Chapter 306 Because of Song’s nonsense
"What's that like? You chose to marry me when you loved Song Wangyan the most. Since you planned your encounter with me in the first place, what kind of life-saving grace was also planned by you, right?" The head of the Tang family finally understood. .

The reason why he has been so kind to Mrs. Tang these years is because Mrs. Tang once saved his life.

No matter what Mrs. Tang did wrong in these years, he would always protect Mrs. Tang.

But in the end, it turned out that he was an idiot and was taken advantage of.

The head of the Tang family burst out laughing, looking at Mrs. Tang's eyes with complete disappointment.

His eyes were on Mrs. Tang, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Mrs. Tang's neck: "Are you happy to deceive me like this? Are you very proud to see me being fooled around by you?"

Mrs. Tang kept shaking her head: "'s not like that. You believe me."

"Believe it? Why do you have the nerve to ask me to believe you now?" Patriarch Tang felt so ironic.

At this time, Mrs. Tang is still thinking of saying something to make her believe her?
Is he too stupid, or is Mrs. Tang too self-righteous?
Shen Xinrou watched all this expressionlessly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

And Tang Lingyue was completely dumbfounded. She didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

Looking at Shen Xinrou who was smiling next to her, Tang Lingyue cursed in a low voice: "Shen Xinrou, you are just a bastard. If it weren't for you, our family wouldn't be like this."

"Tang Lingyue...oh no, I should call you Tang Lingyue, you should be called Song Lingyue." Shen Xinrou didn't want to deal with Tang Lingyue so quickly, but it turned out that this person couldn't wait to cause trouble.

In this case, of course she would help Tang Lingyue.

The head of the Gong family, who had been sitting nearby watching the show, was speechless when he saw Tang Lingyue like this.

Shen Xinrou didn't bother her, but she came to her door herself.

No wonder she was bullied like this by Shen Xinrou.

To be honest, he deserves it.

"Shen Xinrou, you..."

"What am I?"

When the head of the Tang family heard this, he turned away from Mrs. Tang and looked at Shen Xinrou and continued: "Miss Shen, please continue to talk to me. I can accept anything."

Shen Xinrou raised her eyebrows and looked at Patriarch Tang, not believing what Patriarch Tang said.

"Master Tang, are you sure you can bear it?"

The head of the Tang family nodded lightly. Things were already like this. What else could he not bear?

Seeing the Tang family leader like this, Shen Xinrou did not say any more, but said with a smile: "Okay, since you have asked, I will tell you directly. Why is Mrs. Tang so good to Tang Lingyue? Why is she so good to Tang Lingyue?" Has Tang Lingyue changed as a person since she came to your house?"

The head of the Tang family instantly thought of Song Wangyan.

Tang Lingyue is Song Wangyan's biological daughter...

Thinking of this possibility, the head of the Tang family instantly felt that there was a green hat on his head, and he had been wearing it for a long time.

Shen Xinrou's mouth twitched as she watched the Tang family leader's face change again and again.

In fact, you don’t have to think about it that much.

Mrs. Tang kept shaking her head: "Stop talking, Shen Xinrou, please stop talking. I beg you."

"I know I shouldn't have found someone to follow you, but I still wanted to do something to you. I really know I was wrong. Please spare me this time." Mrs. Tang knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Mrs. Tang no longer looked aloof like she had before. However, what she didn't know was that she was also like this, which made the Tang family head more and more suspicious of her.

The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang calmly and said coldly: "That's true."

Tang Lingyue looked at Patriarch Tang carefully: "Dad, we are a family. Don't believe what Shen Xinrou said, okay? Let's go home now. I will admit that we will continue to be unlucky." Patriarch Tang looked at Tang Ling sarcastically. moon.

This kid is as stupid as Mrs. Tang.

Do you think that at this point, they will have the final say?

Shen Xinrou looked at Tang Lingyue as if she were an idiot.

When things have come to this point, I am stupid enough to think that I can start over again.

This Tang Lingyue isn't that smart either.

"Dad, don't look at me like this, I'm scared." Tang Lingyue was horrified by the look in the Tang Family Master's eyes.

The head of the Tang family laughed sarcastically: "You are wrong, I am not your father, your father is Song Huanyan."

Tang Lingyue suddenly panicked. She knew what the Song family was like. If she returned to the Song family, she would not have a good life.

Tang Lingyue cried and said: "I was raised by you, and you are my father. I don't want to recognize anyone else."

Patriarch Tang suddenly felt that these people regarded him as a fool.

"You said you don't recognize others? Then have you seen Song Wangyan?" The head of the Tang family looked at Tang Lingyue and asked.

Tang Lingyue was suddenly speechless and couldn't say anything, not even lies.

Seeing Tang Lingyue like this, the head of the Tang family understood instantly.

Tang Lingyue already knew who her parents were, but she never told them.

He also accepted the good things from their family as a matter of course.

The head of the Tang family suddenly laughed, smiled, raised his hand and slapped himself.

Mrs. Tang suddenly panicked when she saw this scene, and stretched out her hand to hold the Tang family leader's hand: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I'm beating myself up because I can't recognize people. As the young master of the Tang family, I didn't even see such a trick at the time. Do you think I should be beaten?" The head of the Tang family asked, looking into Mrs. Tang's eyes.

"I have brought shame on my family by marrying a wife who doesn't like me and even has other men in her heart. Do you think I should be beaten?"

The head of the Tang family asked questions one after another, which made Mrs. Tang unable to resist.

She wanted to say otherwise.

But nothing came out of his mouth.

By this time, no matter what she said, the Tang family leader no longer wanted to believe it.

And she did exactly what the head of the Tang family said.

The head of the Tang family looked at Mrs. Tang's silent look, and suddenly had nothing on his mind.

The head of the Tang family, who looked so dejected, made Mrs. Tang panic: "Husband, don't scare me. I will live a good life with you from now on, okay? Don't do this to me."

Looking at Mrs. Tang, Patriarch Tang suddenly laughed, and his face turned extremely ugly.

"Live a good life with you and don't treat you like this? Then tell me, what did I do to you?" asked the head of the Tang family coldly.

He has never been sorry to Mrs. Tang in these years, but why should she treat him like this?
At this time, Shen Xinrou suddenly said: "The reason why Mrs. Tang is so good to Tang Lingyue and will be satisfied no matter what Tang Lingyue does, there is actually only one reason, and that is because Tang Lingyue's eyes are exactly the same as Song Wangyan's. "

Mrs. Tang's body was shaking because of Shen Xinrou's words. Tang Lingyue looked at the head of the house nervously, not even having time to trouble Shen Xinrou.

(End of this chapter)

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