The man was beaten back several steps.

"You can still be distracted at this time. It seems that you are quite confident in yourself." Shouhou looked at the embarrassed Master Zhao and said sarcastically.

Nangong Yan looked at Master Zhao in disbelief. Such a powerful person actually lost to an unknown person at this time.

How can this be?

"Master Zhao, what's going on? Why are you showing mercy at this time?" Nangong Yan felt that it must be because Master Zhao showed mercy that Slender Monkey could win.

Master Zhao glanced at Nangong Yan angrily. Can this person do it?
It's really a bit much.

"What's going on here?"

"Master, let's not disturb Master Zhao for now." The person next to him said helplessly.

"No, this matter must be made clear. I asked you to come here to help me. How can you show mercy?" Nangong Yan said angrily.

Master Zhao was fooled by people like Nangong Yan.

Frowning tightly, she looked at Nangong Yan in front of her with dissatisfaction: "I disappoint you, not because I am merciful, but because this person is more powerful than me."

After hearing what Master Zhao said, Nangong Yan didn't believe it was true at all.

"Master Zhao, what you said is not true, right?"

Master Zhao is a practitioner of ancient martial arts. How could he be defeated so easily by an ordinary person?

Master Zhao almost lost his temper. How could this bastard say such a thing?

"Master Nangong, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Master Zhao was already crying because of such a person.

I have never seen such stupid people.

If you can't see it yourself, can you still not understand what he said?

"Master Zhao, what do you mean by this?"

"As I said just now, this person also practices ancient martial arts." Master Zhao said helplessly.

This sentence made Nangong Yan look at Shouhou in shock. He said in disbelief: "How is this possible? How can such a poor person know ancient martial arts?"

Even he is not qualified to practice this thing. Who is this poor man?
What Shouhou hates most is hearing other people talk about such people. He said with a cold face: "It sounds like you are so powerful."

"I know ancient martial arts, and I got into Qingdao University on my own merits. What about you?" Thin Monkey asked without any politeness.

Master Zhao turned his attention to Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan turned her head away from Master Zhao and said, "Master Zhao, I want you to kill him now."

Master Zhao rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I am no match for others, so why should I attack them? You think too highly of me."

Master Zhao's words almost made Nangong Yan angry to death.

" is this possible? This is not true, right?"

Master Zhao just looked at Nangong Yan in front of him: "Master Nangong, let's leave here first."

An ordinary person knows ancient martial arts, so does his so-called sister know how to do it?

If he remembered correctly, Chen Shuo's brother Chen Lang knew ancient martial arts, and he didn't know if they taught it to these people.

If so, where did Chen Lang and the others get this technique?

And I heard people say that Chen Lang and the others are quite powerful.

Now he is a feared figure on the border.

"No, I won't leave. We are here today just to take Song Jia away." If no one is taken back, how embarrassing would it be to go back?
Shouhou looked at Nangong Yan coldly, thinking whether he should let this person see what it means to have trouble come out of his mouth.

Regarding Nangong Yan's words, Master Zhao felt bad.

Where does he think this is?
When there are so many ancient martial arts practitioners, how can they still take people away?

Regardless of whether Nangong Yan left or not, Master Zhao had people take Nangong Yan away directly. "What are you doing? Let me go."

"Master, please excuse me. Let's go back first. We'll talk about everything after we get back. This is not a place for talking." After saying that, he led the others and left.

Master Zhao looked at the Song family and said, "This matter is our fault, and we apologize to you here."

After saying that, he left without giving the Song family a chance to react.

Such an apology made the Song family feel very aggrieved.

Mr. Song was even more angry.

"Is this an apology?" Mr. Song said angrily.

This is clearly a notice.

"Grandpa Song, don't be angry. I will continue to help you teach them a lesson when I have the chance." Thin Monkey has another motivation to practice martial arts well.

After listening to Shouhou's words, Mr. Song finally felt better.

"Old Chen made you laugh."

Mr. Chen waved his hand: "What kind of joke is not funny? Recently, some families have come to the fore, and there are many things going on."

Regarding this issue, Mr. Song has the final say.

After all, their family had been persecuted for two or three months.

Fortunately, it's over now.

Otherwise, their family would still be worried.

The matter was resolved, the eyesore was gone, and the two families began to go through the process.

Mr. Chen glanced at the thin monkey beside him. If this silly boy doesn't come out to talk now, when will he come out?

Shouhou hurriedly walked out and said, "Uncle, this is my betrothal gift to Jiajia."

"There is a betrothal gift of 2000 yuan in it, as well as a watch. I have all the other tickets, but it will take some time to buy them." Shouhou opened the box.

Inside is a large amount of 2000 yuan, and a very nice ladies watch.

He has already prepared tickets for bicycles, sewing machines, etc.

The Song family didn't expect Shouhou to give him so many things.

Mr. Song said with a smile: "Don't worry, these things must be brought back. Our family will also give Jiajia a dowry of 2000 yuan, as well as a small yard and bicycles."

Shouhou didn't expect that the dowry given by the Chen family was really quite large.

It seems that he really likes this daughter.

After the betrothal gift and dowry were agreed upon, the two families began to discuss the wedding date, and finally held the wedding on October [-]st.

Just a little behind Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo.

"Hou Xu, please call your family together when the time comes."

"We know that after the wedding is held here, you can go back and hold it again. Then we will go back with you." Mr. Song said.

They also wanted to see what was going on with their in-laws.

"Okay." Shouhou never dreamed that his wedding would be held behind Shen Xinrou and the others.

Li Dafei and the others said with envy: "Sister, when will you introduce us a daughter-in-law?"

They are about the same age as Slender Monkey. Now Slender Monkey is going to have a wife, but they don't have one yet. This is too embarrassing.

"Don't worry, it will happen." How could Shen Xinrou let them be singles?
Isn’t it because we haven’t found the right candidate yet?

I really didn’t expect these brats to be interested in this matter.

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