He was a little worried when he saw Chen Lang like that before, afraid that Chen Lang and the others would do something they shouldn't do.

Now I see Chen Shuo and Shen Xinrou taking care of Chen Lang, and I finally feel relieved.

With Ashuo and Xinrou standing in front of them, Chen Lang and the others couldn't fly anywhere.

Jiang Lihua and his wife frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless about their eldest son.

It seems that they have become a bit arrogant recently.

Shen Xinrou leaned on the chair and shook it: "Why don't their team and the people they teach gather together, and let's go and clean up."

When Mr. Chen heard this, he immediately became interested.

"Okay, I'll make a call now."

Mr. Chen went to call his old friend.

The other side is also worried about this matter, so it would be best for someone to help now.

Chen Lang and others who had just arrived at Yang Zhen's place were called away.

"I don't know what it is."

"Maybe it's because of our recent events." Chen Lang was silent for a moment and said.

"I always thought we were already very good, but after playing against my brother today, I realized what the gap was. I tried my best but couldn't force out all of his abilities."

"His fight with Xinrou made me see what a real master is." Thinking of the fight between Chen Shuo and Shen Xinrou, Chen Lang said with a complicated expression.

Yang Zhen and the others looked at Chen Lang and felt that Chen Lang seemed to have changed a lot today.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything. I just felt that there was a big difference between us and Chen Shuo and the others. Because of this, we and others have been complacent. This mentality is not good." Chen Lang said with a wry smile.

Yang Zhen and the others didn't speak, but they also knew that both they and the people under them had been a little arrogant recently.

I always feel that I am already invincible.

"Be more careful in the future." Yang Zhen sighed helplessly and said.

This sentence made Chen Lang look at Yang Zhen and said nothing more.

They can pay attention, but others may not.

After all, they have gone from ordinary people to now, and they are much more powerful than others. Will they choose to keep a low profile?

This is simply not possible.

When Chen Lang and the others returned to the base, Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo were also driven there.

Also passing by was Mr. Chen.

He also wanted to go to the base to see how powerful these children were and how capable they were of doing such a thing.

When Chen Lang and the others arrived at the base, they found that everyone else had arrived.

After being reminded by Chen Lang, Yang Zhen looked at the person they had taught.

They all have impetuousness in them.

It seems that it is exactly what Chen Lang said. The lack of a strong opponent for a long time has begun to make them feel arrogant and arrogant.

If this continues, it will definitely bring them absolute trouble.

"team leader."

Yang Zhen glanced at them, nodded and said nothing.

At this time, an old man came out, looked at everyone present and said, "Are you all here?"

"They're all here." Yang Zhen said after counting the number of people.

"Very well, just wait."

The people below frowned at the old man. What does this mean?
They still have a lot to do, so is it too much to leave them here like this?
The people in Yang Zhen's team waited quietly without saying anything. Others became a little unhappy after waiting for a while.

However, due to the identity of the old man, he did not dare to say anything.

After waiting for about half an hour, a car drove up to them.

All eyes were on the car.

It seemed that the person who came was the person the old man asked them to wait for.Soon, Chen Shuo opened the car door and stepped out.

After he came down, Shen Xinrou also came down.

Chen Lang knew what this meant when he saw the two people appearing in the base.

It seemed that the people above also knew their recent situation, so they asked Xinrou and Ashuo to come over.

He frowned slightly, not knowing what would happen next.

Yang Zhen and the others looked at Chen Shuo and Chen Shuo with some surprise. They didn't expect that they were the ones waiting.

At this time, someone in the crowd said dissatisfiedly: "Report."

"Speak." The old man glanced at the dissatisfied man and said coldly.

"We still have a lot to do. Are you waiting here for so long just to wait for these two people?"

The old man walked up to them and said coldly: "Are you not convinced?"

Before the other party could speak, Shen Xinrou had already appeared in front of him, so fast that everyone was frightened.

Shen Xinrou grabbed the other person's collar, lifted him out, and slammed him to the ground.

He looked down at the person lying on the ground who had not yet reacted.

"Why are you being arrogant with me? After learning ancient martial arts for a few days, you start to think that you are going to heaven?" Shen Xinrou looked at the person lying on the ground with sharp eyes.

Such people don't fit here.

Chen Shuo also didn't expect that the current situation has become so serious.

The person who fell to the ground was completely stunned. He had no idea what was going on, and he had already fallen to the ground.

The people standing behind Yang Zhen and the others were shocked.

And Shen Xinrou looked at them: "Do you think you are very capable? Do you think you are invincible?"

Yang Zhen and the people behind them swallowed their saliva, not daring to say even a single word.

They could only look at Yang Zhen and the others carefully.

The way they looked at Shen Xinrou was very different, very respectful.

This made them even more afraid to say even one more word.

Shen Xinrou looked at the person standing there silently: "Isn't it amazing? Why don't you say this now?"

Chen Shuo looked at the people behind Yang Zhen and the others: "You think you have practiced ancient martial arts, and besides Chen Lang and the others, you are the most powerful? Are you starting to be arrogant and not take others seriously?"

Chen Lang and the people behind him didn't dare to speak.

But no one knows what he is thinking.

Chen Lang felt guilty after being told by Chen Shuo.

Chen Lang ignored Chen Shuo and the people behind them, but looked at the people in Chen Lang's team.

"In recent years, it has been so easy and simple to complete tasks, which makes you proud?" Chen Shuo turned his attention to Chen Lang.

Shen Xinrou stood quietly watching Chen Shuo deal with Chen Lang and the others.

Thinking about how to make them memorable in the future.

And no one here can escape.

Chen Lang's heart skipped a beat, feeling that today's matter might not end so easily.

Shen Xinrou walked to Chen Shuo and asked, "Are you coming or should I come?"

"Come on." Chen Shuo felt that his ability could not intimidate Chen Lang and the others, so he asked Shen Xinrou to come directly and let them know at once what it means to have someone outside the world and a world outside the world.

The old man looked at Shen Xinrou and Shen Xinrou with a smile on his face, looking at them in a good mood.

He also wanted to see these arrogant guys dealt with.

"Chen Lang, please come out." The old man said at this time.

As soon as Chen Lang heard this, he knew that he was completely finished.

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