"We will definitely practice well in the future so that the same thing won't happen again."

With the first one came the second, and people who knew they were wrong began to apologize one after another.

Shen Xinrou was right. With Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo here, what could they have to be arrogant about?
Although he is so powerful, he is so arrogant every day and says things he shouldn't say every day.

And what about them?

After achieving small achievements, you start to be arrogant and arrogant. This is too inappropriate.

Shen Xinrou glanced at them without saying anything else: "Think about your own affairs clearly. I will only remind you once. Next time, I will kill you with my own hands."


Chen Shuo, who had been silent all this time, glanced at them: "They can't even defeat the Slender Monkey. Why are they so arrogant?"

"Ashuo, please stop talking. These people are not qualified to compare with Shouhou and the others."

These people are too self-righteous, but Shouhou and the others are not.

No matter how successful Shouhou and the others are, they are very humble and are still serious about learning. They will never be as arrogant as they are.

Looking at Chen Shuo and the others in front of them, the others felt a little guilty.

There are also some who are too embarrassed to meet people.

"Skinny Monkey is our younger brother. He is currently studying in the Finance Department of Qingdao University. They have been practicing Kung Fu for about the same time as you. They fight with me and Chen Shuo every day. Although they are not on the edge of danger like you, they practice Kung Fu. It’s not much easier than you, but they have always maintained a pure heart and know what to do when.”

"Perhaps Chen Shuo and I are in front of you, but I also hope you will figure out what you want. What is the purpose of learning ancient martial arts? Are you learning knowledge to show off? To show off to others?"

After Shen Xinrou finished speaking, she looked at the elderly people beside her and said, "Grandpa, Chen Shuo and I are going back first. We still have things to do."

Listening to Shen Xinrou's words, Mr. Chen smiled and nodded: "Okay, let me send you back first, and leave the rest to us."

Chen Lang and the others looked at Shen Xinrou's leaving figures and sighed softly.

Mr. Chen looked sharply at the people lying on the ground unable to get up: "See what you look like?"

Chen Lang and the others climbed up with their bodies propped up. The old man next to Mr. Chen looked at them and said, "Now do you know what it means that there are people outside the world and there is a world outside the world? Don't be too self-righteous."

"You may be powerful, but there must be people in this world who are more powerful than you."

"You will train for an extra month starting tomorrow."

"Yes." After everything today, they also realized their problem.

I also know that they were wrong.

Shen Xinrou was right. Since they have the opportunity to learn more advanced martial arts, they should maintain their original aspirations and learn better so that they can better protect the people behind them.

Protect their borders.

Yang Zhen came out and said: "This time it was our mistake. The same thing will never happen again in the future."

Several old people looked at each other, and their moods improved when they saw Yang Zhen and the others like this.

Sure enough, he had to find someone to deal with them, only then did he realize that his skills were inferior to others.

"If you know your mistakes, change them. This is the best thing."


This incident ended because Chen Lang and the others were beaten.

After that, they also trained a lot harder.

What they don't know is that because of this time, they will escape from danger many times in future missions.

Only then did they know the reason why Shen Xinrou was so cruel to them today.

On the way back with Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo, Chen Shuo asked, "Are they okay after that?"

"As long as you don't continue to seek death, it will be fine." Shen Xinrou looked disgusted when thinking of Chen Lang's and others' death-seeking characters.

I don't know what they were thinking.Chen Shuo felt relieved after hearing what Shen Xinrou said.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved." Chen Shuo has always been worried about Chen Lang and the others.

It's just that Chen Lang didn't know what to do, but Shen Xinrou actually took action directly.

It's okay to take action, but he's so ruthless.

Chen Shuo felt a little funny when he thought of how embarrassed Chen Lang and the others were today.

Seeing Chen Shuo like this, Shen Xinrou asked doubtfully, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I just think big brother and the others are having a hard time today." After saying that, he laughed again.

Shen Xinrou snorted coldly and said with a look of disgust: "They deserve it. Who told them to do this? I just gave them a good beating and it was already a big honor. If I can beat them next time, their parents won't even know them." .”

Chen Shuo thought about today's situation carefully. It seems that it is no different if he doesn't even know his parents, right?

"Xinrou, you have been very cruel to them today."

"That's how it should be. Do you think I should let them go?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo warningly and asked.

Chen Shuo coughed lightly and quickly shook his head.

If he said this, he would probably get beaten too.

"It's almost there."

The two returned home, and Shouhou and the others were also there. When they saw Chen Shuo and the others coming back, they hurried up and said, "Sister, you are back."

"How have your inspections been recently?" Shen Xinrou left the matter of opening a branch to Shouhou and the others, asking them to inspect the surrounding areas in their free time.

Then buy the house so you can continue to expand the restaurant.

"We have found a few places, and they seem to be OK, but we still need to ask my sister for her opinion on the specific situation."

Shouhou told Shen Xinrou the location they found.

Shen Xinrou was surprised after hearing this.

In these places, every inch of land will be valuable in the future.

"Okay, if there is a good house nearby, you can buy it directly." Shen Xinrou looked at them and said.

Several people looked at each other and instantly understood what Shen Xinrou meant.

"Sister, we know."

After talking about this matter, the Great Elder and others also received news, waiting for the situation on their side.

Shen Xinrou set the time for discussing cooperation in three days.

After setting the time, Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo, who nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll go find my cousin and the others later and let them get ready."

"it is good."

The next day, Chen Shuo went to find Jiang Ye and the others after class: "Two days later it will be the day to talk. It will be in our study room at nine o'clock in the morning. Come over on time."

"it is good."

In the past few days, they had read everything Shen Xinrou had given them. After reading it, they found that even if they could only get 4% of the share, it would still make them huge wealth.

This is enough.

And with the protection from above, as long as they didn't do anything big wrong, there would be almost no problem.

The more they thought about it, the more excited Jiang Ye and the others became.

"Then I'll go back to school first. There are still a lot of things to do there."

"it is good."

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