Chapter 85: Capture the strong men and the exile team is here

Shen Ruzi didn't know what Fang Jin said about her to Cui Ti and the others, but when he walked out of the inn the next day, he still felt the deep hostility towards him from Cui Ti's master and servant.

Tch, she doesn’t rely on them for food!

Shen Ru ignored them directly, she couldn't argue with them.

The convict team continued to move forward. The weather was still bitterly cold, but Shen Ru and the others in the carriage were doing well.

"Drive~" As Uncle Fu sighed from outside the carriage, the carriage stopped.

"Fuber, what's the matter?"

Shen Ru curiously lifted the curtains of the car and asked.

"There seemed to be refugees ahead, so our exile team stopped to avoid them."

Another refugee?

Shen Ru was a little surprised. He had encountered several groups before, so why was there so much trouble in the northwest!
"There are so many of you, so be careful. Ganzhou is arresting young men ahead. Those who can't be offended have been moved away. The surrounding villages are not safe!"

Shen Ru heard what the fleeing people said to the officials.

Ganzhou, we are going to Ganzhou soon!Is that Ganzhou with the salt field?
The officials seemed to sneer at this. No one would go to the exile team to catch a strong man!
After this wave of refugees passed, the team moved on.

This intermittence caused the team to miss the station again. It was foggy at night and the way forward was unclear. Chen Qing could only let everyone spend the night in a mountain col.

Fortunately, the mountain col was sheltered from the wind and the crowds gathered together, so it didn't seem so cold.

"Head, after passing Ganzhou, it's not far from Liangzhou."

Around the bonfire, the officials chatted together.

Yes, it was only more than half a month's journey. Chen Qing felt that this trip of exile had made them all very tired.

"Everyone, keep an eye on it,"

Chen Qing warned, he didn't know if it was what the refugees said during the day that made him feel uneasy, but he always felt that he should be more careful.

There were several bonfires and torches stuck on the stone walls. It was quiet and nothing happened in the first half of the night.

In the middle of the night, a group of masked men in black suddenly rushed into the exile team on horseback.

Shen Ru woke up immediately, and then Uncle Fu also called her.

"Miss, there is a night attack."

Shen Ru immediately left the carriage and saw that the official was already fighting with the people who attacked at night.

But obviously, this group of people came well prepared, and quickly broke through the confrontation between the officials and went directly to arrest the people.

Shen Ru immediately stepped forward to stop them, but there were more than a dozen people who came, and they were well-trained, so they quickly caught them and ran away.

But there was also one person who was directly pulled off the horse by Shen Ru and pushed to the ground!

There were also those who were thrown to the ground by officers but ran away again.

This group of people is obviously here to arrest people.

"It's unheard of to arrest someone and bring a prisoner here!"

Chen Qing pulled off the mask of the man in black that was pulled off by Shen Ru, and slapped him in the face.

"Say, who are you?"

"People you can't offend!"

The man said with a stiff neck and a sneer.

"These are exiles. There is a specific list of them, and they will all be sent to Liangzhou. Who are you, who dare to touch the exiles?"

Chen Qing asked with a huge head.

"Didn't I hear on the road that Ganzhou is arresting young men? Could it be..."

One of the officers whispered.

"Ming'er, where did you go tomorrow?"

Not far away, Yang was horrified to find that Shen Ming was missing and Shen Ming's crutches were thrown on the ground.

Just now, the men in black broke in and dispersed everyone. Now that the situation was under control, Yang shouted loudly.

"My husband-in-law is also missing, husband-in-law, husband-in-law!"

"Where is my son, where is my son..." Soon, two more people shouted.

Therefore, it is currently found that three people are missing.

"Three people, you arrested three people!"

Chen Qing was a little arrogant. If it was really the person arrested by the Ganzhou government, would he want to arrest him?
But it's obvious that Ganzhou Prefecture is short of people. If he doesn't want people, will there be more people there?

"Did the Ganzhou government arrest people? Arrest young men to go to the salt mines?"

Shen Ru asked in time.

The captured man looked at Shen Ru in surprise and blurted out: "How did you know?"

"Or is it that your salt mine has recently sold a large amount and needs to add more manpower?"

"You also know?"

The man was surprised.

Shen Ru was also surprised. Xiao Wujin probably didn't have that much money!

In addition, those who have to stay in Baishui City should not arrive in Liangzhou so soon. So, who is purchasing a large amount of salt?

"You are from the Ganzhou government office. Are you still from the government?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask again. Seeing the man's surprised and evasive eyes, she was sure.

Chen Qing was also surprised how Shen Ru knew so much, but he was even more surprised that a member of the public family would actually do such a thing.

"Since you are a member of the public, you should also know that all prisoners are registered!"

Chen Qing said solemnly, "When the time comes, Liangzhou will ask, what will Ganzhou do to you?"

"Explain, does Ganzhou still need to explain to Liangzhou?"

The man sneered, "You can just treat these three people as dead in exile."

"No, my legs are lame tomorrow, how can I still be a strong man? Why don't you come tomorrow?"

Yang didn't know when she reached behind her. When she heard the man's words, she rushed forward and slapped the man.

It was also because the man was caught by the officials that Yang slapped him indiscriminately.

"It's lame, that's a piece of trash, just kill it!"

The man said arrogantly, "You guessed it right, I am a government servant in Ganzhou. What we in Ganzhou are short of are hard laborers. You have hundreds of people here. If you go to Liangzhou, it will be the same in our Ganzhou!"

"The court's verdict states that these prisoners will be sent to Liangzhou. We are ordered to escort them and we must not change their places halfway."

Chen Qingyi refused sternly.

"Shen Ru, Aru, hurry up and save your cousin. I won't be able to do hard labor tomorrow!"

Yang Shicai didn't listen to Chen Qing and her appeal was ignored, so she turned to Shen Ru.

"Aru, that's your cousin, your cousin!"

Shen Ru didn't want to care about Shen Ming's life or death, but the other two suffering masters also came over.

"Master Chen!" Shen Ru looked at Chen Qing, do you want to save these three people?
"It's bitterly cold in Liangzhou. We have salt mines and salt fields in Ganzhou. It's better to go to Ganzhou than go to Liangzhou."

The man said confidently.

"Shen Ru, what do you think?"

Shen Ru pursed her lips, what should she say?

"You look down on Liangzhou so much. How about when we get to Liangzhou, wouldn't it be better for you, the governor of Ganzhou, to come forward and ask for someone from the governor of Liangzhou?"

Shen Ru paused and said, "If Liangzhou can't support so many people, it can be given to you, right?"

"The girl is easy to talk to, but Xiao Wujin, the governor of Liangzhou, is a thorn. So many prisoners, when they get to him, they are just hard labor in the quarry, but if he doesn't let them go, it's like occupying the latrine and not shitting. It’s better for us to strike first.”

What the man said was very crude and direct, but he obviously knew that Liangzhou would not let him go.

"How about we give up these three people?"

Shen Ru said hesitantly.

(End of this chapter)

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