Chapter 348
Song Jia looked at the person standing in front of her.

There were people who wanted to marry her before because of the Song family's belongings, but when they faced the Nangong family, they all backed down.

There was no one like Skinny Monkey who stood directly in front of her and protected her like this.

This feeling is really good.

"Whose family are you from?"

"This is my brother, do you have any objections?" Shen Xinrou looked at Nangong Yan and asked.

Nangong Yan frowned and looked at Shouhou, this man turned out to be Shen Xinrou's younger brother?

“南宫燕,不管你是因为什么一定要来娶宋佳,但是我要告诉你的是,现在宋佳是我弟弟的未婚妻,如果你不想挨揍,就带着你的人离开这里。”沈心柔抬眼看He said to the people from the Nangong family in front of him without being polite at all.

Hearing what Shen Xinrou said, Nangong Yan sneered and said, "Who do you think you are? You told us to leave and we left? Who do you think you are?"

Shen Xinrou didn't speak, but took action directly.

Nangong Yan didn't even expect that Shen Xinrou would do it right away.

She subconsciously dodged, but when Nangong Yan was about to speak, Shen Xinrou's attack came again.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything, I just want to let you know who you can't mess with. If you must do this, I don't mind letting you know why the flowers are so red." Shen Xinrou said coldly.

"Are you a threat?"

Shen Xinrou looked at Nangong Yan's angry look and suddenly felt that good people were quite interesting.

"Well, you are right, we are threatening you, but what can you do to me?" Shen Xinrou looked at Nangong Yan and asked.

Hasn't this person been threatening the Song family?

Are you unhappy now that you are being threatened?
What's the point of this?
"Aren't you afraid of the Nangong family's revenge?"

Shen Xinrou told Nangong Yan an address: "This is where I live. I want to see what your family can do to seek revenge on me."

Song Jia was choked by Shen Xinrou's words.

Has Shen Xinrou always been so arrogant?
This could kill the Nangong family.

And he is still a very popular person.

If you were wronged by them today, you will definitely go to your family to complain, and then you will be in trouble.

"Don't worry." Seeing the worry in Song Jia's eyes, Shouhou said soothingly.

Song Jia glanced at Shouhou angrily. Does this mean that you can stop worrying if you don't worry?
Why is this person so big-hearted?


Nangong Yan looked at Shouhou: "It's very impressive to be favored by someone from your family. Do you dare to have a fight with my people?"

Nangong Yan knew how powerful his people were.

The purpose of saying this was to embarrass Shouhou and let the people of the Song family know who he had offended.

Thin Monkey nodded: "Okay, what do you want to compare, or how do you want to compare?"

Nangong Yan didn't expect this man named Shouhou to be so arrogant.

He looked at the thin monkey with a gloomy face and said, "I want to see how arrogant you can be."

Song Jia looked at Shouhou worriedly: "Is it really going to be okay?"

Thin Monkey reached out and touched Song Jia's hair: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. You have to think about who I am."

Song Jia was stunned for a moment, then thought that Shouhou had said that he learned ancient martial arts.

People who learn ancient martial arts are very powerful, much more powerful than some people.

Thinking of this, Song Jia felt a little more relieved.Nangong Yan looked at Shouhou's pretending to be relaxed and said sarcastically: "Some people, it's better not to be so self-righteous. Be careful of embarrassing yourself."

This sentence made Shouhou smile slightly: "You are right about this. You really need to be careful, otherwise you will be embarrassed. After all, you are a member of a big family, don't you think so? Master Nangong?"

This sentence from Master Nangong is full of irony.

"You..." Nangong Yan looked at Shouhou angrily, never expecting that she would be humiliated like this.

Turning around with a cold face: "Let's go out."

After speaking, he led the Nangong family out.

Mr. Song looked at Shouhou worriedly: "Is this really okay?"

The thin monkey nodded with a smile on his face: "Grandpa Song, don't worry, I'm very powerful."

"No matter what, you must be careful." The person in Nangong Yan's hands was just as vicious as him.

If Slender Monkey gets hurt because of their family, they will also feel bad about it.

"Okay." Shouhou didn't say much. He knew that Mr. Song was worried about him.

Go out with people.

When Nangong Yan passed by, there was a middle-aged man wearing a long gown standing next to her.

At first glance, this person is someone who practices ancient martial arts.

Nangong Yan looked at the thin monkey who came out and said with a sneer: "If you beg for mercy at this time, I will give you a chance to kneel down and apologize."

"Kneel down and apologize to Grandpa Song and the others now, and I can let you go later." Thin Monkey said unceremoniously.

Nangong Yan, who begged in one sentence, told the people around her: "Master Zhao will be left to you. I will make his life worse than death."

"Leave this matter to me, no problem."

The thin monkey looked at the other person and sneered. Although this person was also a practitioner of ancient martial arts, his ability should not be very good.

"If you apologize now, I can let you go." Master Zhao said looking at the thin monkey.

Thin Monkey spoke impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, just come and do whatever you want. Am I still afraid of you?"

Seeing Shouhou's appearance, Master Zhao was immediately dissatisfied: "Younger is arrogant."

"You old man, stop relying on your old age and bullying others just because you have some strength." Thin Monkey looked at Master Zhao coldly.

He has already begun to think about how Master Zhao can apologize to the Song family.

"Master Zhao, since this bastard doesn't appreciate his kindness, then we don't have to be merciful." I originally wanted to give him a chance, but since he doesn't want it, let's forget it.

Even if he dies then, it will have nothing to do with them.

The Thin Monkey didn't say anything to this, and just took action when they were noisy.

Nangong Yan said angrily: "You are a despicable person, you actually carry out a sneak attack?"

Shen Xinrou rolled her eyes at the side and said angrily: "Who starts a fight by saying one, two, three to you first? Are you like that? I really disappoint you. This is not how we fight."

Nangong Yan wanted to say something else, but Master Zhao on the side was already facing off against Shouhou.

Master Zhao, who thought he would win easily, suddenly changed his face after playing for 10 minutes.

Taking advantage of the time being blocked by the thin monkey, he looked at the thin monkey inquiringly and asked, "Are you also a practitioner of ancient martial arts?"

Shouhou sneered: "What does it have to do with you whether I am a practitioner of ancient martial arts? Stop talking nonsense and take action quickly."

The more Master Zhao fought, the more frightened he became. This young-looking man was actually even more powerful than him.

When Master Zhao was thinking wildly, Shouhou punched him in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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