Chapter 305 Her First Love
If it were before, he must have believed Mrs. Tang but not Shen Xinrou, but everything he learned today made him unwilling to believe the person in front of him.

Mrs. Tang knows the Tang family leader very well, and he just doesn't want to believe in herself now.

With her hands trembling slightly, Mrs. Tang said sadly: "It turns out that I am already so distrusted in your heart."

Shen Xinrou got goosebumps when she heard this, Mrs. Tang really knew how to pretend to be pitiful.

"Miss Shen, I want to know who this person is."

Shen Xinrou said a name.

This name is very familiar to the Tang family.

"Song is talking nonsense?" The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang with anger on his face.

As if he thought of something, he suddenly laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm towards himself.

When Mrs. Tang saw Master Tang like this, she suddenly became worried: "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"It turns out that Song is talking nonsense." The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang with anger towards Mrs. Tang in his eyes.

Shen Xinrou looked at Patriarch Tang curiously. Could it be that Patriarch Tang knew about the existence of Song Wangyan?

Mrs. Tang looked at Patriarch Tang with a guilty conscience, smiled dryly and said, "Honey, what are you talking about?"

"I once saw you walking with him. I asked you at that time, do you still remember what you told me?" The head of the Tang family asked Mrs. Tang word by word.

Mrs. Tang thought about it for a long time, but she didn't expect this.

Maybe she just fooled people before?
Looking at Mrs. Tang like this, what is there that the Tang family leader doesn't understand?
"It seems that you have forgotten, so I will tell you now. You told me at the time that he was a person you met by chance. We met and chatted for a few words on the street." The head of the Tang family said calmly what happened back then. .

Mrs. Tang was reminded by the Tang family leader and immediately remembered what was going on.

Mrs. Tang quickly said: "Husband, things are not what you think. I just..."

The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang indifferently and asked sarcastically: "What are you? You just never believed me. You just walked with other men and fooled me?"

"That's not it. You also know now that he is my brother-in-law. Isn't it normal for the two of us to be together?" Mrs. Tang suddenly felt that it was a good thing for Shen Xinrou to expose this matter.

At least it helps me hide my other thoughts.

But will Shen Xinrou let Mrs. Tang go like this?
While Mrs. Tang was thinking about how to solve this matter, Shen Xinrou suddenly said, "By the way, Mr. Tang, do you know the relationship between Mrs. Shen and that Song Huanyan?"

Mrs. Tang angrily scolded: "Shen Xinrou, shut up, there is no place for you to talk here."

The head of the Tang family said angrily: "You are the one who should shut up. You are not qualified to speak."

Mrs. Tang was frightened by the angry look of the Tang family leader.

He subconsciously took a step back, and then looked at the Tang family leader in shame: "What are you doing? Is it possible that you still don't believe me?"

The head of the Tang family glanced at Mrs. Tang and said coldly: "You are right, I just don't believe you."


Shen Xinrou clicked her tongue and said, "Oh, it's really a pity. Your husband doesn't believe you anymore."

Mrs. Tang looked at Shen Xinrou angrily. If it weren't for Shen Xinrou, things would not have developed to this point. "Shen Xinrou, it's all your fault, bitch. Why do you talk so much?" They obviously came to Shen Xinrou to solve Tang Lingyue's matter.

Why did it suddenly become like this now?

She couldn't accept this change.

"Honey, don't listen to Shen Xinrou's nonsense here. I really have no other relationship with Song Wangyan. He is just my sister's husband and my brother-in-law. Apart from this, I have no relationship with him." Mrs. Tang was very firm. said.

Hearing what Mrs. Tang said, Patriarch Tang suddenly laughed and looked at Mrs. Tang with cold eyes: "Do you think I will still believe what you say?"

Mrs. Tang suddenly panicked: "Why don't you believe me? Everything I say is true."

"Mrs. Tang and Song Wangyan do have such a relationship now."

As long as Mrs. Tang heard Shen Xinrou talking, she would feel a headache: "Shen Xinrou, can you shut up? Stop talking?"

"I've let you down. Don't shut up. Madam Tang. Aren't you happy to let Tang Lingyue come to me again and again?" Shen Xinrou looked at Madam Tang and asked coldly.

Mrs. Tang was stunned at first, and then looked at Shen Xinrou in disbelief. What on earth did Shen Xinrou mean?
"Are you wondering what I mean by saying this?"

This sentence made Mrs. Tang not sure how to answer.

"You have always had people staring at me recently, and these people have ill intentions towards me. Am I right?" Shen Xinrou looked down at her fingers and said casually.

When the head of the Tang family heard this, he was stunned. It was obvious that he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Shen Xinrou looked at the head of the Tang family with a smile on his face: "You don't know about this?"

The head of the Tang family shook his head subconsciously. He really didn't know about this.

When discussing with his son how to handle this matter, he made it very clear to Tang Lingyue and the others not to provoke Shen Xinrou.

But what's going on now?

They actually found someone to follow Shen Xinrou without knowing it?
The head of the Tang family now understands why Shen Xinrou is causing trouble for Mrs. Tang at this time, and even wants to trample Mrs. Tang into the ground.

It was because of this.

Mrs. Tang looked at Shen Xinrou in astonishment, with disbelief in her eyes: "How could you..."

"How could I, a practitioner of ancient martial arts, not know that someone is following me?" Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Mrs. Tang with a half-smile.

Mrs. Tang swallowed her saliva, gritted her teeth and asked, "So you are taking revenge on me now?"

Shen Xinrou nodded with a smile: "Well, you are right. I am just taking revenge on you. I just don't want to see you live a good life. What can you do to me?"

"Master Tang, let me tell you directly now. Song Wangyan is not only Mrs. Tang's brother-in-law, but also Mrs. Tang's first love. Later, she chose to marry you for the sake of the family. As for her identity, it is Song Wangyan and the others. Those who helped erase it, of course this identity was also prepared by them, you didn't expect it, did you?" Shen Xinrou did not continue to hide it, and directly told the head of the Tang family about the relationship between Mrs. Tang and Song Huanyan.

The head of the Tang family's hands were trembling slightly, and he looked at his wife in disbelief.

So it turned out to be like this?
The head of the Tang family burst out laughing: "So it's not a chance encounter between you and Song Wangyan. You just went to see your old lover, right?"

Mrs. Tang kept shaking her head: "That's not the case."

(End of this chapter)

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