Chapter 90: Not used to barking dogs
Cui Ti finally waited until the doctor came and prescribed medicine after consultation.

"Are you a doctor?"

Shen Ru just opened the door and came out. When she saw Jade sending the doctor off and saying thank you, she asked.

"Yes, I am a doctor, girl, but someone is sick?"

"Well, my brother is infected with cold, but I have given him medicine. If it is convenient for the doctor, can he also take a look?"

Shen Ru said respectfully.

"Oh, then..."

Before the doctor could finish speaking, Jade interrupted directly:

"Doctor, you were invited by us. Shen Ru, what do you mean, do you want to steal everything from my lady?"

Shen Ru was speechless. She just saw the doctor and asked him to take a look at her brother!
"What's wrong? The doctor was hired by your family, so can't he show it to others? You are so overbearing. If there are patients down there, wouldn't that be allowed?"

"You did it on purpose."

Jade said very hostilely.

"Jade, don't do this."

Fang Jin, who came out from behind, said.

"Doctor, go and have a look with Miss Shen!"

Shen Ru was too lazy to argue with Jade, so he invited the doctor into the room and told him about the medicine he had given his brother.

The doctor came in and took Shen Nian's pulse, then nodded and said, "Young lady is actually doing very well. If the young master's fever goes away in the evening, he will be fine after taking the medicine for two more days."

"Thank you, doctor!" Shen Ru thanked him and took out a few pennies to pay for the doctor's consultation.

Fang Jin sent the doctor back and grabbed medicine for Cui Ti. Before leaving, he advised Jade not to cause trouble.

But it was Fang Jin's words that made Jade feel secretly resentful.

"You really know how to take advantage. You really can't get on the stage."

Jade was full of sourness and said nonsense to Shen Ru.

Shen Ru frowned, this maid who didn't cover up her mouth really deserved a beating!
"Are you sure you want to bullshit me?"

"Why did you intercept the doctor we hired? Don't you just want to show off that you have medicine?"

Jade said angrily: "Our lady is also sick. Even if you have medicine, you won't give it to us. You are just selfish and stingy. You deserve to be confiscated and exiled!"

Shen Ru raised his hand and slapped him, then waved his palm.

"My hand hurts when I hit someone, but when I hear you barking like a mad dog and I don't teach you a lesson, do you really think no one would dare to touch you?"

"You hit me, you hit me!"

Jade covered her face and said in shock.

"How long have you been dancing in front of me before I hit you once and you can't stand it?"

Shen Ru sneered: "What do you deserve for me to tolerate?"

"I... I will fight with you!"

Jade said fiercely, and then bumped towards Shen Ru.

It’s so…brainless and arrogant!
Shen Ruzhen didn't intend to coddle Jade, so he tilted his body and Jade hit the wall directly, and his forehead suddenly became red, swollen and bleeding.


The one who exclaimed was Cui Ti's coachman Zhongshu, who was greatly shocked when he saw Jade's miserable appearance.

"Uncle Zhong, Shen Ru, she... harmed me!"

Jade cried and said: "Uncle Zhong, you have to make the decision for me!"

Uncle Zhong was a little hesitant. He had seen clearly along the way that the eldest lady of the Shen family was extremely skilled in martial arts and had a close relationship with officials. She had also helped many prisoners. She did not look like a bully!Even if you do it yourself, you can't beat Miss Shen's family!
"Cui Ti's maid, why is she biting like a mad dog?"

Shen Ru said slowly: "Although big dogs also need to look after their owners, the dogs have bitten, so I have to beat them!"

Uncle Zhong knew this and sighed: "Miss Shen, please be lenient. I will take the jade back."

"Tell Cui Ti, keep your mouth shut. I don't mind helping her teach any maid, big or small, a lesson!"

After Shen Ru finished speaking, he turned around and entered his room.

Inside the room, Mother Shen asked with concern, "Is it that girl again? Mom heard her crying, so she didn't go over to see you, thinking that you wouldn't suffer."

"Well, it's that Jadeite. I just saw the doctor asking her to come over and show her brother, and she kept talking and couldn't help but slap her."

Shen Ru explained: "She hit me so hard that she hit the wall."

"The Cui family is also a wealthy family, how could they raise such a bad-minded maid?"

Shen's mother complained, "Aru, my mother and Xuanxuan are guarding here. You go and see your father and aunt."

"Okay, Mom." Shen Ru touched her sister's head.

In the kitchen, Shen Yan looked disgraced. It took him, the former Marquis, a long time to make a fire and boil water.

Shen Ping, Qian and their children were also helping Aunt Lian fill the medicine.

"Many prisoners have already drank it. What are we going to do with the rest?"

Qian asked.

"Pretend, Nian'er still needs to drink medicine for two days. This medicine won't go bad if left alone."

Shen Ru came over and said, seeing Shen Yan's appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

"Put your things away and let's go to the guest room. We won't be on the road today, so let's rest first."

The sleet and snow continued to fall outside. Shen Ru turned around and saw Chen Qing standing at the door of the inn with all the officials. She stepped forward curiously and asked:

"Everyone, does this... rain look good?"

"The head is sighing, why is our exile escort so troubled!"

One of them replied, "Miss Shen, look at so many people infected with the cold, will something happen again?"

"I'm not a fortune teller, so how do I know? But everyone is fine, right?"

"Looking at it this way, it is impossible for us to return to the capital before the end of the year. Hey, I feel a little sad just thinking about it."

Shen Ru looked at the crowd and saw that it was almost the end of the year when he arrived in Liangzhou, and he would indeed not be able to return to the capital.

Half of them are full answers, and half of them are short answers. However, their family is still in exile, so there is no need to sympathize with the officials. Who doesn't leave their hometown these days?

"Actually, it's okay not to go back."

Chen Qing suddenly said: "There may not be peace in Beijing."

"Huh? Boss, have you received any news?"

Shen Ruye looked at Chen Qing, what did he know?
"Haven't you noticed how many unusual celestial phenomena you have encountered along the way?"

"Drought, refugees, riots, Ganzhou's Lazhuangding. It's the end of the year, and the people are still allowed to flee to other places. How many people are living in poverty?"

"And we have to eat on the road of exile, intermittently. In short... you are too young!"

Chen Qing's words were filled with exhaustion and desolation.

Shen Ru glanced at Chen Qing a few more times. If he hadn't been a bookworm, he wouldn't have known about Prince Jing's survival and his later revenge.

It is not peaceful, but it may not be peaceful in Liangzhou!

Thinking that Pei Wenjing still had a map of the Western Regions in his hand, maybe he would travel around the Western Regions and unite the countries in the Western Regions to launch a war against Daduan. Shen Ru felt heavy in his heart. Liangzhou, that is where they want to take root!

(End of this chapter)

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