Chapter 88 There must be many people behind her

Wei Xiaozhi was finally impressed by Shen Ru's ability to make money and his flying knife skills.

Just sell the salt and collect the money.

"Miss Shen, this is a matter of losing your head. Aren't you afraid that something will happen in the end?"

Finally, Wei Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask, how could the former Anguo Hou Shen Xian, who was a martial artist, have such a bold and careful granddaughter.

"We have all been deprived of our titles and sent to Liangzhou, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Shen Ru said calmly: "As the saying goes, risk your life and live again. The mountains in Liangzhou are high and the emperor is far away, so that we can make a comeback!"

Wei Xiaozhi admired Shen Ru's heroic words, but he also poured cold water on him:

"Xiao Wujin, the governor of Liangzhou, is a man who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If you want to sell private salt under his nose, he won't be able to chop you off even if you have ten heads."

"Then drag him into the water!"

Shen Ruqing said: "Whatever Mr. Xiao wants, just give him."

Wei Xiao was stunned, and then laughed, as if laughing at Shen Ru's naivety.

"Miss Shen, Xiao Wujin doesn't love money as much as I do."

"I know. He loves his Liangzhou. What he wants is for Liangzhou to prosper and for the people to live and work in peace and contentment."

Shen Ru's words made Wei Xiaozhi's smile freeze.

She actually knew what Xiao Wujin was thinking!
"Sir, do you think he is ridiculous? A scholar actually wants Liangzhou over the border to prosper and prosper. If Liangzhou wants to rise, unless the border is opened and the Western Region can circulate, do you think it is possible?"

Shen Ru continued, seeming to be exploring Wei Xiaozhi's reaction.

"Ha... whimsical, isn't that what a scholar is like!"

Wei Xiaozhi's teasing words were filled with contempt.

"Miss Shen, how are you going to take away this thousand pounds of salt?"

"As long as you give me the goods, I will find someone to secretly transport them to Liangzhou."

Shen Ru said mysteriously: "I have someone in Liangzhou!"

Wei Xiaozhi believed it. If it weren't for someone in Liangzhou, Shen Ru, as a refugee, would know so many things. How could the Shen family, whose house was confiscated, come up with so much money at once?

"Okay, Mr. Wei, let's keep in touch from now on. You go pack the thousand pounds of salt first, and I'll go shopping in Ganzhou City."

Shen Ru said: "By the way, I want to take those two people away. When I arrive in Liangzhou, is Mr. Wei still worried that there will be no strong men?"

Wei Xiaozhi was stunned, then understood and burst into laughter on the spot.

"Miss Shen is really a wonderful person, quite like an ancestor."

"Master Wei, just think about it. A noble family in the capital was once reduced to a fugitive. If this person cannot change, wouldn't he be reduced to dust forever?"

Shen Ru pretended to be a big-tailed wolf and said: "My Shen family has been inherited for hundreds of years, how can we just decline!"

"The future generations are terrifying, the latter generations are terrifying!"

Wei Xiaozhi mainly saw Shen Ru's generous spending, and since they were all grasshoppers in the same boat, he really wasn't afraid of being exposed for selling illegal salt.

Just blame Shen Ru for everything.

After Shen Ruwei Xiaozhi exchanged greetings for a long time, she went out for a walk. As for the two prisoners, she had them settled in the Governor's Mansion first.

There are salt mines in Ganzhou, and we can see that the life of the people is not too difficult, and there are many shops on the streets.

It's just... either old mothers, or women and children with their children. The few men I saw were either old or have not grown up.

"Shopkeeper, aren't there many young men in this city?"

Shen Ru asked the store deliberately.

"Girl, all the men in Ganzhou have gone to work in the mines. You must be from out of town!" Sure enough, this Ganzhou governor is really not a human being!

Naturally, this smuggled salt cannot leave the city normally.

Shen Ru asked people to pull the salt directly from the mine to the woods on the outskirts, on the pretext that he had already arranged for someone to take care of it and would transport it away directly.

Naturally, in order to remain mysterious, she couldn't let the people in the Ganzhou government see her troops.

In the end, Shen Ru successfully took away the two captured prisoners.

"Sir, we have gone to see them, but they are all gone."

Wei Xiaozhi was shocked when he heard his men's reply.

"Didn't you see the wheel? It's the only way to go to Liangzhou. It will definitely leave traces, but there are no traces?"

"No, half a minute after Shen Ru left, we went to check the forest. There was no one there, and there was no goods."

"How is this possible, how is this possible?"

Wei Xiaozhi was shocked, "Is there another way to Liangzhou that we don't know about?"

"Or is there a large number of people behind Shen Ru?"

"The centipede insect is dead but not stiff, King Jing rebels, and hundreds of officials are implicated. This matter is definitely not that simple."

No one knows what Wei Xiaozhi was thinking, but Shen Ruke and two prisoners arrived at the inn before dark and successfully joined the large army of refugees.

The biggest gain this time is naturally the thousand kilograms of coarse salt in the space, which will be refined into fine salt later, so she won't have to worry about being able to transfer it out!
"Aru, did you encounter something difficult? You weren't hurt, were you?"

Father Shen and Mother Shen pulled Shen Ru up and down, full of concern.

"It's okay, Dad, Mom, do you think my grandfather has been to Ganzhou before?"

Shen Ru asked curiously, then Wei Xiaozhi obviously knew his grandfather!
"In the past, when my father fought in all directions, he naturally stayed in the northwest. Not only the northwest, but also the bitter cold land in the northeast, the land of hundreds of barbarians from the south, and the Daduan Frontier Fortress. Your grandfather never stopped there!"

Shen Yan sighed with emotion, "It's a pity that your father and I couldn't inherit your grandfather's martial arts and ambition, so I can only be an Anlehou!"

"Dad, don't worry, I'm here."

Shen Ru said generously, "As the direct daughter of the Shen family, I will definitely let the Shen family continue to pass on the legacy."

"Shen Ru, you vicious bitch."

At this moment, Yang stepped forward fiercely, pointed at Shen Ru and cursed.

"You don't want to save us tomorrow. You... you... deserve to go to hell. You don't deserve a good death."

"Hey, who am I, third aunt? Why, Shen Ming crawled back?"

Shen Ru looked for Shen Ming's figure in the crowd. This man was really tough!

"That's your cousin, your biological cousin, you have the same grandfather!"

Yang beat her chest and stamped her feet, crying: "It's a cold day, you let us crawl back tomorrow with an injured leg. How can you feel at ease? Is your conscience okay?"

"It's passable, don't you know what An's heart is about?"

Facing Yang's accusation, Shen Ru was not afraid at all.

"What's going on? Do I have to carry him back?"

"Hey, my leg is lame. Even those who catch strong men look down on me. I don't know what to do in the future!"

Shen Ru's words were also deliberately irritating. She could actually kill Shen Ming, but didn't she also?

As long as she repays evil with kindness, she can't do it. Didn't Shen Ming's current fate come about by himself?
Besides, if he didn't crawl back, he would freeze to death outside. Didn't he give him a chance to survive?

"Third Aunt, you should be lucky that he is still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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