326 Agree to cooperate
In the past two years, because of the things given by Shen Xinrou, the people have been able to have enough food and clothing, and they also have some money.

The things they gave them were also made in secret.

The supplements given by Shen Xinrou made his body become very good, and he would be fine even if he lasted for another ten or twenty years.

But there were still things he wanted to see born under his leadership.

He quite agreed with Shen Xinrou's plan.

It’s useless for him to agree alone, others behind him also need to know these things.

It would be beneficial for both parties to make it clear.

"I'll give you the answer after discussing it with the finance department."

"No problem, I'm not in a hurry." Shen Xinrou knew that this decision could not be made just because the elder said it was okay.

You still need to be prepared.

Seeing Shen Xinrou like this, the elder shook his head helplessly: "You, you."

"After our company is registered, I want to build a large hospital first, and all the medical equipment in it will be the best I can provide at the moment." Shen Xinrou said suddenly.

The elder naturally agreed to this, but he was worried that he would not be able to lead him.

"Elders can rest assured that the doctors in the hospital are all veterans. As long as I teach them well, they will definitely be able to master it in the shortest time." Shen Xinrou trusts the doctors in the hospital.

They are all great people.

The elder looked at Shen Xinrou and finally nodded seriously: "Since you have made a decision, of course I have to agree. Girl Xinrou, tell me what other ideas you have?"

"We will export medical equipment to the outside world. The things in my hands are decades ahead of theirs. It is too easy to make money." Shen Xinrou knew that when selling things to them outside, the prices were sky-high.

Now it's finally their turn to sell things to people outside for sky-high prices.

"My pharmaceutical company will produce some special medicines that are very useful to us in the future, as well as some medicines for special diseases. I will also sort out some cases of special diseases. I hope that doctors and experts from all fields will come and take care of them. Research it." Only with thorough research can they have the chance to treat more people.

The elder looked at Shen Xinrou with a complicated expression, sighed softly and said, "Girl, you make me feel that I, as an elder, am very useless."

"How could it be useless? You old man is responsible for coordinating the overall situation, and our goals are the same, to prevent China from being bullied and to make the people live better and better." Shen Xinrou looked at the elder and said seriously.

"I don't know much else, but Chen Shuo and I have a lot of good things in our hands. As long as we are given time, we will no longer be afraid of anyone. What happened in the past will never happen again." Shen Xinrou knew that before The past few decades have been a pain in everyone’s hearts and a humiliation in their hearts.

But not in the future.

The elder smiled and nodded: "You are right, we still have to rely on you young people."

Soon a young man who was more than ten years older than Shen Xinrou walked in from outside.


"This is my son, Hua Jintian. Jintian is the sweet-hearted girl I told you about." Hua Jintian is his heir and someone he is very optimistic about.

Although he is still managing many things now, Hua Jintian has begun to take over.

"I've heard Dad tell you about you many times. This time I finally see you in person. It's really a hero coming out of a boy." Hua Jintian said with emotion.

He knew the contributions made by Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo.

Also know how much revenue they bring them.

"Uncle Jin, thank you very much."

"Jintian, these are some plans given by Xinrou. You take them to discuss with the finance department. After the discussion is completed, we will have a meeting. If there are no problems later, we will sign the contract." The elder looked at Hua Jintian said.

"Okay." Hua Jintian was also very curious about what Shen Xinrou was doing.

I want to know what other good things Shen Xinrou has in her hands.

Shen Xinrou stood up and said, "Elder, I won't disturb you anymore." "Okay, be careful when you go back."

Shen Xinrou looked at the elder with a strange expression: "Elder, I am just a person like me. When I go out and encounter danger, is it me or others who are unlucky?"

Hearing what Shen Xinrou said, the elder couldn't help but laugh: "You are right."

"Then become an instructor and train others?"

"I don't have time to go, you let my elder brother and the others go." Shen Xinrou refused without thinking.

"Your elder brother and the others have more important tasks, I'm afraid they don't have the time." Thinking of what happened recently, the elder's face looked ugly.

Shen Xinrou knew what was going on when she saw the elder like this.

"Then I ask Shouhou and the others to go there during the summer vacation? They were all taught by me. It's no problem to teach others." Shen Xinrou thought for a while and said.

"You're not going?"

"Chen Shuo and I are getting married during the summer vacation, so we don't have time." Shen Xinrou started to feel miserable because she just didn't want to go.

Seeing this, the elder shook his head helplessly: "That's okay, but you have to train your younger brothers in the near future. After all, practicing martial arts by yourself is different from teaching others to practice martial arts."

He hoped that all people in China would be like dragons.

Only in this way can we become stronger and stronger.

"Okay, I will teach them well when I get back."

"Let's go back."

After Shen Xinrou left, Hua Jintian said, "Dad, this kid is very good. Like the Chen family, they are dedicated to China."

The elder nodded gently: "Who says it's not the case? It doesn't matter even if she doesn't take us with her in this business."

But Shen Xinrou gave them [-]% of the profit. It sounded like it was used to make things, but in fact they had no money and they were short of money.

"We remember their hearts, and we must protect the Chen family in the future." The elder said seriously as he looked at his son.

"Dad, I remember. Let me see what this little girl gives us first." Hua Jintian opened the plan and looked at it.

The more I watched, the more shocked I became.

This plan not only included their thoughts, but also the future development.

It was shocking to see and my blood was boiling.

The elder looked at him like this and curiously picked up a book and read it.

After reading it, I laughed out loud: "This kid is just amazing."

"However, the power company has to ask them to work harder." The elder said with narrowed eyes.

"I see."

Shen Xinrou didn't know what the father and son said here.

When Chen Shuo saw Shen Xinrou coming back, he looked up and said, "Is everything ready?"

"It's been negotiated."

"How are you doing here?" Shen Xinrou glanced curiously.

"The things I gave them before have been made, now I give them something exciting." Chen Shuo said with a smile.

Shen Xinrou took a look and couldn't help laughing after reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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