Zhang Li was not very angry, but said with a smile: "Well, you can think that, I am just threatening you, but what can you do to me?"

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li with red eyes. Who dared to talk to her like this since she became Mrs. Song?
Damn Zhang Li, this bastard.

"Zhang Li, you don't want your mother and the others to be unhappy, right?" Zhang Shanshan thought of something and told her parents.

This sentence made Zhang Li's expression a little stiff, but she quickly recovered.

Just looking at Zhang Shanshan, I don't know how long it took before Zhang Li said: "Zhang Shanshan, are you very proud? But do you think I will pay attention to them now? If so, then you are too underestimated of me. "

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li in surprise, frowning slightly.

Zhang Li is not afraid of her parents anymore?How can this be?

"Zhang Li, please stop pretending here and say you are not afraid of your parents. I think you are lying." Zhang Shanshan said with a sneer.

What he said made Zhang Li feel ridiculous.

"If you are not afraid of your parents, why have you helped us all these years?" These are all orders from my parents.

Zhang Li looked at Zhang Shanshan for a long time and suddenly laughed silently: "Do you really think I helped you because of them?"

Zhang Shanshan's expression suddenly changed. She thought of something and said gloomily: "Did you help because of Song Huanyan?"

"You're right. If it weren't for the fact that your husband is Song Huanyan, and this is the person I've loved my whole life, do you really think I would listen to the Zhang family?" Zhang Li said disdainfully.

If he was just doing this for the Zhang family, then they would think too highly of themselves.

Zhang Li has always known how the Zhang family treated her since she was a child. It would be impossible for her to be nice to the Zhang family.

Especially the Zhang family who married her to someone else for Zhang Shanshan, but the person she loved was given to Zhang Shanshan by them.

From that time on, she hated the Zhang family deeply.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li with red eyes: "Zhang Li, do you want to ruin my life? I'm warning you, don't even think about it."

She really didn't dare to gamble whether Song Huanyan had Zhang Li in her heart.

"Why do you think I adopted Tang Lingyue in the first place? It was because of Song Huanyan's sake, otherwise I would have killed your daughter." Zhang Li said coldly.

Zhang Shanshan's expression changed suddenly. She originally thought that Zhang Li adopted Tang Lingyue because of the pressure from her family.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Perhaps Zhang Li is no longer willing to pay attention to their family members.

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Shanshan frowned slightly, a little worried about her future.

Looking at Zhang Li nervously: "I can give you money, but you can't destroy my family."

Zhang Li didn't speak, she just looked at Zhang Shanshan. Such a look made Zhang Shanshan panic immediately.

"Zhang Li, do you agree or not? If you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude to you." Zhang Shanshan was really scared this time, and she looked at Zhang Li and warned.

Zhang Li just smiled and said disdainfully: "Zhang Li, do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate terms with me?"

Zhang Shanshan's face turned green with anger at Zhang Li's words.

Looking at Zhang Li hard: "I'm asking you one last time, will you agree to my request? If you don't agree, I will tell my parents about it. You know their character very well. When the time comes, If something goes wrong, don’t blame me.”

Zhang Shanshan didn't take Zhang Li's words seriously at all and just looked at her sarcastically: "That's just right. I still clearly remember how they treated me back then. If you think I should fight back and take revenge, I also agree."

Zhang Li's words made Zhang Shanshan completely dumbfounded.She actually wants to take revenge on her parents?

What does Zhang Li want to do?
"Zhang Shanshan, I have nothing now. Do you think I will still be as obedient as before? Don't even think about it." Zhang Li said with a sneer.

I have to say that the head of the Tang family has been really good to her over the years, but she only likes other people in her heart.

If she had met the head of the Tang family before meeting Song Wangyan, she might have really fallen in love with him.

Shaking her head, Zhang Li felt that she was just thinking too much. How could she have thought of such irrelevant things?

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li resentfully, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Zhang Li, I'm warning you, if there is a problem in my family, I will drag you to be buried with me even if I die."

Zhang Li just smiled and said nothing. She looked meaningfully at the person in front of her and said with sharp eyes, "Really? Then I'll wait and see."

Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li nervously.

This sister has been much smarter than herself since she was a child. She knows what Zhang Li wants to do and will definitely succeed.

As for Song Wangyan's feelings for her, Zhang Shanshan didn't dare to gamble.

Zhang Shanshan thought for a while and gave Zhang Li 1000 yuan: "I will send the rest later."

"As for the house, I will give it to you when I send you the money, but you don't want to appear in front of my husband." Zhang Shanshan looked at Zhang Li hard.

Zhang Li just smiled and didn't say much. Such Zhang Li made Zhang Shanshan a little scared.

Worried that Zhang Shanshan would not agree to her request.

Zhang Li took the money given by Zhang Shanshan and just smiled casually. For this kind of money, Zhang Li didn't look down on it at all before. It's just a pity that now she has nothing, and only this little money can make up for herself.

"Did you hear what I said to Zhang Li?" Seeing that Zhang Li just took the money but did not agree to his request, he said angrily.

"Why are you so angry? Don't worry, I will definitely give you a surprise." Zhang Li kept the money and looked at the furious Zhang Shanshan and said.

Zhang Shanshan's expression changed. In her opinion, Zhang Li said such words just to steal her husband.

Looking at Zhang Li with an angry face, Zhang Shanshan said with an expression on her face: "Zhang Li, you'd better not give me a chance to deal with you."

Zhang Li smiled indifferently. Now that she has nothing, why are she still worried about Zhang Shanshan?

What a fool.

After so many years, I haven't learned anything from being with Song Wangyan, I'm still this stupid.

Zhang Shanshan went to find Song Wangyan when she got home.

After looking for it for a long time, I couldn't find it. I thought of something and went to Song Wangyan's study.

Seeing that there was no one in the study, she looked inside curiously.

Then he walked to the table, sat down on the chair, opened the drawer and started looking.

When Zhang Shanshan found a group photo in the bottom drawer, her expression suddenly changed.

This is an old photo.

The edges have turned white, showing that someone often took it out to look at it.

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