Shen Xinrou raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you think this was used by me to set up Song Wangyan?"

"What?" Chen Shuo was stunned for a moment and looked at Shen Xinrou in astonishment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"I saw something about Song Huanyan from Mrs. Tang, but I didn't see it very clearly, but it is definitely not a good thing. This Song Huanyan has more than just some means of making money on the surface." Shen Xinrou said seriously.

The Tang family makes money by cooperating with outsiders through their own status.

But besides the business stolen from the Tang family, Song Huanyan also had some private black income.

And these incomes are what they hate.

Chen Shuo's expression also became serious. If this was really the case, then things would be in trouble.

Frowning slightly, Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou worriedly: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, let's get eldest brother and the others back first. Maybe they can help." Compared with Song Wangyan, the head of the Gong family is much simpler.

It's just a little dark-hearted.

Chen Shuo stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Why are there so many things?

"Is this really going to be done?" Can we let my eldest brother and the others do it?

Shen Xinrou was amused by Chen Shuo's appearance: "Do you hate them that much? Do you want Big Brother and the others to deal with them?"

"Yeah, this way we can feel more relaxed."

Shen Xinrou burst into laughter upon hearing this, stretched out her hand to pinch Chen Shuo's face, and said funnyly: "You, you, you are so cute."

"What's cute? Men can't say cute." Although he said this, Chen Shuo wasn't really angry. Instead, he let Shen Xinrou pinch his face.

The main theme is indulgence and pampering.

Shen Xinrou let go of her hand and said with a bored expression: "You are too boring."

"Have you found all your friends? It's time for us to get started." After laughing, Shen Xinrou's expression became serious.

Chen Shuo nodded and said very seriously: "You can rest assured that the person you should find has been found."

"Okay, let's meet during our break this time?" Shen Xinrou thought about it and set a time.

"no problem."

When the head of the Tang family did not hide the news, Song Wangyan soon learned about what happened to the Tang family.

Song Wangyan went home gloomily.

The business that had already been obtained was now taken back by the Tang family.

When Mrs. Song saw Song Wangyan coming back with an angry look, she stood up, walked over and took his arm and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you so angry all of a sudden? Who made you angry?"

"She's not that good-for-nothing sister of yours."

"You mean Zhang Li? Isn't she working as Mrs. Tang in the Tang family? How could she make you angry?" Mrs. Song asked strangely.

Song Wangyan glanced at his wife in front of him: "The Tang family knows the relationship between Zhang Li and us, and also knows that we have obtained a lot of things from the Tang family. Our recent big business also belongs to the Tang family, and now the Tang family has taken it back. Yes, our family has suffered a lot."

Zhang Shanshan frowned slightly and was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Li: "What a waste. He can't do any small things well. So what should we do now?"

"And who brought this incident to light?" Zhang Shanshan asked with a gloomy face.

"It's Shen Xinrou."

Zhang Shanshan had doubts in her eyes, who is this Shen Xinrou?Why do you want to ruin their business?
"Shen Xinrou is the daughter-in-law of the Chen family and Chen Shuo's fiancée."

Shen Xinrou and Zhang Shanshan don't know much, but when it comes to Chen Shuo, Zhang Shanshan knows a lot.

This man is outstanding.

Zhang Li came back to tell them before that the Tang family wanted Tang Lingyue and Chen Shuo to marry.

She was still thinking that if the two families got married, they would be able to get a lot of things from Chen Shuo anyway.

Who would have known that not only did this matter fail, but now Chen Shuo's fiancée would make things like this, which is really embarrassing.Song Huanyan's face was also a little ugly. It was such a perfect plan, but now the Tang family knew everything.

They will also face revenge from the Tang family.

Song Wangyan felt a headache whenever he thought of this.

Although he has some abilities, the Song family is still far behind the Tang family.

What's more, the Tang family has two sons who have gone to the Gong family.

That is a family that ordinary people cannot contact.

Now the two Tang Hai brothers are also powerful in their own way.

The more he thought about Song Huanyan, the more irritated he became.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Song Wangyan, who was getting increasingly irritable, and said in a deep voice: "This is the first time we have suffered such a big loss. We can't just let it go."

Of course Song Wangyan didn't want to let it go.

But this is not something he can do just by saying he can.

"The current situation of the Chen family is not something we can mess with." Song Wangyan glanced at Zhang Shanshan.

Zhang Shanshan said with some dissatisfaction: "Are we just going to have to endure it like this? I can't swallow this breath."

Song Huanyan didn't say anything. He and Zhang Shanshan were the same kind of people. If Zhang Shanshan couldn't accept something, how could he accept it?
"We can't take action now. It's not like you don't know what's going on in the Chen family." Song Wangyan said angrily.

The current Chen family can only be described as flourishing.

Their home is simply incomparable.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Song Wangyan unhappily: "Are we just going to let it go? Can you swallow this?"

Zhang Shanshan knew Song Huanyan too well and knew that he would not accept such a thing.

Song Wangyan just glanced at Zhang Shanshan and said nothing.

When did he say he could take this breath?
"Then what should we do?" Zhang Shanshan looked at Song Wangyan and asked.

"I'm going to investigate the Chen family first. We can only take action if we find something to do with it." According to the current situation of the Chen family, nothing can be done unless there is a big crime to move them.

Acting rashly will only expose them.

Although Zhang Shanshan was a little dissatisfied, she could only reluctantly nod in agreement: "That's okay."

"Don't be like this. What's ours is ours. We don't have to rush for revenge. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge." Song Wangyan said coldly.

Since Shen Xinrou dared to cause them to lose so many things, she should pay the price for it.

Zhang Shanshan nodded with satisfaction, but also planned to meet Shen Xinrou.

"You can go find Shen Xinrou and don't let anyone know." Song Wangyan glanced at Zhang Shanshan and reminded.

Zhang Shanshan smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, can you still worry about what I'm doing?"

"That's good."

"Tang Lingyue, what are you going to do?" Zhang Shanshan asked.

"What does the Tang family have to do with us?"

Zhang Shanshan nodded noncommittally, what she said was correct.

Shen Xinrou, who had been waiting for Song Wangyan to cause trouble, was a little disappointed when no one showed up after waiting for several days.

"This Song Wangyan disappoints me so much that he doesn't come to trouble us."

"Song Wangyan is a very cautious person. He will definitely not come to us casually like this." Chen Shuo said soothingly.

If Song Yanyan were such an impulsive and irritable person, he wouldn't be where he is today. (End of chapter)

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