to another empty place.

"I know what my young lady told you. The young lady is deeply passionate about Prince Pei and calls herself a member of the Pei family, so she treats you..."

Fang Jin came to explain for Cui Ti.

"Stop, then you have seen that I am not looking for the Pei family, it is the Pei family who is looking for me. Out of the friendship between the two families, I can't help but see them!"

Shen Ru said it lightly, with a hint of a rogue.

Fang Jin was not here to accuse Shen Ru. He just heard that his young lady and Shen Ru had a turbulent relationship, so he thought it would be better to ease things up.

"I went to that heather village to look for the lady's stolen things."

Fang Jin took the initiative and said, "Do you want to know how they stole things?"

Shen Ru's curiosity aroused and she immediately asked: "How did you steal it?"

"There was a mezzanine in that house, and there were passages between the walls. Those who stole the things were all skinny and half-grown children."

This is so!Shen Ru frowned slightly, a little shocked, but then it was expected.

"Your things have been found!"

"Well, found it."

Fang Jin was a little surprised to see Shen Ru accepting it so quickly.

"I made inquiries when I went to the town to buy things. Someone stole something in Shinan Village. Many people knew about it, and the government also knew about it. It was the villagers who protected him, but the law did not punish everyone."

Shen Ru explained, "What we lost are all worthless things, so I don't care!"

"It is indeed embarrassing. They are all weak people, but they did something wrong." Fang Jin said: "I spent a lot of time finding things, but I don't know what to do when it comes to those children, women and children. What."

"Master Fang has a kind heart."

Shen Ru replied that there was no need for him to come and tell him this.

After being speechless for a moment, Fang Jin still said to Shen Ru: "My young lady is also a kind-hearted person."

"Fang Jin, after all that, let's be more straightforward."

Shen Ru was very anxious, but Fang Jin spoke a little softly.

"Cui Ti and I have totally different personalities. She doesn't like my behavior, but I don't want to care about what she does."

"She and I are not in a relationship, do you understand?"

Fang Jin was stunned by Shen Ru's blunt words. He just didn't quite understand that his lady was the most gentle and kind-hearted person; Shen Ru was also open-minded and straightforward, so why did she become so tit-for-tat!

"Also, this is none of your business, Fang Jin. You just need to be the bodyguard of your Cui family. You really don't have to worry about other things."

"But..." Fang Jin looked at Shen Ru quietly. Even though Shen Ru clearly rejected him, he still had a little hope...

"That's it. If you really want to take care of it, you might as well ask your lady to say less. Well, her words are really unpleasant. When she jumps around in front of me, I always want to do something!"

Fang Jin was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Shen, I hope you won't do anything."

"I don't want to fight you."

"I would like to discuss and discuss with you."

Shen Ru said bluntly, looking at Fang Jin with burning eyes.

"What are you doing!"

Jade's angry voice came, "Fang Jin, Miss is looking for you!"

As he spoke, the Jade Man stepped forward and dragged Fang Jin away without forgetting to glare at Shen Ru fiercely.

Seeing the way he was protecting his food, Shen Ru sneered and turned away neatly. It was not what she wanted.

The care for Shen Ping and the others was not just lip service. In the place where the prisoners were detained, Shen's mother also invited Shen Ping and the others to come over.

When Shen Ru came back, she saw her second uncle Shen Tong glaring at her second aunt from the distance.

"Second uncle, stare hard, it looks like cross-eyes."

Shen Ru faced Shen Tong and said slowly.

Seeing Shen Ru, Shen Tongna immediately looked away and just hummed.

"Bully the soft and fear the hard."

Mother Shen said sarcastically, "Aru, come and have a rest!"

"Well, rest!"

Shen Ru glanced at Shen Tong again, with warning in his eyes.

On Cui Ti's side, the atmosphere in the room was not very good.

Jade exaggerated what happened between Fang Jin and Shen Ru, and looked aggrieved.

"Fang Jin, if you really like Shen Ru, I will make the decision to propose marriage for you."

Cui Ti ignored Jade's reluctance and looked at Fang Jin and said gently.

"Even if I'm at odds with her, if you like it, I'm willing to let go of the past with her."

"Miss!" Jade said reluctantly, "That Shen Ru is a prisoner, how can he be worthy of Fang Jin?"

"Yes, Fang Jin, not to mention her previous status as the daughter of a prince, now she is just a refugee. Although you grew up in the Cui family, my mother did not ask you to sell yourself into slavery. You are innocent. .”

"Miss, Jade, you are thinking too much. There will be no results between Shen Ru and I."

"Why?" Cui Ti was puzzled, "She is a criminal, and she may not be able to marry a child of aristocratic families in the future. Doesn't she still look down on you?"

"That's right, Fang Jin, she is a prisoner, her whole family is a prisoner, she is not worthy of you at all!"

Jade also emphasizes Shen Ru's status as a prisoner.

Fang Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The identity is only temporary. Shen Ru is very good. She has her own opinion. She has no intention, so why should I force it!"

(End of this chapter)

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