He glanced at Xu Mei dissatisfiedly: "Classmate Xu Mei, don't always bully many classmates like this. You are going too far."

Zhou Lin glanced at Xu Mei, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Xu Mei, this loser, can't do such a small thing well.

"It's true that the teacher threatened us many times."

"You said it's true that Duo Yu threatened you. Then tell me, why did Duo Yu threaten you? What did you do to her?" The teacher's eyes became very sharp, and he looked at Xu Mei. With inquiry.

Xu Mei suddenly became excited: "Teacher, you didn't even check, how do you know what we did to her?"

"Xu Mei, you are really strange. I wonder what I did to make you hold on to me like this? Why don't you tell me? Can't I change it?" Duo Yu looked at Xu Mei sadly and said.

"You asked me to wash your clothes, clean, and bring you food. I didn't say anything. Just because I have found a job that makes money and I want to work, I won't do these things for you. Why did you start slandering me? It's gone." Duoyu said with a hurt look on his face.

That pitiful look made Zhou Lin furious.

What's going on with Xu Mei?Something that fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

If teachers hear such words, what dignity do they have?
Sure enough, the teacher's face turned dark after hearing what Yu said.

"Is this thing about Xu Mei true?" the teacher said gloomily.

Xu Mei was so frightened by the teacher that she didn't dare to say a word. She could only say pitifully: "This is more than I want."

"Are you willing? Xu Mei, do you think I am a three-year-old child?" the teacher asked angrily through gritted teeth.

Xu Mei lowered her head with a guilty conscience and did not dare to look into the teacher's eyes.

Others also turned around with guilty conscience.

After all, they all had a hand in bullying Duo Duo.

"Teacher's current problem is that Duo Yu has hidden a dagger in the dormitory. What if she suddenly goes crazy and attacks us?" Xu Mei said pitifully as she looked at the teacher.

The teacher did not speak, but looked at Duo Yu, how on earth did this student hold on until now?

She was bullied by so many people in the dormitory. If it were someone with a lower self-esteem, she probably wouldn't be able to bear it long ago.

Fortunately, Duoyu is a person who dares to resist.

Otherwise, I don’t know how I will be bullied by Xu Mei and others in the future.

"Do you have a dagger?"

Duoyu shook his head: "I don't. If the teacher doesn't believe it, you can have someone search it."

When the teacher heard Duoyu's words, he looked at her frank eyes and knew that Duoyu must not have lied to him.

"Next time Xu Mei wants to lie and frame someone, it's best to get evidence and don't just open your mouth. I hope this is the first and last time. Also, if you bully Duo Yu again, don't blame me for turning your back on me. People." The teacher warned and looked at the other people in the dormitory.

"Isn't Xu Mei and the others going too far? How can they bully people like this?"

Listening to the sound coming from the door, Zhou Lin and the others' expressions changed again and again.

Especially Zhou Lin.

She had never been so embarrassed.

"Who says it's not the case? I used to wash the clothes I changed every day for Duo Yu. Although I don't have money, I'm not that bullying."

"That's right, they are still slandering people for hiding daggers in the dormitory. These people are really going too far. We should all keep a distance from these people in the future and be careful of others plotting against us."


No matter how stupid Xu Mei is, she still knows that she is being plotted against.Holding back the anger in his heart, he nodded obediently: "Teacher, we understand."

The teacher snorted coldly, turned to look at Duo Yu and his tone became much gentler: "Student Duo Yu, if you have anything you don't understand in the future, you can come to the office and ask the teacher. As for things in the dormitory, you can also tell us. , don’t affect your study.”

Many Yu are really talented when it comes to finance.

Such people are of great use to them, but they cannot destroy this person because of Xu Mei and others.

Duo Yu nodded obediently: "Teacher, I understand, you don't have to worry about me. My roommates are... very good, and I can protect myself now."

After hearing this, the teacher nodded with relief: "That's good."

Before leaving, the teacher glanced at Zhou Lin and the others: "If you have anything to do in the future, you can go to the teacher."

"it is good."

The teacher glanced at Xu Mei and the others: "If I know you bully your classmates again, then I will write a self-criticism and record your demerits."

Xu Mei was so angry that her whole body was shaking, and even Zhou Lin's face looked very ugly.

Unexpectedly, the plan was so redundant that it actually turned out to be a plan against themselves.

It's a shame to throw it home.

After the teacher left, Xu Mei glared at Duo Yu who was standing by the side.

"Duo Yu, you are really good." Xu Mei said angrily.

Duoyu smiled slightly: "Thank you for the compliment. If you still want to bully me, the result will be like this next time. I said, I don't want to be your maid anymore, so please show some respect."

Duoyu who walked out in the morning was still a little afraid of Xu Mei and the others, but now she is not afraid of these people.

Today, she learned that if you tolerate others, they will not let you go, and will only push you further.

Only when you become stronger will they dare not do anything to you.

Seeing how Xu Mei and the others dared to be angry but dared not speak, Duo Yu felt that Shen Xinrou's words were quite right.

Xu Mei wanted to say something else, but Zhou Lin stopped her.

They all underestimated Yu. They thought he was just an ordinary person. Who knew he would turn out like this in the end.

Zhou Lin looked at Duo Yu and smiled slightly: "Duo Yu hopes that you can always be arrogant."

Duo Yu paused in his movements: "In order to protect myself, I will always do this."

Zhou Lin frowned, wondering where Duo Yu had the confidence.

When Duoyu had solved the dormitory problem, Shen Xinrou had already gone to the great elder and the others.

Seeing Shen Xinrou coming over, the elder had a smile on his face: "Girl Xinrou is here, what do you want to say to me?"

"Now that we have some food and money, it's time for us to start working on other aspects."

As soon as he heard this, the great elder knew what it meant.

"This is what I have prepared. Our share with them is [-], they have more, and the great elder and I have less." Shen Xinrou said softly about the conditions she gave.

"We can get so much without doing anything? You make me a little worried." The elder looked at Shen Xinrou and said meaningfully.

"Of course we won't let you take this money in vain. As long as we don't violate the law or oppress the people, you can give us certain conveniences."

The Great Elder had long known that Shen Xinrou was paying this attention, but knowing was one thing, and actually doing it was another. As the Great Elder, he had too many things to consider.

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