In the era of rebirth, scientific research power starts from farming

Chapter 302 Dove occupying the magpie's nest

Chapter 302 Dove occupying the magpie's nest
Mrs. Tang always felt like she was being seen through.

And it’s the little girl in front of me.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know what I'm saying, but I can tell you a little about your child. Your child is very lucky and has a good life, and he is in Kyoto now." Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang's face. Face, said.

There was panic in Mrs. Tang's eyes, while Tang Lingyue looked at Shen Xinrou dissatisfied: "Shen Xinrou, what are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? Tang Lingyue has occupied the magpie nest for so long. Have you forgotten your own identity?" Shen Xinrou looked at Tang Lingyue with sharp eyes.

Tang Lingyue snorted coldly: "I am the daughter of the Tang family."

Shen Xinrou cast her eyes on Mrs. Tang and laughed sarcastically: "Mrs. Tang, do you know why your situation is more serious than your husband's?"

The head of the Tang family finally paid attention to Shen Xinrou.

The head of the Gong family also looked at Shen Xinrou with interest, wanting to see what this man with profound blessings was capable of.

"Shen Xinrou, please stop talking nonsense here and shut up." Tang Lingyue looked at Shen Xinrou in panic.

She didn't know why, but she just felt that what Shen Xinrou was about to say was very serious to her.

It will even affect her status in the Tang family.

Mrs. Tang looked at Shen Xinrou in front of her with dissatisfaction: "Miss Shen, no matter what your reason is, you'd better not say anything without evidence."

The head of the Tang family looked at his wife and then at Tang Lingyue.

I always felt that if something happened between these two people, please hide it from him.

"Miss Shen, what do you mean? If what you said is false, we are not done with this matter." The head of the Tang family frowned and said.

In this regard, Shen Xinrou said indifferently: "There is no problem with this. I don't care that much, but you. Do you know who this daughter you dote on is?"

The head of the Tang family turned his attention to Tang Lingyue: "She is my adopted child."

It was also investigated at that time.

Hearing this, Shen Xinrou couldn't stop laughing.

The way he looked at the head of the Tang family was like looking at someone who had been taken advantage of.

That look made Patriarch Tang feel a little irritated.

"Miss Shen, just say it directly if you have anything to say."

"Did your wife tell you that she was an orphan?" Shen Xinrou looked at the head of the Tang family meaningfully and asked.

The head of the Tang family nodded silently: "Yes."

"She also has a sister."

The expressions of both Patriarch Tang and Madam Tang changed. Patriarch Tang turned his attention to Madam Tang, gritted his teeth and asked, "What does this mean? I need you to give me an explanation."

Mrs. Tang quickly said: "That's not true. I don't have a sister at all. Shen Xinrou is talking nonsense."

But this time, the head of the Tang family no longer believed Mrs. Tang.

"Tell me the truth, is this true?" The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang with sharp eyes and asked.

Seeing that she couldn't hide the matter, Mrs. Tang could only nod: "It's true, but we just met each other not long ago."

When the Tang family mainly believed in Mrs. Tang, Shen Xinrou said with a smile: "It really didn't take long, we just knew each other for 45 years." 45?
The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang with an ugly expression. Isn't this Mrs. Tang's age?

So Mrs. Tang was deceiving herself from beginning to end.

When Patriarch Tang was angry, Shen Xinrou continued: "I not only have a sister, but also two brothers, and parents. Don't you know these people, Patriarch Tang?"

The head of the Tang family was already angry, but now he was even more angry when he heard Shen Xinrou say this.

He looked at Mrs. Tang with a gloomy expression.

"Oh, by the way, in order to please her family, Mrs. Tang bought a house in Kyoto for her two brothers, prepared jobs for her nephews, and even sent your Tang family's things to their homes from time to time." Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang's guilty look and said with a half-smile.

Oops, she just likes this slap in the face.

Mrs. Tang was so angry that her whole body was shaking: "Shen Xinrou, shut up. Don't talk nonsense. It's nothing."

Mrs. Tang's anger was of no use to Shen Xinrou.

After looking Mrs. Tang up and down, Shen Xinrou said with a smile, "Would you like me to tell Mr. Tang the location of the villa you bought for your family?"

The head of the Tang family suddenly felt that he was taken advantage of and a stupid fool.

"Is what Shen Xinrou said true?" The head of the Tang family did not listen to Shen Xinrou's address, but looked at Mrs. Tang and said.

Before Mrs. Tang could say anything, Tang Lingyue who was standing next to her said quickly: "Dad, don't listen to Shen Xinrou trying to sow discord among us here. She just wants to see our family fight."

"There's no place for you to talk here, shut up." The Tang family leader couldn't listen to anything now. He just wanted to know if Mrs. Tang really did such a thing with her back turned.

Mrs. Tang looked at Patriarch Tang nervously, not knowing how to explain this matter.

The head of the Gong family next to him suddenly said: "Shen Xinrou is right. Mrs. Tang does have healthy parents and has older brothers and sisters."

What the head of the Gong family said was the straw that broke the camel's back for the head of the Tang family.

Patriarch Tang looked at Mrs. Tang with hatred: "Why did you deceive me?"

Shen Xinrou said with great interest: "I know this. If you are interested, Master Tang, I can read your face and tell you whatever you want to know."

Once in a small world, she was a heavenly master. Not only could she tell fortunes and read fortunes, but she could also do other things.

Now it's just a look at the faces of two people, it really shouldn't be too simple.

Tang Lingyue looked at Shen Xinrou in shame and said, "Shen Xinrou, what do you want to do? What good will it do to you to hurt our family like this?"

Hearing Tang Lingyue's words, Shen Xinrou said with a smile but not a smile: "I just can't stand the dirty tricks of some people. I am doing justice for heaven."

Tang Lingyue was completely dumbfounded by Shen Xinrou's words, and she instantly understood what Shen Xinrou meant.

She didn't have any purpose, her purpose was to cause trouble for their family.

The head of the Tang family looked at Shen Xinrou. Although he knew what Shen Xinrou's purpose was, he still nodded in agreement.

"In this case, please trouble Miss Shen. I will definitely give you a big gift later." The head of the Tang family knew that he would not be able to ask Mrs. Tang, so he said.

When Mrs. Tang heard this, she was completely panicked and quickly changed the subject: "Honey, aren't we here to solve Yue'er's matter? Why do you still believe Shen Xinrou?"

"You have deceived me too much."

Mrs. Tang's face suddenly changed at the words of Patriarch Tang. Thinking about what she had done, it seemed that she had really deceived Patriarch Tang too much. Now he didn't want to believe that he could understand.

(End of this chapter)

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