One sentence made Song Wangyan completely disappointed.

The look in Zhang Shanshan's eyes has changed somewhat.

"Okay...that's the end of this matter."

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Shanshan was not willing to let it go. After all, Shen Xinrou could bring them a lot of benefits.

Song Wangyan thought for a long time before ordering: "You want someone to investigate Shen Xinrou's younger brothers to see what the relationship between them and Shen Xinrou is like. If they really have a good relationship, then we have to deal with it carefully. "

Regarding Song Wangyan's words, Zhang Shanshan didn't take it seriously, frowned and said unhappily: "Are you using it so carefully?"

Song Wangyan was very unhappy about what Zhang Shanshan said: "You don't listen to what I said anymore, right?"

Zhang Shanshan quickly shook her head and explained: "My husband is not like that. I will definitely listen to you. I just feel that as long as there are enough benefits, there is no one who cannot be poached."

"We just spend money to do this, why waste so much time?" Zhang Shanshan said quickly when she saw that Song Wangyan seemed a little angry.

Song Wangyan ignored Zhang Shanshan and just glanced at her without saying any unnecessary words.

Zhang Shanshan felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Song Huanyan like this, and frowned slightly: "Husband, are you unwilling to believe me? Is everything I say true?"

"It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's just that I want you to know that we should investigate some things clearly before dealing with them, otherwise we will be the ones who suffer the backlash." Regardless of whether Xu Zhaodi's reminder is true or not, this is a big deal for them. Very important.

If they lose this important opportunity because of Zhang Shanshan's temporary calculation, that would be real stupidity.

What else did Zhang Shanshan want to say, but Song Huanyan beside her no longer wanted to hear it: "Just do what I said, and of course you will spend money, but I don't want to be backlashed when I do it later. When the time comes, our Who will compensate for the loss? Can you afford the consequences of failure?"

Song Wangyan's words made Zhang Shanshan dare not say another word. She could only nod in frustration: "I understand, husband. I will definitely listen to you in the future."

Seeing Zhang Shanshan like this, Song Wangyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"We must handle this matter well, and we can't let it happen too seriously, do you understand?" Song Wangyan was worried that Zhang Shanshan would not listen to him in the future and do things according to her ideas, so he continued to say.

Although Zhang Shanshan felt that Song Wangyan didn't believe her, she could only nod in agreement.

"I understand. You can rest assured about this matter. I will definitely handle these matters after conducting an investigation." Zhang Shanshan said seriously.

Song Wangyan looked at Zhang Shanshan and saw that Zhang Shanshan seemed to really listen to his request, so he nodded with relief: "It's best if you listen to her, so let's do this for now. I still have things to deal with, so first gone."

Seeing Song Wangyan, who had just returned, leave again, Zhang Shanshan was a little dissatisfied.

Thinking of something, I went to find Zhang Li who was thrown out of the Tang family.

Zhang Li lived in a small place in a miserable state and did not even dare to go back home.

Seeing Zhang Shanshan coming to look for her, she rushed over and said, "Sister, you have to help me. I don't want to live in a place like this."

She helped Zhang Shanshan and the others get so many benefits, so they must take care of themselves, right?
Zhang Shanshan frowned and looked at Zhang Li. I will give you some time now. Why did Zhang Shanshan become like this?

She said with a look of disgust: "Zhang Li, can you dress yourself up properly? See what you look like now?"

Faced with Zhang Shanshan's disgust, Zhang Li's face turned livid: "If it weren't for you, would I be like this? Zhang Shanshan, I got so many things for you, you must control me, I want money, and I want a A good house.”

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li with sharp eyes and said with disgust: "Zhang Li, are you too self-righteous? You still want so many things. You are too greedy. Besides, if it weren't for my husband and me, how could you get it?" Everything now." Zhang Li looked at Zhang Shanshan, especially when she saw her proud look, she suddenly became unwilling.

Gritting her teeth and looking at Zhang Shanshan angrily, Zhang Li suddenly laughed: "If it weren't for you, Zhang Shanshan, do you think you can become the wife of the Song family now?"

They all knew very well who Song Wangyan liked at the beginning.

How could Zhang Shanshan be so embarrassed to say such a thing?

Zhang Shanshan would have been in a better mood if Zhang Li hadn't mentioned this. When Zhang Li said this, Zhang Shanshan couldn't bear it and slapped Zhang Li on the face.

Zhang Li stretched out her hand to cover her face: "How dare you hit me?"

"Zhang Li, don't say what you shouldn't say, otherwise I will make you worse than death." Zhang Shanshan warned.

Although Song Wayan was okay with her after so many years, if Song Wayan knew what happened back then, he would definitely not let it go.

She absolutely couldn't let this happen.

"Are you scared?" Zhang Li saw Zhang Shanshan like this and understood immediately.

It turns out that this superior woman now feels scared too.

"Zhang Li, shut up. I've made it very clear. Don't say what you shouldn't say. How many more times do you want me to say it? Also, don't go to my husband, do you hear me?" Zhang Shanshan warned. .

Zhang Li seemed to have caught Zhang Shanshan's hand, and said with a smile: "You don't want me to go to him, just give me 1 yuan, and then give me a better house."

Zhang Shanshan was so angry that she was trembling all over after listening to what Zhang Li said.

How dare Zhang Li?

How did Zhang Li say this?

Isn't she worried about telling her mother about this?
Seeing Zhang Shanshan's doubtful look, Zhang Li smiled slightly: "Have you thought about it?"

"The money you want is too much, it's impossible." How could Zhang Shanshan give Zhang Li so much money?
Only when she sees Zhang Li sad can she become happy.

"This is all I ask for. It doesn't matter if you don't give it." Zhang Li said casually.

However, Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li very nervously: "What do you want to do?"

"I think my brother-in-law must really want to know why you married him in the first place, right?" Zhang Li said with a half-smile.

This question seemed to grab Zhang Shanshan's throat, making her dare not say a word.

"How is it? My dear sister, have you figured out what to do?" Zhang Li asked with a smile on her face.

Zhang Li's attitude made Zhang Shanshan tremble with anger.

Zhang Shanshan glared at Zhang Li, gritted her teeth and asked, "Are you threatening me?"

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