After Zhang Shanshan was taken away, Song Wangyan carefully smoothed the photo, with disappointment in his eyes.

If he had been more powerful back then, he and Zhang Li wouldn't have become what they are now.

Thinking of something, Song Wangyan went out to find Zhang Li.

When I met Zhang Li, she lived in a shabby place.

Song Wangyan couldn't help but walked over and stretched out his arms to hug her: "It's all my fault. I came too late. I was too weak at the beginning."

Zhang Li had a faint smile on her face when she heard Song Wuyan's voice: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to blame yourself like this."

Song Wangyan kept shaking his head: "It's because of your relationship with me. I have asked you to do so many things for me over the years, but you can't speak out, so you can only suffer in front of them."

Zhang Li listened to Song Wuyan's words and felt a little emotional knowing his feelings for her.

But more than happy.

Because Song Wangyan remembers everything she did for him.

It was enough to know how wronged she was.

As for everything else first, she wouldn't think much about it at all.

"Let's go, I'll take you to live somewhere else. We won't come to this place anymore." Looking at this dilapidated place, Song Wangyan felt extremely distressed.

How could the person he cared about live in a place like this?
Zhang Li nodded gently: "Okay, let's go somewhere else."

Song Wangyan took Zhang Li to a small villa.

The environment of that place is very good, and the courtyard walls are covered with beautiful flowers.

"I have carefully prepared this place for you over the years. Do you still like it?" Song Wangyan looked at Zhang Li nervously and asked.

Zhang Li looked at the nervous Song Wangyan and nodded with a smile: "Of course I like it."

This is the place Song Wangyan specially prepared for her, so how could she not like it?
"Then you will live here from now on, and I will come to you to accompany you when I have free time." Song Wangyan said softly.

"Okay." Zhang Li did not object to Song Wuyan's words.

On the contrary, I think it's good to do this. As for what Zhang Shanshan will think after knowing it, and what does it have to do with her?
The affair between sisters Zhang Shanshan and Song Wangyan was soon known to Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou stretched out her hand to support her chin: "Interesting."

"How to say?"

"It has only been two days since Shanshan came to see me, and now something like this has happened. I don't know if he is in a good mood now. I am looking forward to it just thinking about it." Shen Xinrou said happily.

Listening to what Shen Xinrou said, Chen Shuo looked at her with his mouth twitching.

"Now that Zhang Shanshan is locked up by Song Wangyan, the show is not that good." I originally thought that Zhang Shanshan would continue to cause trouble for me, but now that everyone is locked up, why bother?

Chen Shuo stretched out his hand and tapped Shen Xinrou's nose, and said angrily: "You girl, wouldn't it be better if I didn't cause trouble? You actually said such a thing?"

"Not really, I just thought about what else Zhang Shanshan could do. Now it seems that we think too highly of Zhang Shanshan, otherwise she wouldn't be like this." Shen Xinrou said regretfully.

Shen Xinrou's words made Chen Shuo dumbfounded.

Reaching out and pinching Shen Xinrou's face, Chen Shuo said helplessly: "You, don't worry, the Zhang family will know about this soon. Although Zhang Shanshan likes Song Huanyan, she has not been with Bai Guo these years. In Song Dynasty, There are still confidants at home.”

Shen Xinrou nodded with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it."

Just like what Chen Shuo said, the Zhang family came the day after Zhang Shanshan was locked up.

When he saw the Zhang family, Song Wangyan was not surprised at all, but took it for granted.This made the Zhang family next to them a little dissatisfied.

Mr. Zhang looked at Song Huanyan with sharp eyes: "Son-in-law, I heard that you and Shanshan had a quarrel? You just let the quarrel go and you locked her up. What do you want to do?"

Listening to Mr. Zhang's words, is there anything Song Huanyan doesn't understand?There is something to eat inside and outside of this home.

After glancing at the people around him, Song Wangyan said indifferently: "Zhang Shanshan did something that made me angry. I just punished her with a small punishment. Is there something wrong with this?"

Mr. Zhang looked at Song Huanyan with an ugly face. Sure enough, this boy from the Song family had become so strong that he dared to say such things to him.

Looking up at Song Huanyan, Mr. Zhang said with a smile: "You are still husband and wife after all. Isn't it wrong for you to make such a big deal?"

Song Wangyan raised his head and looked at Mr. Zhang: "Isn't it bad? But I think it's pretty good."

"Song Wangyan, you..." Mr. Zhang originally wanted to have a good talk with Song Wangyan, but who knew that this kid was so unsophisticated.

Frowning slightly, Mr. Zhang said, "We want to meet Shanshan."

Song Wangyan did not refuse and asked people to bring Zhang Shanshan down.

Zhang Shanshan went downstairs with a haggard look, and her eyes suddenly turned red when she saw her parents and brother.

Sure enough, only her own family would be so kind to her.

husband?This is just a man cheating on you.

"Dad, why are you here?" Zhang Shanshan walked towards her family without even looking at Song Huanyan.

Now that her family is supporting her, she doesn't believe that Song Wuyan dares to do anything to her.

Mr. Zhang looked at his daughter comfortingly and said distressedly: "Dad came as soon as he received the news. It's okay."

After speaking, his eyes turned to Song Wangyan: "Wangyan, we want to know why you are quarreling?"

It's okay not to talk about this. When it comes to this, Zhang Shanshan's face turned gloomy to the extreme: "Father Song Wangyan still has a photo of him and that bitch Zhang Li in his study."

Song Wangyan looked at Zhang Shanshan with cold eyes.

At this time, Zhang Shanshan was not afraid of Song Huanyan at all. She just looked at him and continued: "Yesterday, he slapped me just because I damaged the photo."

When Mr. Zhang heard that Zhang Shanshan was beaten, he asked with an ugly face: "Is this true?"

"It's true, I did it."

"Song Wangyan, don't forget who brought you today." Mr. Zhang said angrily.

Song Wangyan smiled slightly, looked at Mr. Zhang and said, "Of course I know who brought me what I have today, but wasn't it Lili who risked her life to bring it to me? As for your Zhang family who has been shamelessly taking away Lili’s contribution, and then letting Zhang Shanshan pretend to claim it, you don’t really think I don’t know anything, do you?”

Mr. Zhang looked at Song Huanyan in shock, his eyes a little stunned: "You... what did you say? You know everything? How is this possible?"

"I've known about this from the beginning."

Mr. Zhang looked at Song Huanyan with an ugly expression. The first thing he thought of was Zhang Li, that dead girl.

"Did Zhang Li tell you that?"

"What if it is? What if it isn't?"

Zhang Shanshan said angrily: "Dad, have you seen it? What is his attitude?"

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