Shen Xinrou nodded thoughtfully, Song Wangyan was such a person, what about his wife?

"Then do you know what kind of person Song Wangyan's wife is?" Shen Xinrou asked curiously.

Chen Shuo poured a cup of tea for Shen Xinrou, put the tea in front of Shen Xinrou, and then said, "Song Huanyan's wife is named Zhang Shanshan. This person is a teacher, but not an ordinary teacher."

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo in confusion, what does it mean to be a troubled teacher and not an ordinary teacher?

Can a teacher be differentiated into ordinary and extraordinary?
"Zhang Shanshan was reported when she had an accident a few years ago, and she almost went to the bullpen. Later, for some reason, the matter was ignored. Not only did this happen, she also became the director of the Women's Federation. The situation improved some time ago, and she became I became a high school teacher, and now I am teaching and serving as the director of the Women's Federation." Chen Shuo told Shen Xinrou all the news he knew.

Shen Xinrou felt even more strange.

At that time, people who were generally reported were either living in cowsheds or going to farms.

But Zhang Shanshan not only did not go, she also became the director of the Women's Federation.

Who would believe it if there is no problem in the middle?
"There is definitely something wrong with this Shanshan, not only her, but also her husband Song Wangyan." Shen Xinrou said very firmly.

She is now very interested in these two people and wants to see what they can do.

He reached out and touched his chin and began to think about meeting these two people.

Seeing Shen Xinrou like this, Chen Shuo knew what she wanted to do without even thinking about it. He stretched out his hand and knocked her on the head, and said helplessly: "You don't have to go looking for them. Now that you have killed Tang Lingyue, it is equivalent to killing her." If you lose an arm of their family, according to the character of that woman Zhang Shanshan, she will definitely come to trouble you."

Shen Xinrou became interested immediately after hearing this.

"Are you serious? Will she really come to me?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo in front of her expectantly.

Chen Shuo smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will really come."

Shen Xinrou reached out to touch her chin and said, "Then I'm really looking forward to it."

"it is good."

Although Zhang Shanshan had the idea of ​​​​looking for Shen Xinrou, she did not come over rashly.

Someone was asked to investigate the matter about Shen Xinrou.

When Zhang Shanshan was investigating Shen Xinrou, Shen Xinrou suddenly thought of someone.

"I forgot about one person." While Zhang Shanshan was investigating Shen Xinrou, Shen Xinrou suddenly thought of something.

I have been busy dealing with the Tang family's affairs recently, but I forgot about that person.

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou in confusion, who had she forgotten?
"Xu Zhaodi."

Chen Shuo's eyes were a little confused, as if he didn't know who this person was.

Shen Xinrou was amused by Chen Shuo's appearance, and said happily: "Have you forgotten who she is?"

"Is this someone we know?"

Shen Xinrou blinked and then remembered that she didn't seem to have told Chen Shuo much about Xu Zhaodi?

"Xu Zhaodi is my cheap mother."

When Chen Shuo heard this, he suddenly realized that it was that woman.

"This person's contact with the Gong family almost killed us. We can't just let this person go." Chen Shuo said with a cold face.

Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo had the same idea: "I think the same as you. I don't want to have too much involvement with this woman, but since she dares to use me in exchange for money, she has to pay a price for it."

Chen Shuo did not say anything wrong with Shen Xinrou, but felt that Shen Xinrou was right to do so.Shen Xinrou touched her chin thoughtfully, not yet thinking about what to do next.

Turning her eyes on Chen Shuo, Shen Xinrou asked tangledly: "What do you think I should do?"

Xu Zhaodi has nothing to do with them now. If they want to take action, it is not impossible.

It's just that she has too many methods and doesn't know what to use.

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou helplessly: "If you attack Xu Zhaodi, something bad will happen, right?"

Shen Xinrou was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly. Chen Shuo was right. Dealing with Xu Zhaodi would indeed bring her some trouble. After all, the two were related by blood.

"It's really troublesome." Shen Xinrou said a little irritably when her own methods couldn't be used.

Faced with this situation, Shen Xinrou frowned slightly and looked at Chen Shuo in a very bad mood: "I can't do anything to Xu Zhaodi now, what do you think I should do?"

Chen Shuo put his arms around Shen Xinrou and lightly tapped her face with his fingers: "Silly girl, we may not need to deal with people. Doesn't Xu Zhaodi still have the adulterer in her heart?"

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo, did this man want to use an adulterer to deal with Xu Zhaodi?

I'm afraid this is of no use, right?

"Do you think it's useless for us to use the adulterer to deal with Xu Zhaodi?" Chen Shuo could see what Shen Xinrou was thinking at a glance.

Shen Xinrou didn't hide it, but nodded lightly. She really felt that it was useless and unlikely.

After all, one is in Jiangnan and the other is in Kyoto.

This place alone can't make people do anything.

"Are you stupid? Since that man has been in contact with Xu Zhaodi for so many years, you don't really think that man really likes Xu Zhaodi, do you?" Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou and asked teasingly.

Don't you like Shen Xinrou's innocent face?

"A man with a soft heart is much scarier than a woman when he is vicious." When Chen Shuo saw Shen Xinrou acting like this, he knew that he didn't understand much about this.

"Tell me carefully." Shen Xinrou said with interest.

"When a man wants something from a woman, that kind of affection and love can be acted out." Chen Shuo reminded Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Shuo in astonishment: "You mean Zhang Qian has been acting with Xu Zhaodi all these years?"

Chen Shuo nodded: "This is definitely a possibility. If Zhang Qian really likes Xu Zhaodi, he will not marry other women. He will definitely try his best to marry Xu Zhaodi."

Shen Xinrou thought about Zhang Qian, and it seemed that this was true.

"I remember you said at the time that Xu Zhaodi could not marry Zhang Qian because of her family's objections, but Zhang Qian chose to get married as soon as she married Shen Daqiang, and they had a child not long after they got married. Is that true?" Chen Shuo laughed. He looked at Shen Xinrou and asked.

Shen Xinrou nodded subconsciously.

She did tell Chen Shuo these things.

But what's the connection?
Chen Shuo sighed softly: "Call you smart, sometimes you are a little confused, call you stupid, you are very smart, I don't even know what to say about you."

Shen Xinrou felt a little guilty and didn't know how to speak.

"Keep talking." Shen Xinrou looked like she was willing to be taught. (End of chapter)

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