Chapter 89 Am I not as good as her?

Listening to Yang's abuse, Shen Ru thought to herself that she was too used to Yang after all.

"Pa!" Shen Ru only saw a gust of wind beside her, and it was her mother who stepped forward and slapped Yang.

"Ms. Yang, you're out of your mind, right? You're the one who's so cruel!"

Another slap in the face made Yang even more confused.

"If it weren't for us Aru, Shen Ming might have died of freezing outside."

"Also, you Shen Ming deserved your current fate. You didn't die. That's because we, Aru, have a kind heart."

Seeing Mother Shen's protective gesture made Shen Ru feel warm in her heart. She was also afraid that Mother Shen would be hurt, so she stood directly next to Mother Shen.

"Third Aunt, I call you Third Aunt. I consider it because of the past friendship between the two families. As for Shen Ming's attempt to push my brother away, it's kind enough for me to let him live."

Shen Ru said with a straight face: "If you say one more word, believe it or not, I will beat you too."

Mrs. Yang looked at Shen Ru and Shen's mother in shock, then swallowed it and walked away with a fierce look.

The two people who were rescued by Shen Ru also came with their families to thank Shen Ru.

Shen Ru was still very polite to these two families.

At night, it started to rain, but the rain was mixed with snow particles. It was extremely cold!

The next morning, looking at the rain outside, Chen Qing's head felt heavy. Could he not walk again?

"Oh, God is good!"

Yi Cheng looked outside and stood next to Chen Qing with a smile and said.

"We don't get much rain here. Rain at this time is quite rare."

"This isn't rain, it's actually snow!" Chen Qing said helplessly.

"Then walk slowly. The rain is quite icy. I'm afraid you will die or be ruined if you hit the road."

This is what Chen Qing is worried about. After walking for so long, the prisoner's body is almost exhausted. If there is a few colds and other colds, most of them will probably die of illness.

In the place where the prisoners were detained, coughs could be heard one after another, and it was suddenly cold at night. It seemed that many people were sick.

Shen Ru's younger brother Shen Nian, with red cheeks, only said he had a headache and cold, and was obviously infected with the wind and cold.

"Aru, Nian'er has a fever, what do you think we should do!"

Shen Ru listened to the coughs one after another and knew that many people were sick.

"Mom, I'm going to talk to the official about opening a few guest rooms in the inn. My brother is like this. He needs to sweat and drink medicine."

"Then go and talk quickly."

Shen Ru helped Chen Qing take a trip to Ganzhou, so he naturally agreed to this request.

Soon, Shen Ru let his brother lie on the bed in the guest room of the inn.

"Mom, go to the kitchen and ask for a basin of hot water. You have to wipe your brother's body. You can't let him burn."

"I'm going to get the herbs from the carriage, aunt. Then you go to the kitchen and boil a big pot and give a bowl to everyone who is sick."

Not only the prisoners were sick, Cui Ti was also sick.

Maybe she was tired before, and then it rained last night, so she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Jade, go ask the doctor, I...I'm dizzy."

Cui Ti said hoarsely.

"Miss, I'll let Fang Jin look for her right now. I...I'll accompany you."

Jade said worriedly: "Miss, if we are going to go on the road today, we must not follow you together. You are delicate and must not work too hard!"

"But, if we don't go, the Pei family... ahem..."

Cui Ti struggled to get up, but felt dizzy and fell down again.

"My good lady, just lie down and rest. I'll go find Fang Jin right away."

Jade said as she covered Cui Ti with the quilt and hurried out.By chance, the door to Shen Ru's room was open, and the sound of a child coughing could be heard inside.

"Brother, you will get better soon. Sister will heal you."

In the room, Shen Xuan's soft words contained absolute trust in Shen Ru.

Jade took a curious look, and when she heard the words inside, she knew that Shen Ru's younger brother was also sick.

Why, Shen Ru can still cure diseases?
Feicui was suspicious and immediately went to find Fang Jin.

"Fang Jin, Miss is sick, please go and call a doctor quickly!"

As soon as he heard that Cui Ti was ill, Fang Jin didn't hesitate, got up and walked out of the room.

Shen Ru's side is just some simple herbs.

She still used the simplest method, asking her mother to wipe her brother's body with warm water to cool down.

The inn was remote and it was raining and snowing. Fang Jin had been out for an hour and still hadn't come back.

Shen Ru had already boiled the concoction, and his brother broke into a sweat after drinking it.

At the same time, all the prisoners with symptoms of wind and cold were given medicine. Although it could not be cured immediately, it could still make people feel better.

"Miss, I see that Shen Ru's brother is also infected with the cold. It seems that Shen Ru has some medicine and has already asked her brother to drink it. How about I go to her and talk to her first?"

Jade went out for a while and then came to inform Cui Ti.

"She is not a doctor, can she drink this medicine casually?"

Cui Ti was very doubtful, "Let's wait a little longer. There won't be a doctor within ten miles!"

"Okay, I think her brother can drink it, and probably you can too, miss. Then Shen Ru will not treat his brother badly."

Jade said, fearing that Cui Ti would be boring, she told Cui Ti everything she saw.

"I also heard that many of the prisoners had symptoms of cold, and Shen Ru seemed to have given them medicine."

"Miss, do you think Shen Ru is pretending to be a good person? Doesn't she always care about those people?"

Cui Ti frowned slightly after hearing what Jade said.

"Jade, do you think I'm not as good as her?"

"Miss, why did you say that? She... is a prisoner!"

Jade was immediately surprised and said: "Even if she was the daughter of the Hou family before, her Shen family has declined!"

Cui Ti's face was flushed, but her expression was lonely.

"Yes, she is just a prisoner, but she has attracted Fang Jin's heart. Moreover, the officials also turned to her for help after what happened before. Jade, tell me, what is her identity?"

"She is living a very comfortable life in exile, isn't she?"

"It's all these officials who are jealous of money. When we return to Qinling, we will ask someone to read a copy."

Jade said angrily.

"But this will also hurt the Pei family!"

Cui Ti laughed at herself and said, "Jade, in front of Shen Ru, I always feel like I'm inferior in front of my sister."

"Miss, are overthinking it. How can Shen Ru compare with the eldest lady? She, the Shen family, has become a refugee and will not be able to enter the officialdom for generations to come!"

Jade comforted: "No matter how good Shen Ru is, he can't get rid of his status as a refugee!"

"But, I think she will definitely be able to change the fate of the Shen family in the future! Jade, I even thought that if the prince were still here, he would not look at me twice when he saw Shen Ru."

Cui Ti's eyes showed inferiority and vulnerability.

"Miss, why are you saying this is impossible? Prince Jing is no longer here after all!"

"Yes, he is gone after all!"

Cui Ti murmured and sighed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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