Chapter 301 She's Alive
In fact, I strongly disagree with the actions of the Tang family leader and the others. In any case, his biological daughter is the most important.

You can't abandon your biological daughter when you have an adopted daughter, right?
The head of the Tang family not only abandoned his biological daughter, but also gave up the child and treated the child as dead.

This approach is really too much.

Now he can understand Tang Hai's behavior.

The head of the Gong family glanced at the head of the Tang family and said, "You can rest assured that your sister is still alive, and you should still be able to see each other."

Tang Hai looked at Patriarch Gong with joy: "Is this true, Patriarch?"

Head Gong smiled and nodded: "This is true."

The head of the Tang family looked a little embarrassed when he heard what the head of the Gong family said. He had just said that the child was considered dead, but now the head of the Gong family slapped him in the face.

If the child is still alive why not come to them?

When no one noticed, Mrs. Tang held her hands tightly, her eyes a little flustered.

And the head of the Gong family saw this.

Sighing lightly, it seemed that Mrs. Tang lost the child on purpose, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"I understand, thank you, Patriarch, I'll leave first." Tang Hai didn't even look at Patriarch Tang and his wife when he left.

It only made both of them a little helpless.

Mrs. Tang quickly stopped the person: "What are you going to do? This is your home, we are your family, you can't really sever all relations with us, can you?"

"You don't have to call me. I just want to find my sister now. If you don't like her, I won't bring her back. I'll buy her a house and prepare a dowry for her." After saying that, Tang Hai left. No matter what Mrs. Tang's mood is.

The head of the Tang family looked at Tang Hai who was leaving with a headache, and said dissatisfiedly: "Tang Hai, that's enough, what are you making a fuss about? Yue'er grew up with you, and she is also your sister now."

Tang Hai turned to look at the Tang family head and said calmly: "That's your daughter, not my sister, so be it."

After saying this, Tang Hai left without giving them a chance to speak this time.

Mrs. Tang sat on the sofa wiping her tears and said sadly, "It's all my fault."

"Okay, this kid just doesn't understand now. When he understands our intentions, he won't be like this." The head of the Tang family said helplessly while hugging Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang looked up at Patriarch Tang: "Really?"

"Of course it's true."

The head of the Gong family looked a little disgusted, and Mrs. Tang was pretending to be like this.

But what does this have to do with him?
Tang Hai walked to the garden and met Tang Lingyue who didn't know what she was thinking.

Tang Lingyue saw Tang Hai coming and said hello quickly: "Brother..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Hai left in front of him.

Looking at Tang Hai who ignored her existence, Tang Lingyue was completely stunned.

Although her brother was not very enthusiastic about her before, he was able to save her face, but now he didn't even look at her.

After taking a look inside the room, Tang Lingyue couldn't help but feel a little worried. What happened in here?Could Tang Hai be allowed to treat her like this?
Tang Lingyue didn't know what happened inside. It took about an hour before the Tang family leader and others let her in.

As soon as she entered, Tang Lingyue asked, "Mom and dad, why did you ask me to come here?" The head of the Tang family looked at Tang Lingyue with a complicated expression and didn't know what to say for a while.

Mrs. Tang didn't know what to do now, so she said, "The head of the Gong family has found a way. We will go to the school with you to find Shen Xinrou."

With joy in her eyes, Tang Lingyue nodded quickly: "Okay, don't worry, Mom, I will definitely listen to you this time."

The next day Tang Lingyue took her family to find Shen Xinrou. This time she felt confident.

Shen Xinrou was not surprised at all when she saw Tang Lingyue bringing someone to find her. She just glanced at Tang Lingyue and said nothing.

Shen Xinrou didn't speak, but Tang Lingyue and the others also spoke.

The head of the Gong family frowned slightly when he saw Shen Xinrou in this state.

Before, I only knew that Shen Xinrou was a very wealthy person, but now I realized that not only was she very wealthy, but she was also blessed with profound blessings.

For such a person, no wonder Tang Lingyue was so unlucky.

If Shen Xinrou was a little more vicious, Tang Lingyue would probably kill everyone.

She frowned slightly and looked at Tang Lingyue. Although the latter was a little dissatisfied, thinking of what her parents said, she could only step forward and look at Shen Xinrou and said: "Shen Xinrou was really sorry before. It was all my fault. I am here to give you some advice." You apologize."

Shen Xinrou looked at Tang Lingyue's unwillingness to apologize, and said sarcastically: "I told you a long time ago, forget it if you don't apologize sincerely. I don't really care about the person your aunt gave you. interested."

"Of course I don't really need your apology."

Shen Xinrou's words made Tang Lingyue a little dissatisfied. She frowned slightly and said with an ugly face: "Shen Xinrou, I have already followed you, what else do you want?"

When the head of the Gong family saw Tang Lingyue talking to Shen Xinrou like this, he immediately understood why Shen Xinrou was unwilling to forgive Tang Lingyue.

If it were him, if he forgave Tang Lingyue today, then the humiliation she suffered before was all her own fault, and it had nothing to do with others.

The head of the Tang family looked at Tang Lingyue dissatisfied. What did they tell Tang Lingyue when they came?

How did she agree?Why did it suddenly become like this now?
When the head of the Tang family was about to say something, Tang Lingyue suddenly said: "Shen Xinrou, what do you want? Now I have to give you the things, why are you still doing this? Where did I offend you?"

Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Tang Lingyue with a half-smile: "Why did you offend me? To be honest, I have never been humiliated like this before. Who do you think you are? You dare to humiliate me like this?"

The head of the Gong family frowned and looked at Shen Xinrou with inquiry in his eyes.

What is going on with this man? He can't see through everything about Shen Xinrou.

Mrs. Tang stood up helplessly, looked at Shen Xinrou and said, "Miss Shen said it was my daughter's fault for what happened before. I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my daughter."

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang in front of her, frowning slightly.

this person……

The head of the Gong family had been keeping his eyes on Shen Xinrou. Now he saw Shen Xinrou frowning at Mrs. Tang, and he knew that Shen Xinrou must have seen something.

Faced with this situation, Shen Xinrou said, "Mrs. Tang, you have done so much, don't you feel guilty?"

Mrs. Tang's heart skipped a beat, she frowned at Shen Xinrou and twitched her lips and said, "Miss Shen, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you said."

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang and said regretfully: "Mrs. Tang, no matter what you did, just don't regret it in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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