Chapter 304 What are you worried about?
The head of the Tang family reached out and pushed Mrs. Tang away: "It seems that the people who stole my business are your family members."

Mrs. Tang was slightly relieved by the words of the head of the Tang family. She showed a smile that was not a smile and said softly: "Husband, this is my family, it's nothing..."

Shen Xinrou suddenly laughed. Mrs. Tang, who was talking to the head of the Tang family, heard Shen Xinrou's laughter and yelled in shame: "Shen Xinrou, what are you laughing at? Please don't make trouble here when I'm talking to my husband."

The head of the Tang family looked down at Mrs. Tang, suddenly he shouldn't trust Mrs. Tang.

Seeing the Tang family leader like this, Mrs. Tang quickly said: "Everything I say is true. If you don't believe me, are you going to believe Shen Xinrou, a person who has conflicts with our family?"

Shen Xinrou was immediately laughed out of anger. Mrs. Shen was really good at putting gold on her face.

"Use the resources of the Tang family to pave the way for your family? At this time, have you considered the consequences for the Tang family?" The head of the Tang family did not answer Mrs. Tang's words, but looked at her and asked without politeness at all. road.

Mrs. Tang remained silent and did not speak. She said nothing, but she knew the impact these things would have on the Tang family.

But at that time, she felt that the situation of the Tang family would be much better, and even if something happened, it wouldn't really be bad.

The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang's silent look, and there was nothing he didn't understand.

Looking at Mrs. Tang in front of her sarcastically: "You are really good. Since you want your family so much and think about them in everything, how about you go back?"

The words of Patriarch Tang made Mrs. Tang completely panic: "What are you..."

"Just because my family's situation is different, you can do whatever you want? You are really good at it." The head of the Tang family said while holding back the anger in his heart.

Mrs. Tang took Patriarch Tang's hand and said quickly: "I know I was wrong. I will never do this again. Do you believe me?"

"My family's situation is much better now. I promise you that I will never help my family again. If you don't like them, I can also sever ties with them." Mrs. Tang looked directly at the person in front of her. The head of the Tang family said seriously.

The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang with a complicated expression. He didn't know whether he should believe Mrs. Tang at this time.

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang, who still looked like a little girl at this age, with a look of disgust on her face: "Really? Mr. Tang, do you know who this person is who stole your business?"

Mrs. Tang gritted her teeth and looked at Shen Xinrou: "Shen Xinrou, shut up."

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang with an innocent face. What had she done wrong to shut up?

"Miss Shen, tell me." The head of the Tang family wanted to see what else Shen Xinrou could tell, and what else Mrs. Tang was hiding from him.

"This person has a very close relationship with Mrs. Tang, but he is not a family member." Shen Xinrou reminded in a good mood.

Mrs. Tang's face was pale, and she was still a little worried.

Shen Xinrou really knows everything. Who is this person?

"Shen Xinrou, I...I didn't offend you. I hope you won't do this to me." Mrs. Tang was really scared at this time and did not dare to let Shen Xinrou continue talking.

Shen Xinrou looked at Patriarch Tang helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, Patriarch Tang, but your wife won't let me tell you. What do you think I should do?"

The head of the Tang family glanced at Mrs. Tang who was anxious beside him, and said coldly: "Ignore her, Miss Shen, please continue to tell me about this matter, and I will give you a generous gift later."

Shen Xinrou shrugged at Mrs. Tang, "Oh, there's really nothing I can do. Others want to hear her continue talking about this matter."

What a embarrassment!
Mrs. Tang looked at Shen Xinrou nervously, worried that Shen Xinrou would really say it. "Her family does not do business with takeout people. This business is done by her brother-in-law." Shen Xinrou ignored Mrs. Tang's warning and told him everything the Tang family wanted to know.

Mrs. Tang's hands trembled slightly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Shen Xinrou, that's enough, don't say any more."

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang with a half-smile and said with a smile on her face: "What's wrong? Are you so angry?"

"Mrs. Tang, what are you feeling guilty about?"

Mrs. Tang subconsciously looked away and said hesitantly: "Why should I feel guilty? Shen Xinrou, please don't slander me here."

"Mrs. Shen, how can you say that? Why do you mean I'm slandering you?" Shen Xinrou asked playfully.

"Shen Xinrou, what do you want? Can you tell me directly? Why do you have to do this to me? If you want something, can I just give it to you?" Mrs. Tang's voice was pleading.

She couldn't let Shen Xinrou continue talking.

Once you continue talking, many things cannot be hidden.

The head of the Tang family squinted at Mrs. Tang like this, knowing in his heart that Mrs. Tang must be hiding some secrets that he didn't know about.

The reason why Mrs. Shen is so anxious now is because she doesn't want him to know these things.

The head of the Tang family walked up to Mrs. Shen and asked in a deep voice: "What else are you hiding from me? What are you afraid of?"

Mrs. Tang stiffened for a moment, shook her head and said, "I'm not hiding anything from you, and I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just worried that if Shen Xinrou says something else, it will affect our relationship."

Mrs. Tang's words made Shen Xinrou roll her eyes, this woman was really good at talking.

She crossed her arms and looked at Mrs. Tang, wanting to see what other shameless words this person could say.

"Who is Miss Shen's brother-in-law?" The head of the Tang family glanced at Mrs. Tang and knew that this so-called brother-in-law was the most important person.

Mrs. Tang saw that Shen Xinrou seemed to be planning to speak out, so she quickly interrupted Shen Xinrou: "Shen Xinrou, please stop talking. You have already talked so much nonsense, what else do you want to do?"

Shen Xinrou smiled slightly and looked at Mrs. Tang: "What I said is absolutely true. If there is a lie, the sky will strike you like lightning and you will die."

Mrs. Tang sneered and said, "How long has it been? Who believes what you say?"

The head of the Gong family couldn't stand listening anymore, and said to the side: "It's okay for others to swear like this. You don't have to believe it, but Miss Shen can't. If she breaks the oath, it will really be effective. We cultivators will not swear easily. of."

Mrs. Tang felt like she had been slapped hard on the face, and her face turned livid with anger.

Shen Xinrou looked at Mrs. Tang and smiled slightly: "How is it? Do you believe the oath I swore now?"

The head of the Tang family nodded seriously and said, "Miss Shen, I believe you."

Mrs. Tang looked at Patriarch Tang with wide eyes: "Then you don't believe me?"

The head of the Tang family did not speak, but just glanced at Mrs. Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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