Chen Lang and others came out, and Shen Xinrou walked up to them: "Very good? Let me see what you have learned in the past few years and how far you have practiced martial arts."

"How powerful can you be to be so arrogant?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Lang and the others with sharp eyes.

Chen Lang and others looked at each other with bitter smiles in their eyes.

Finished calf.

I'm definitely going to be unlucky today.

Shen Xinrou ignored their way of delivering the news and said, "Aren't you going to take action?"

"Xinrou, we..."

"I'm not here to chat with you today." Shen Xinrou interrupted Chen Lang and looked at Chen Lang expressionlessly.

Chen Lang looked at Shen Xinrou helplessly and could only nod.

The people behind were very dissatisfied with Shen Xinrou's attitude.

Looking at the angry but helpless people, Chen Shuo said with a half-smile: "You don't have to worry, it will be your turn after you deal with them."

The people behind me didn’t know why they felt like they were being targeted by a poisonous snake.

I always feel a chill on my back.

Shen Xinrou moved her wrists and looked at Chen Lang and the others with raised eyebrows: "Be careful. If you don't want to get beaten, use your best skills. Otherwise, my beating will be very painful."

Chen Lang smiled bitterly. It seemed that the superiors were dissatisfied with their attitude, otherwise Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo would not be allowed to come over.

"Captain, take action." Chen Lang took a deep breath and said.


Shen Xinrou was surrounded by Chen Lang and the others, and they looked at each other and acted at the same time.

Their speed was very fast, but in Shen Xinrou's opinion, this speed was still too slow.

Not even as fast as Chen Shuo.

Shen Xinrou blocked Yang Zhen's attack and knocked him away with one punch.

Yang Zhen, who was quite powerful in the eyes of others, was now beaten away.

And this person is a lesbian.

Not only Yang Zhen, but Chen Shuo and others were also beaten away one after another after Yang Zhen.

There is no chance of any resistance at all.

The people behind swallowed their saliva. Is the lesbian they looked down on so much just now so powerful?

It didn't end after Shen Xinrou knocked them out. They came to Yang Zhen and kicked him without mercy.

If Yang Zhen hadn't dodged quickly, he would probably have broken a bone by now.

Yang Zhen gasped and looked at Shen Xinrou, she was really amazing.

"The response is pretty quick." As soon as Shen Xinrou finished speaking, she attacked Chen Lang.

If Chen Lang hadn't been paying attention to Shen Xinrou, she would have been beaten.

There were eight people in a team, and Shen Xinrou dealt with them one by one.

Yang Zhen and the others, who were usually as powerful as Superman, were beaten so hard that they were unable to fight back.

The people behind him turned pale.

In their eyes, Chen Lang and the others were already quite powerful people, but now eight of them were beaten together by a lesbian, leaving them unable to fight back.

Within half an hour, Chen Lang and the others fell to the ground in embarrassment, with no room for resistance.

Everyone has a lot of merit.And Shen Xinrou didn't even have any wrinkles on her body, which was interesting to look at.

Shen Xinrou looked down at the person in front of her, and asked with a half-smile, "Isn't it amazing? You can't bear it after only half an hour?"

"What on earth are you so arrogant and proud of for being such useless people?" The smile on Shen Xinrou's face suddenly faded and was replaced by something sharp.

Chen Lang and others were said to be in a very embarrassed state by Shen Xinrou.

Yes, they are just entry-level ancient martial arts. What qualifications do they have to be so arrogant?
"I originally taught you ancient martial arts so that you would be more secure when going on missions and better protect everyone behind you, but what have you done?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Lang and asked coldly.

Chen Lang remained silent and did not speak, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Chen Lang, think about it for yourselves. Today we discovered your problem. If we didn't discover it and let you meet a real master in the future, what would you do? These people are guarding you behind you. What should we do? What should we do with the line you are protecting?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Lang and continued to ask.

Question after question made them feel ashamed.

Especially Yang Zhen, who said in a hoarse voice: "It's my fault, I didn't take care of them."

Shen Xinrou ignored Yang Zhen, but looked at the sculpture-like figure behind her, and said coldly: "I have dealt with them one by one, and now it's your turn."

"There are fifty of you in total, in groups of ten."

The fifty people behind were already dumbfounded.

I feel so wronged, what does this have to do with them?

"Do you need me to invite you?" Shen Xinrou asked coldly, looking at the motionless man.

Everyone swallowed their saliva and took action quickly.

This is not a joke.

Fifty people were treated like little chickens by Shen Xinrou and no one could stand.

Shen Xinrou looked at the person who couldn't hold on for 10 minutes and sneered: "Isn't it awesome? Aren't you dissatisfied with the old man's decision? I thought you were so awesome, but I didn't expect you to be worse than trash."

"..." Chen Lang and others.

The fifty people lying on the ground looked at Shen Xinrou in horror. Is this still a human being?
After dealing with nearly sixty people, this person didn't blush or breath.

Who does she think?
"If I had known you were such useless people, I would have ignored you and left you to fend for yourself."

The people next to me felt like they were about to cry.

I've seen people speak cruelly, but I've never seen anyone be so cruel.

This is too harsh.

"This time, for the sake of the old man, I won't cripple you. Next time, even if you are geniuses and capable, I can cripple you. You are not the only geniuses. As long as we want, I can teach more and more talents." Loyal people, and you... who are you?" Shen Xinrou said sarcastically, looking at the dozens of people on the ground coldly.

Those words made everyone feel numb.

Even the few old people standing nearby found it incredible. They never expected that Shen Xinrou was so powerful.

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Lang and the others: "Your problem is the biggest. If you are still like this in the future, then don't use this ancient martial arts."

Chen Lang and others lowered their heads and did not speak.

They know they are wrong.

And it was wildly wrong.

Shen Xinrou glanced at the dozens of people lying on the ground: "Suddenly gaining strength beyond ordinary people, I know you will have different thoughts, but you'd better remember that this ability is for you to protect people, not for you to show off. ."

Shen Xinrou's words silenced everyone.

Yes, they are there to protect people, not to show off.

"I'm sorry, we were wrong about this." Suddenly someone looked at Shen Xinrou and apologized.

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