When Duoyu returned to the dormitory, everyone in the dormitory was there and quietly returned to their beds.

When people in the dormitory saw Duo Yu coming back, they said sarcastically: "Hou Xu is engaged. Some people should be a little self-aware. Stop disturbing others."

Duoyu glanced at Xu Mei who was speaking: "What does this have to do with you?"

Seeing Duoyu like this, Xu Mei's face suddenly turned gloomy: "Duoyu, you are really shameless. I'm already engaged. How can you have the nerve to say such things?"

"Putting aside whether I am embarrassed or not, why are you making trouble here when someone is engaged? It sounds like there is no relationship between Hou Xu and you." Duoyu said sarcastically.

Xu Mei frowned as she looked at Duoyu, who had completely changed his appearance in recent times.

What happened to Duo Yu that made her become such a helpless person?

"Don't be like this, Xu Mei. It's just for your own good. People know that Hou Xu is engaged and you are still pestering them. Do you still want your reputation?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Duo Yu asked indifferently.

"You...you are so superfluous. You really don't know a good person's heart."

"Good people? Are you talking about you? People like you will only make me feel sick, and the relationship between me and Hou Xu is not as dirty as you think. As for before, I was just grateful to Hou Xu for bringing me As for everything coming, as for his engagement, I have known about it for a long time, and I also wish him well." Duo Yu said generously.

Xu Mei frowned and looked at Duo Yu like this, not believing that this was true.

His brows were furrowed, and Duo Yu's eyes changed a bit.

"Xu Mei, you don't have to stare at me like this. Although I used to be easily bullied by you, I won't be bullied now."

Xu Mei glanced at Duoyu dissatisfiedly, and also didn't believe what Duoyu said.

"Who doesn't know how to speak high-sounding words? Isn't it because you are pestering Hou Xu that you are here now?" Hou Xu is considered a relatively wealthy person in their class.

Duo Yu became like this because of his relationship with Hou Xu.

Not only that, she eats and dresses much better.

Who can believe that there is no relationship between her and Hou Xu?
Duo Yu looked at Xu Mei and the others with disappointment. Could it be that in their minds, the better clothes for others come from men?

"Are you feeling guilty?"

"That's right." Duo Duoyu didn't bother to explain to them, so he took the book and read it carefully.

She wants to learn more knowledge so that she can better help her sister after graduation.

Repay sister for the kindness she has done to her.

Xu Mei and the others looked at each other. Could it be that they had made a mistake?
Xu Mei doesn't believe that Duo Yu got everything he has now by relying on himself.

"Why are some people so shameless? How can they have the nerve to come to study when they are entangled with other men? If it were me..."

As soon as Xu Mei said this, she saw Duo Yu looking up at her. Such eyes made Xu Mei feel cold.

When did the many redundant looks start to look so scary?
"You...what do you want to do?"

The person who had been silent in the dormitory quickly said, "I'm sorry, you can't hurt Xu Mei, you will also be punished if you do so."

Duo Yu sneered at the roommate who was speaking, and said sarcastically: "When she was humiliating me, why didn't you stand up and speak for me? Now that you see Xu Mei is weak, you know how to stand up."

The people in the dormitory looked a little embarrassed. Although they didn't say anything, they felt a little embarrassed.

"Many of us are classmates or in the same dormitory, so there's no need for you to speak so harshly, right?" the person next to me said unhappily.

"Is this unpleasant? Isn't it unpleasant when Xu Mei talks about me?" Duo Yu stood up and walked to Xu Mei.Xu Mei's sudden change of appearance made others swallow their saliva subconsciously.

Duo Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Mei's clothes and lifted her up: "Xu Mei, I came here to study, not to compare with you who is better. Now I just want to study hard and learn my skills to repay my sister. If you still treat me in such a shady manner in the future, don’t blame me for attacking you.”

The extra strength made Xu Mei's face pale, and her heart became extremely frightened.

"This... I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time."

Seeing Xu Mei begging for mercy from me, Duo Yu suddenly felt that this matter was not that big of a deal.

He looked down at Xu Mei in front of him: "Xu Mei, and you, I hope this is the last time, and the money I used was given by my sister, not from the thin monkey as you think."

"My sister is Shen Xinrou from the Department of Foreign Languages. I got close to Hou Xu because Hou Xu took a fancy to my talent, so he took me to meet my sister. Now besides studying, I can also help my sister with some things. With this money She gave it to me too.”

People in the dormitory looked at Duoyu in shock, not expecting that she would be related to Shen Xinrou, a genius from the foreign language department.

"I've explained clearly to you what needs to be explained. If I hear something I shouldn't hear later, don't blame me for doing anything to you." After saying that, he pushed Xu Mei away and threw him on her bed.

Xu Mei was beaten to pieces by Duoyu, and Duoyu's warnings were still ringing in her ears.

But she actually climbed onto Shen Xinrou, which made everyone else in the dormitory jealous.

They are all studying finance, why can't they follow Shen Xinrou?
Duoyu ignored them and began to study seriously.

Xu Mei couldn't help but muttered: "Who knows if it's true."

Duo Yu glanced at Xu Mei, and that look made Xu Mei feel guilty.

The people on the side pulled Xu Mei to prevent her from continuing.

The Duoyu now is not the Duoyu before who could be easily bullied by them.

Has Xu Mei not realized this yet?

Looking resentfully at the many things in front of her, Xu Mei said nothing for the time being.

Once she finds an opportunity in the future, she will definitely not let it go.

Because of what I did today, my dormitory became much cleaner.

Although Xu Mei still often said some weird words, this was not a big deal to Duo Yu.

While Duoyu was studying hard, Qingdao University ushered in the holiday.

Shen Xinrou came to the Finance Department to find a lot of spare time before the holiday.

Xu Mei and the others saw Shen Xinrou coming to find Duo Yu, and then they believed it was true.

It turns out that Duoyu didn't lie, she is really Shen Xinrou's subordinate now.

"Xiao Yu, are we going for a walk?" Shen Xinrou asked, looking at Duo Yu.

Duoyu nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll go with you."

After Duoyu left, Xu Mei beside her said, "It turns out it's all true."

Why are there so many superfluous people?

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