Mr. Zhang glanced at his daughter reassuringly, and finally laid his eyes on Song Wangyan.

"Are you saying that you are resenting us?" Mr. Zhang finally saw it.

Back then, they forced Song Wangyan to marry Zhang Shanshan and Zhang Li to marry the Tang family. Song Wangyan still feels resentment towards them to this day.

Song Wangyan sat on the sofa and looked at Mr. Zhang in front of him coldly: "You are right, I resent you. If it weren't for you, Lili and I would be very happy."

Mr. Zhang never thought that Song Wangyan would dare to say such things in front of him. He scolded with a sullen face: "Song Wangyan, don't forget, everything you have now comes from our family, and Zhang Li also We are members of the Zhang family."

Zhang family?Song Wangyan looked at Mr. Zhang in front of him sarcastically: "What you said is really disgusting. Who is the child of your Zhang family? After Lili was sold by you, didn't he sign a document to sever ties with you? ?”

"It was published in the newspaper at that time. You don't think that Lili has been like this all these years because of you, right? You are wrong. The reason why Lili has been like this to you is just because of me." Song Wangyan looked at Zhang The family members said it word for word.

The Zhang family looked at Song Wangyan with ugly expressions. They never expected that Song Wangyan would say such a thing.

Looking at the people in front of them with sharp eyes, the Zhang family said angrily: "Song Wangyan, don't think that you can escape from our family now that you are more capable. I tell you, don't even think about it."

After listening to Mr. Zhang's words, Song Huanyan was not angry, but asked someone to bring out a stack of things.

Putting this thing on the coffee table, Song Wangyan said casually: "You can take a look."

Mr. Zhang suddenly felt worried when he saw Song Wangyan like this.

Looking down at the things on the table, I didn't know what they were.

"You're curious, aren't you? You can take a look, don't worry so much." Song Wangyan said meaningfully.

Zhang Shanshan frowned slightly and looked at Song Wangyan with confusion.

What the hell does this guy mean?
How could you say such a thing?
Clenching her hands subconsciously, Zhang Shanshan gritted her teeth and asked, "Song Wangyan, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to see what I gave you. It's not something important. You can look at it as you like." Song Wangyan said casually.

Song Wuyan's words made the Zhang family look at each other. Finally, Zhang Shanshan's brother took it and looked at it.

The more he looked at the other person's face, the uglier he became.

Mr. Zhang looked at his son worriedly: "What is this? Does it make you so angry?"

Zhang Shanshan's eldest brother put his eyes on Song Wangyan: "Song Wangyan, we underestimate you."

Song Wangyan smiled and nodded: "Thank you."

Mr. Zhang looked at the two of them doubtfully: "What on earth is it?"

Zhang Shanshan's eldest brother handed the thing to his father: "Dad, take a look at it too."

Mr. Zhang took it and read it with doubts. When he saw the content above, Mr. Zhang looked at Song Wayan angrily: "Song Wayan, are you threatening us?"

"Where did you get these things from?"

Song Wangyan looked at them with a smile on his face: "Where my things come from, it has nothing to do with you, but I want to tell you, don't provoke me like this. After all, what are you going to fight with me now?"

If Zhang Li still thinks about the Zhang family, he may be somewhat restrained.

But now Zhang Li doesn't care about the life or death of the Zhang family. What does they have to do with Zhang Li?
If there was a conflict between him and the Zhang family, he believed that Zhang Li would definitely be on his side.In this case, what else does he have to worry about?
Hearing Song Wangyan say such things, Zhang Shanshan suddenly became angry: "Song Wangyan, you have no conscience. How much have my father and others helped you? How can you be such a white-eyed wolf?"

White-eyed wolf?
This is probably the most ridiculous sentence Song Wangyan has ever heard.

"Zhang Shanshan, what you said is really high-sounding. It's as if your family has not benefited from me. Your family has also taken away the money I earned, right?"

Zhang Shanshan and the Zhang family were at a loss for words and didn't know what to say, but Zhang Shanshan didn't want to admit this.

"Your businesses are all related to my family. What's wrong with my family taking some of them?"

"There is indeed nothing wrong, but even if I have to give this money, I will give it to Lili. What does it have to do with your group of vampires?" Song Wangyan asked.

Mr. Zhang and the others have never been so embarrassed before, and now that they are being ridiculed by his son-in-law, they are extremely embarrassed.

Song Wanyan glared angrily in front of him: "Wangyan lets forget what happened this time. I don't want it to happen again."

In order not to cause trouble to the Zhang family, Mr. Zhang could only solve it this way.

Let this matter be reduced to a trivial matter.

However, Zhang Shanshan was not happy with this and said dissatisfied: "Dad, how could you do this?"

The reason why she asked her family to come was not just to have a casual look. He asked her family to come here to support her.

If this continues, what if Zhang Li is taken back by Song Huanyan?
If Zhang Li really comes back, Mrs. Song will become a decoration.

Who will listen to her?

Especially if Song Huanyan will always favor Zhang Li, the family will not listen to her.

She absolutely can't let this happen to her.

Song Wangyan laughed sarcastically, knowing that the Zhang family would make such a decision.

"Wuyan, we hope this is the last time. Do you understand what we mean?" Mr. Zhang looked at Song Wanyan and asked rudely.

"I don't understand. I, Song Wang, can do whatever I want. It's not your turn to interfere in my Song family's affairs."

Hearing this, Zhang Shanshan said angrily: "Are you still thinking about Zhang Li? If you don't agree, you just want to bring Zhang Li back, right?"

"Song Wangyan, let me tell you, don't even think about bringing Zhang Li back. I am Mrs. Song of the Song family, so who does Zhang Li count?"

Song Wangyan glanced at Zhang Li without giving him a look.

He never thought about letting Zhang Li come back. Zhang Shanshan was here, and he thought it would stain Zhang Li's eyes.

Zhang Shanshan felt humiliated when Song Wangyan only glanced at her and ignored him.

Mr. Zhang and his son frowned and looked at Song Huanyan: "Wangyan, tell us directly what do you want? You and Shanshan have been married for more than 20 years, why are you having trouble at this time?"

"I've never liked her." Song Wangyan finally spoke.

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