Chen Lang's eyes turned to Chen Jianguo.

Chen Jianguo coughed lightly and said, "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to deal with. Call me while eating."

Finished talking and left.

Now no one in the family is willing to help him.

Chen Shuo looked at Chen Lang with a smile: "Brother, are you going to follow me, or should I invite you to go?"

"Does that make any difference?"

"Of course, you can go alone or be thrown out by me, see which one you like." Chen Shuo looked at Chen Lang with a smile on his face and said.

Chen Lang looked at Chen Shuo with his mouth twitching, he had better follow him out.

After saving, he was beaten by Chen Shuo.

At that time, it will be completely embarrassing.

Seeing Chen Lang following him, Chen Shuo felt better.

"Dad, let's go out and have a look too." Jiang Lihua said with great interest.

Mr. Chen was also very interested in the discussion between his two grandsons. After they went out, he followed Jiang Lihua and the others.

They even had chairs moved.

Chen Lang's mouth twitched when he saw their expressions of watching the fun.

This is really what my mother and grandfather did.

When Chen Lang was thinking wildly, Chen Shuo punched him: "You are still here thinking wildly at this time. Are you like this when you go on a mission?"

Chen Lang quickly dodged Chen Shuo's attack and said angrily: "Chen Shuo, you simply don't have martial ethics."

He took action without saying a word.

Chen Shuo snorted coldly and said, "When you confront the enemy, will they remind you before taking action?"

Chen Lang was choked and didn't want to say a word.

But people are a lot more serious.

While the two were discussing, Chen Jianguo walked up to Mr. Chen and the others.

Watching the two sons competing was very serious.

This is the real master trick.

At the beginning, the two were evenly matched, but Chen Lang's shortcomings soon became apparent.

Chen Lang could have defeated Chen Shuo through actual combat, but Chen Lang never expected that Chen Shuo's actual combat experience was so good?

"How do you have such good practical experience?" After the attack was separated, Chen Lang looked at Chen Shuo in shock.

Shen Xinrou, who was standing on the sidelines and watching, smiled and said hello: "Big brother Chen Shuo's practical experience was taught by me, how about it? Am I very powerful?"

"What?" As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Shuo punched Chen Lang in the ear.

"Chen Shuo, are you serious?"

"Am I really kidding you if you don't come?" Chen Shuo snorted coldly and took action directly.

Chen Lang also became serious.

Shen Xinrou stood on the side and watched the two brothers fight.

Both are very nice.

Chen Jianguo is very satisfied with the strength of his two sons.

After fighting for about an hour, Chen Lang waved his hand and said: "No more fighting, why is your kid as slippery as a loach, and you can't catch it anyway."

Chen Shuo glanced at Chen Lang: "Because you are too weak."

Chen Lang pointed at himself and looked at Chen Shuo in disbelief. Does this brat know how powerful he is?He actually said he was weak?Where is he weak?

"Brother, don't doubt it. Chen Shuo hasn't used his full strength yet." When Chen Lang suspected that Chen Shuo was bullying others, Shen Xinrou said suddenly.

Hearing this, Chen Lang's eyes fell on Shen Xinrou: "Don't scare me." "You don't believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Chen Lang shook his head and said without thinking.

How can this be?

Even if his brother can be more powerful than him, he can't be that much powerful, right?

"If you don't believe it, just stand on the side and watch." Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Lang and said.

Chen Lang walked to the edge and stood there, watching Shen Xinrou walk across from Chen Shuo: "Let's practice together."

"Okay." When Chen Shuo said yes, his aura became much sharper.

It was completely different from the ease with which he had fought against Chen Lang just now.

Chen Lang swallowed his saliva, it couldn't really be like this, right?

Mr. Chen and Chen Jianguo looked at each other, looking sharply at Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo. It seemed that Chen Shuo was really much more powerful than Chen Lang.

Neither of them spoke a word, but they started to attack at the same time.

The speed was so fast that even Chen Lang could no longer see clearly.

Their boxing and kicking skills actually had afterimages.

Can people really be this powerful?
In the past, Chen Lang always felt that he was as strong as he is now, so he was a little complacent, because everything was his own and no one could compare with him.

But now that he saw Chen Shuo and Shen Xinrou like this, he realized what it meant to be a frog in a well.

After half an hour, it ended with Chen Shuo's defeat.

Looking at Chen Shuo who was sweating profusely for half an hour, and thinking about how he didn't wrinkle his clothes even if he fought against him, Chen Lang finally admitted that he was indeed much weaker than Chen Shuo.

Chen Lang looked at Chen Shuo with a complicated expression: "A Shuo, you can protect yourself now."

In the future, even if someone knows about Chen Shuo's abilities and wants to assassinate Chen Shuo, they don't have to worry so much.

Chen Shuo hummed: "I know."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Lang seriously: "Brother, I am discussing with you today just to let you know that there are people outside the world. You just got the opportunity. If you don't work hard, what will you do when you encounter a strong enemy in the future? You can be proud. But don’t be too arrogant or blindly arrogant, it’s the same for you or the people in your team, talk to them after you go back.”

Chen Lang is like this, and others may not be the same.

Especially those who were taught by Chen Lang and others.

Chen Lang nodded seriously: "I'll go find the captain right now."

"it is good."

After Chen Lang left, Shen Xinrou said, "You don't have to worry about big brother getting into trouble because of his blind arrogance."

Mr. Chen had a smile on his face, and it seemed like they all knew.

In recent years, because Chen Lang and the others have practiced ancient martial arts, all tasks have become easier.

It also made Chen Lang and the others a little blind and arrogant.

Today, Chen Shuo and Shen Xinrou's actions let them know what it means to have someone outside the world.

What to do depends on what they think about it later.

No one can interfere.

"Grandpa, my eldest brother and the others are all smart people and have experienced a lot. They will change after they know their problems." Chen Shuo knew that the old man was worried about Chen Lang, so he still showed mercy when he took action.

The subsequent fight with Xinrou showed no mercy, and Chen Lang could clearly see the gap between him and them.

He and Xinrou had to go to class and do other things. They were so good at it, but they were so weak.

Where can I have the face to continue to bluster after that?
Mr. Chen smiled and nodded: "You are right, it is a good thing to be like this now."

"Grandpa, let's go back."

Jiang Lihua looked at Chen Shuo and then at Mr. Chen: "Dad, did you already know this?"

"Recently, Chen Lang's tone has changed when he comes back. He thinks he is invincible. I was worried at first, but who knew that Ashuo and Xinrou are much more powerful than them."

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