Chapter 347
Upon hearing the news, Shouhou's mother was not reluctant and said quickly: "Of course, this thing will definitely work."

"We are too far away from here, so we can't come here, so we can only trouble you. Son, you must thank your sister properly, you know?" Shouhou's mother knew that their family could be where they are today because her son could go to college. All of them are Shen Xinrou.

Without Shen Xinrou, their family would not be what it is today.

They can rest assured that Shen Xinrou will help them propose the marriage.

Shouhou knew that his parents would definitely agree.

Thinking of something, Shouhou didn't speak after all. He hung up the phone after saying a few words.

"Grandpa Chen, my mother asked me to trouble you." Shouhou said sheepishly.

"Is this any trouble? Don't worry, Lao Song and I will choose a day and we will propose marriage." Mr. Chen is also very satisfied with Shouhou's children.

Of course it makes me happier to see them live a good life.

"Don't think so much, no matter what, just be yourself." Mr. Chen said when he saw Shouhou looking a little worried and helpless.

"Grandpa Chen, I understand."

Once things are done, Shen Xinrou and the others go back together.

On the way back, Shen Xinrou looked at Shouhou: "What do you want to say to me?"

"Sister, can I let my cousin and the others come over?"

"By the way, you told me before that one of your cousins ​​drives?"

"Yes, you even found him a job." At that time, my cousin could earn sixty or seventy a month.

Uncle and the others are very happy.

Now that the situation here is basically stable, he is thinking about asking his cousin and others to come here too.

After all, there will be many places where people will be needed in the future.

"Okay, let them come over when you and Jiajia get married. So do you. If there are people you want to bring, let them come too." They have to employ people anyway.

Who is it not for?
Why not give it to your own family?

"Thank you ma'am."

Some people want to bring people over, and some don’t really want to.

After all, their relatives now dislike them.

"Sister, there is no need for my family. I will just take my parents over when the time comes." Li Dafei said.

Their family was kicked out of their home by their grandfather’s family.

When they were having such a bad time, these people never thought of being kind to themselves.

If that's the case, what else does he have to say?

"You can make up your own mind. Just ask people who you think will do a good job. As for others, forget it." She is not a scapegoat. She is really willing to use anyone.

"we know."

That night, Mr. Chen discussed the date with Mr. Song.

Both felt that three days later would be a good time.

When Shouhou learned the news, he felt happy and a little nervous at the same time.

"Sister, what should I prepare?" Shouhou asked anxiously.

"Bring some things needed for the engagement, as well as the bride price."

"it is good."

Shen Xinrou knew how much money Shouhou had, so she calculated the profits for the past two or three months that night.

Divide the share given to them.

Looking at the 1000 yuan in his hand, Shouhou said sheepishly: "Sister, I've made you worry again."

"You call me sister, if I don't worry about you, who else can you worry about?" Shen Xinrou said angrily.Shouhou looked embarrassed, which made Shen Xinrou helpless.

Finally, I gave him an extra 1000 yuan and a ladies watch.

"No need to give it back to me. This will be the standard when you two get married in the future. You don't mean to say that I am partial." Shen Xinrou said while looking at Li Dafei and others beside her.

Li Dafei and the others certainly wouldn't think Shen Xinrou was partial.

For so many years, Shen Xinrou has treated them all equally and has never favored anyone.

When the day of engagement arrived, Mr. Chen and his son took Shouhou and Chen Shuo to the Song family.

As soon as they arrived at the Song family, people from the Nangong family were already there.

The Nangong family members grabbed Song Jia, and the feminine man among them sneered and said, "You think I can't take action because I have something to do with the Chen family?"

"Who dares to snatch the woman I like from me?"

Shouhou saw Song Jia being caught, and his face turned livid with anger.

Subconsciously looking at Shen Xinrou beside him, after seeing Shen Xinrou nodding, he put down the things in his hands and came to the Nangong family and kicked them out.

Carefully lift up Song Jia who fell on the ground: "Jia Jia, are you okay?"

Song Jia felt much relieved when she saw Shouhou.

But he quickly reacted and said, "Go quickly."

Nangong Yan looked at Song Jia and Shouhou with a gloomy face.

The way the two were too close made Nangong Yan very angry.

"Song Jia, I would like to advise you, you'd better let me go and come to my side, otherwise your family will be in trouble because of you." Nangong Yan warned.

Shen Xinrou couldn't help but applaud Nangong Yan: "It's so majestic. It threatens people even when they come to their homes."

Nangong Yan frowned subconsciously when she heard the voice, and turned to look at the speaker dissatisfied. When she saw Shen Xinrou, Nangong Yan snorted and said, "Where did you come from, bitch."

Chen Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly, came to Nangong Yan in the eyes of everyone, raised his hand and slapped her twice.

He was so strong that not long after he hit Nangong Yan, his face began to become red and swollen.

The stinging pain on her face made Nangong Yan glare at Chen Shuo: "Who are you? How dare you hit me?"

"Chen Shuo."

Nangong Yan's face changed when she heard the name Chen Shuo.

His eyes subconsciously turned to Shen Xinrou, then this person...

"My name is Shen Xinrou."

Of course Nangong Yan knew this name. His family had warned him not to offend anyone. If he did, his family would be in trouble.

After swallowing, Nangong Yan smiled dryly and said, "This is a matter between our family and theirs, and has nothing to do with you."

"Of course it does matter. Jiajia is my brother's fiancée, and we are here to propose marriage today." Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Nangong Yan in front of her and said sarcastically.

Nangong Yan looked very ugly when she heard the news: "What do you mean by this? Song Jia is my fiancée."

"Really? Grandpa Song, is Jiajia this person's fiancée?" Shen Xinrou asked Mr. Song directly.

Mr. Song snorted coldly and said: "What a bullshit fiancée, my grandson-in-law is not you."

Seeing that people from the Song family dared to look at her like this, Nangong Yan said with a sullen face, "I want to see who dares to steal someone from me."

The thin monkey stood up and said: "I dare, this is my fiancée."

Hearing this, Nangong Yan had a gloomy face.

It's really annoying that they ruined the opportunity that I finally found.

(End of this chapter)

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